It`s "FAMILY " Month at the Watchtower

by Beans 15 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Beans

    Yes Brothers and Sister the focus over the next few months is how to maintain good family life. But not only that the Watchtower will also tell you why there has been such an increase in single mothers in the last few years! As you know in the truth this does not exist as the perfect loving families can only be Jehovahs Witnesses. Now they are trying to lure in the Single Mother, it is like sheppard helping the wounded lamb!

    Unfortunatley they missed how loving families SHUN there loved ones! Perhaps the December issue will include Shunning tips!

    -How to avoid loved ones

    -Giving the cold shoulder in public places

    -Act like your Mother, Brother, Sister, Father don`t even exist

    -Turn the other cheek and hold up that Watchtower higher

  • sf



  • RunningMan

    This came up last week, in Mike Musto's thread. My comment is that they are very great supporters of the family, which they will emphasize in the following ways:

    - family participation in watchtower sales campaigns
    - family indoctrination sessions (studies)
    - unanimous attendance at group indoctrination sessions
    - family unity through ostrasizm of dissenting family members
    - and, of course, the annual January death pact (blood cards)

  • heathen

    I am surprised they didn't put out the special edition , Stop molesting family members , watchtower.

  • Scully


    I am surprised they didn't put out the special edition , Stop molesting family members , watchtower.

    You must have missed it. The main study article had the title "Keep it in the Family".

    Love, Scully

    Edited by - Scully on 30 September 2002 19:59:15

  • DanTheMan

    Yep, the boys in writing have been hard at work the past year preparing for this. The painful thing is, is that unless you're a fool, you realize that most if not all of the ideas and admonishments that they put in these cheesy family-values articles are practically plagiarized from the latest pop-psychology books. Then they throw a few scriptural references to give it a religious tone.

    But watch out for those worldy psychologists and philosophers, you know they are post-Armageddon birdfeed!

  • avengers
    nearly 12,000 congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses across the country will invest additional time and energy on bolstering healthy families and strengthening family ties

    What a laugh! Or should I barf?

    "The number of single mothers increased between 1970 and 2000, from 3 million to 10 million; over the same time frame, the number of single fathers increased also, from 393,000 to 2 million."
    I wonder who can be blamed for that? Not the Watchtower ofcourse. Screw these guys.
  • Jim_TX

    What really knocks my hat in the water are words like...

    " The U.S. Census Bureau report shows..." - WHAT report??? There is only 1??

    They always do this. They rarely quote the EXACT source of their words (unless they are quoting their own propaganda), and if they DO happen to give an exact source - they seem to neglect to give page and paragraph.

    This is shoddy journalism at its' worst.

    Another quote...

    " Many single parents who were consulted during the compiling of the Awake! articles recommended such factors as sound home management, commitment, balance, and communication as ingredients for success in building a strong family unit."

    No offense intended, but many single-parents are not well educated. These words used are multi-syllable - not usually used by high school drop-outs. College educated folks might use words like this... or those who get their 'college' edukashun from the 'Watchtower and Awake'.

    Sad - but most JWs will not see the anomalies in this press release.


    Jim TX

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    I would have no problem in voting jws as being banned from using the english language for eliciting so many lies. May the Lord make them dumb.

    Again the old third person commentary - this time the "various aspects of their community service".

    Q. who said that their work is "community service"?

    A. As always - themselves.

    I say without reserve that "their service" is an impediment to decency.


    Edited by - a paduan on 2 October 2002 9:35:19

  • starfish422

    EEK! Does this mean they're going to start celebrating mothers/fathers day? I was always told that they don't celebrate those days because you should be respectful and loving to your parents EVERY DAY!

    So they're going to put extra time and effort into spending time with their families this fall; and then to hell with it all eff. Dec 21/02?

    BTW, I haven't received an invite from my family yet; obviously they're letting it slip!

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