Am I the only 'fruit cake" here?

by Marilyn 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • think41self


    I agree with you....yucky citron flavor! None of that in my recipe. I'll make it for you sometime.

    Tracy of the once a southern belle class ahhhh to be young again.

  • DannyBear

    Shell my dear, you are the most lovable 'fruitcake' I know.

    Now excuse me I have to go barf.....your post made me sick.


  • ambush22

    you would only b a fruit cake if you were still in the"truth"

  • DannyBear


    Hey lady, from the picutes you have shared, I wager to say youth is no measure of your case I submit....that lucky Doug better appreciate it to!

    T has auburn hair just like you.....and 9 yrs younger than me, so my gray hairs are more bothersome than ever, she says it doesn't matter, but Doug and I know better.

    BearAss flirting.

  • Marilyn

    SJ, And to those others who only feel disgust when they see anything Watchtower. I normally do. For example, I cannot read a WT. I can't get more than a sentence in and I feel too irritated to read on. Same with their books. I don't feel drawn by seeing them in the street witnessing. It was just the sight of them in the convention. So many young attractive people, all dressed up. It was only when I listened to the speaker than I snapped out of it. He made me cringe.

    So many replies. I don't think Americans use the term "fruit cake" to denote someone being unhinged??


  • Roski

    Hello, I'm a relatively new Aussie here. In response to both Marilyn, Prisca and the Sunday program I have to say you have both made interesting points as did one other poster who, I think was referring to cognitive dissonace. When you grow up in the organisation it is definitely part of your cultural heritage and I think your life is always somehow tied to those early years of socialisation. Its part of the subconscious. As I know one of the speakers from that convention it was interesting to try and listen objectively to the information (which as Marilyn said, was a turn off) to the immediate emotive response of past shared experience. I have found that people who have not been subject to this early childhood experience are able to make -generally- quicker and more objective decisions in relation to the organisation. After the program I spoke to an elder's wife, and friend, who said that she had told her family she was sick of the lies and cover-ups and is seriously thinking of leaving the 'truth'. Her reasoning and ability to register the 'facts' is far better than mine was. I guess after leaving a high-control group, there is 'sometimes' a sense of loss, as chances are, this experience will not be repeated. I have found this to also be the case within certain cultures that are more homogeneous than ours. The response to shared experience cannot be totally avoided, whichever form that takes. Interesting....R.

  • Marilyn

    Roski, Welcome to the board. You said: Her reasoning and ability to register the 'facts' is far better than mine was. Of course your friend is yet to prove she has truly registered the facts. I think there is a twilight zone where Witnesses hang out periodically playing with the idea of escape and freedom. Many don't make it out and retreat back into denial and comfort. You made it though. :-)

    Your comment about registering the facts seems a very significan problem. I told the last callers at my door that there was no point in talking to them because they were unable to process factual information like normal people. I think back to my witnessing days and realise that I came away from many discussions feeling triumphant, when the reality was quite different. It was just my spin on it.

    It sounds like you've done a lot of healing? If you want to email me some time I'm [email protected] (I'm in melbourne but was a Tasweign during my dub years).

    Marilyn (my real name)

  • TR

    I've never felt the "pull" to go back. When I was a 'hovah, I used to secretly wish that I had never heard of the religion.


  • Beck_Melbourne


    I'm so glad to have read your post...especially this part:

    I feel irrationally drawn in. I feel the old pull. It's like I'm transported back in time and I'm not thinking, I'm responding to old emotion.

    I don't believe the WT and its teachings anymore, in fact I reflect on my whole WT experience with repugnance...yet I felt moved at that assembly and KH scene also. From the lyrics "Lets be Like Jeremiah" to the families holding hands during the prayer...and I got those warm fuzzies...even though I rejoice on a daily basis that I am free.
    I even questioned my warm fuzzies and thought 'eeeek does this mean I wanna make a COME BACK??'

    Not at all...I just felt a warm rush of memories...that was all.


  • Marilyn

    Hiya Beck, I'm glad I was able to help splain this phenomenom to others that encounter this feeling. It's a bit disturbing, and yes the mind then questions what the hell is happening here? Does it mean that deep down I really believe it? What am I meant to do about how wrong they are? No warm fuzzies about that aspect!!! I once heard that the brain has channels of thought. I think seeing the gathering of dubbies caused that old thought channel to dominate, just briefly.

    I know you don't have any doubts or secret feelings that it's the truth. Me either. I would wither and die if I had to go back to the Org., - same with you I'm sure! But I wanted to throw the odd feeling open to discussion. So glad I did.


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