Greetings from New York!

by safe4kids 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • Had Enough
    Had Enough

    Hiya Dana:

    Great to hear from you and glad you are enjoying your experience. I really wish I could have shared in this great event with you and Brenda and all the others. I know how exhilarating it is to meet posters from the board and to be able to share in such a rewarding event would have been a real honour.

    I'm looking forward to chatting with you when you get home and again want to say BRAVO to you all!!!!

    Had Enough

  • nowaytess

    It was great meeting you yesterday.

    I think you stayed in the Pan American? It got a little rowdy lasttnight at the hotel, huh? I mean with the internet machine in the lobby. Then when all those news reports were were being shown. I think we woke the whole hotel with joyful shouts of the victory!

    I can't say how powerfult eh experice was. It was for me.

  • safe4kids

    Well, I made it home in one piece, although there were a few moments in different cabs where that outcome was highly questionable

    Footprints and Imanalien, thanks for the safe return wishes and yes, it was absolutely exhilarating. One of the coolest things I've ever experienced. Wish you all could have been there with us.

    Jst2, it was great meeting you and Joy. I so enjoyed our conversation Friday night, I only wish that I could have had more time to spend with you both. Guess I'll just have to start making plans to visit north's next weekend sound for you? And YES I was worn out when I posted this thread...and I'm STILL worn out! LOL

    GrannyLinda, thank you! I'm so happy I was able to be there and be a part of the march, as well as getting to meet and spend time with some of the wonderful people who were there.

    Hiyas Ven, I think I'm already having withdrawal!!!! LOL What a weekend...what a town. And what an awesome group of folks. Tell your parents howdy for me...and please tell your mom that I feel like I've known her forever She can take that any way she wants!

    DoubleEdge, yes it was incredibly exhilarating. I wish that everyone could have been there. As it was, I met so many people that it's all a big whirl in my mind...I wouldn't have missed it for the world.

    ((((LadyLee)))) Your poem was SOOO moving; you've quite a talent. I was thinking of you during the march, and of course when Brenda read your poem for all of us to hear. BTW...did she tell you that your poem and lambs were part of a very small group that actually made it to the steps of the WTS?? I was so glad Brenda was able to accomplish that.

    Hey Yeru, sorry you couldn't join us. It would have been great to meet you. As it turned out, I think I DID go everywhere! LOL At least, my legs and my feet feel like I did

    ((((((HadEnough))))) Ahhh, dear lady, you were certainly on my mind a lot this weekend. I was so happy to see Brenda again, and we had a chance on Friday to catch up a bit, but we missed you very much. One thing that meant a lot to me was that Brenda and I were able to stay pretty close to each other before, during and after the march...I can't really explain it but I felt the connection the whole time and it meant a lot to me. I am so very glad that I went to Toronto last year and met you two; I tell everyone who will listen that I feel as though I've made two friends for life. Love ya!!

    Hey Nowaytess! I'm very happy to have met you too and it was great to be able to march together, hey? As for the PanAmerican, no I wasn't there, although if I hadn't been so tired Friday night, I would have loved to have come over and visited with everyone. So things got rowdy hey?? LOLOL We were a pretty rowdy group on Friday night too, especially while watching the news broadcast of the march. Heheheh, I wondered if there were any complaints about the noise we made! Were you able to see the news at 10 that night? I'm hoping someone will be able to post a video clip of it; it was great. And especially interesting at how the WTS has no compunction about lying and half truths...gutless wonders is what they are.

    Thanks to all of you again for your replies. The only bad thing about the weekend was having to leave BUT I know that someday, somehow I will be going back to NYC and I will always have the joy and satisfaction of having been there and participating in the march. I only wish that EVERYONE could have joined in it as well.


    Edited by - safe4kids on 30 September 2002 8:9:34

  • Angharad

    Welcome back Dana

    The march looked fantastic, wish we could have been there too.

  • safe4kids

    Hey ((((((Harry)))))!!!

    Yup, I thought about you and wished that you could have made it over to join us. But then and Venice and I loose in NYC??!!! Scary huh?


  • Tinkerbell4125

    Safe4kids, well I am sitting here and I am so jealous!!!!!!! I wished so much that I could go and be with you guys! I'm just now getting over my surgury and I'm feeling much better today. CC and I met Bill and Barbara and Joe and many more a few weeks back at a in Nashville. We all have a really nice visit. Post pic's if ya got'tem!


  • safe4kids

    Hey Tinkerbell

    I'm happy to hear that you're feeling better, and I'm so sorry that you couldn't be with us on Friday. It was a very moving and empowering experience.

    I've got some pics but I'm not sure how to post 'em and I'm afraid that some of the subjects in said pics will kill me if I put them up anyway

    As for the Bowens and the Andersons, yes they are very nice folks and I enjoyed visiting with them as well...btw, forgive me, but who is CC?


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