I'm new

by asortafairytale 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    Welcome to this board, it's a great place to start. Almost everyone here has felt just like you when they started learning the truth about "the truth." I was raised in the borg and didn't start having doubts until I was 40. Thank God you are getting out while you still have most of your life left. I won't kid you, it's a long process and I still get the urge to go back sometimes, not because I think it's the truth, but because it would be easier dealing with family members if I went back. I have actually tried it a few times, even went to the district convention this summer, but knowing what I know now, I can never go back to believing the lies.

    Hang in there.

  • Windchaser

    Welcome, asorta!!!!! Hang in there!



  • freedom96

    Welcome to the board. The one suggestion I have is to do extensive research on the Watchtower, and many here are willing to help out and answer questions. There are a few excellent books out there on the subject.

    For me, once I realized through research that the Watchtower is in no way God's organization, then it was much easier not to feel guilty. Now, I am guilt free, and I know in my heart, that for once there is no doubt.

    Not only the Watchtower policies and beliefs that are wrong, but what they do to hurt people, no way is that God's way.

  • Solace

    Welcome to the board.

    I was also raised a witness but never baptized. Came close a few times but never went through with it. My family doesnt completely shun me since I was never baptized, I could not be disfellowshipped. They usually use guilt tactics when bringing up religion. They try to play on my emotions so I think I know what you mean about feeling torn. Talking with others going through similar experiences has been a big help for me.

    Take care.

  • Swan

    To asortafairytale (like your screen name, BTW), a great big ...


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    the tug 0 is old mind control techniques they use.

    the more information you have and the more support on the outside the less you will feel tempted

  • ambush22

    Welcome i was also raised as a wittness and have become very jaded towards all organized religion, I am new also its good 2 have like minded people to talk 2 so enjoy this forum

  • onacruse

    Welcome, asortafairytale!

    I went back once (was reinstated in 1981) and stayed in for another 18 years. One of the very biggest mistakes I ever made in my life.

    But, as you and others here commented, the "tug" is tremendously powerful, especially for those of us who were raised in the troof, and for whom almost all of our family and friends were dubs.

    I wouldn't trade the freedom and happiness I now have for all the treasure on earth!


  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Hey, Welcome to the forum! I am the person that Ephy mentioned.....

    "Someone else who will write later -- perhaps after she gets back from out of town -- is in similar shoes as you -- i.e., having a partner that can't quite understand the horrid attachment to the organization."

    Check your email.


    Edited by - Fire Dragon on 29 September 2002 11:24:12

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