Attack on Iraq a Bush family thing..

by kelsey007 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • sf

    {{{{{{{{May William Cooper rest in peace}}}}}}

    Those bastards!

    Don't forget to read (study) the attached insert in Will's book.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Granny Linda, a few months ago I listed such names on this forum and we had two (smart -ss) know it all characters said, I didn't know what I was talking about.

    All the information that you know of, is on the internet. This information is no secret, it's just a matter of comparing all the sources on this subject. What's so difficult about doing personal research, laziness?

    Guest 77

  • Gywen

    I mean this in the most respectful way possible.

    Do you fear an evil conspiracy by a covert group such as Satan, A One World Government, the Antichrist, the Illuminati, the CIA, etc, to take over the world and enslave everyone?

    I mean this seriously, and respectfully. But if you answer yes to this, I submit to you that you are suffering from the effects of the paranoia instilled by being subjected to the mind control of cults like the WT. It will require specialized exit-counseling to help you get past. I am saying you need help.

    I am an ex-JW who seriously started studying such conspiracies regarding the One World Government, the Shadow Governement, the Illuminati and so on. Fortunately, I managed to recover. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that there aren't men who conspire... I am saying that there is no such evil conspiracy to take over the world and enslave everyone. God is greater than any such group (if it exists).

    Seriously, check out this site if you suffer from such paranoia. I say this as a concerned friend who is now an ex-JW.

    Take care

  • TheEye

    This entire post is completely absurd.

  • sf

    (taking Guest 77 by the hand now and leading him INto Paradise)

    We all fell for the WT KRAP SOCIETY too, didn't we?? Weren't we CONvinced it WAS TheTruth? Then we studied our way out of the mindtrap we still held as residual. USED OUR SEARCH ENGINES and Guess What?? We 'stumbled' on DOCUMENTS and 'such' (oh my). Go figure that we would EVER expect to see the PRESTINE WT SOCIETY'S name on anything other than their litterature...OH ME OH MY.

    It is reduntant also, to tell others that just because what YOUR research CONCLUDED for YOU (conclusion=mind made room for more...door shut) that it is indeed truth, by YOUR conclusions.

    See, thing is for ME...ME....and only ME, I have NOT yet concluded anything since I began researching this topic two years ago. My mind will always stay opened....ALWAYS. That way, there's always room for more. Well, it works for me just fine. So I am just going to keep at the research:


    sKally, serf Klass

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Gywen, so the 500 year history of how the Europeans stole and killed Native American Indians for their LAND, is paranoia?

    Sorry, you better try another approach.

    Guest 77

  • kelsey007

    What about "Forbidden Truth" by a French author-

    Guest 77- I am sure that they would rather not talk about how the good old white man kicked american indian butt to take over the land we now call the USA. You are proably right. In the years to come that will fall in with all the other paranoria stuff we would dismiss for fear of thinking outside the BOX (cable news box).

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    kelsey, they never kicked their butt. Through systematic covert operations such as giving them infested smallpox blankets they slowly but surely were able to diminish their powerful leaders.

    Native American Indians culture was sharing. Who do you think fed and clothed the European 'boat' people? Why is it that during the Europeans wars in North American many Europeans and blacks took shelter among the Indians? Yes, why? Where do you think the American Constitution is based on? Learn who Franklin and Jefferson spent most of their time with and why? You won't find the answers to these questions in your secular schools, why?

    The same group of people who stole and killed Native people are now doing it to others on an international level!

    Guest 77

  • Gywen

    Guest 77

    Hi. I'm curious...Northern American indians losing their land during the last 500 years means what again?

    Does this imply that there is an evil conspiracy by a covert group such as Satan, A One World Government, the Antichrist, the Illuminati, the CIA, etc, to take over the world and enslave everyone? I'm curious how you are connecting those two concepts.

    Muslims killed all the Christians in northern Africa, and control the land to this day. Romans took over vast amounts of land until the Roman empire fell. What do all these things mean to you? This is sort of like an ink blot. I am wondering how you interpret people losing their land, and this implies what kind of conspiracy to you throughout time?


  • kelsey007

    It only means that man is capable of many evil deeds- even those that he covers over- whitewashes and denies.

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