Hi-I'm new here

by had_enough 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • had_enough

    Thanks Englishman for your encouraging words. I've enjoyed reading many of your posts.

    Your name "Englishman" reminded me of my dad who was from England and settled in Canada years ago. He died a few years back and I wish he was here now because I would love to talk all this over with him and I know we could be on the same wavelength. He was an elder for years but was always quietly troubled by having to serve on committees DF'ing people who just had problems needing help.
    Then when I was DF'd, I briefly went to live with my parents because I had left my marriage, had no job therefore no income to get a place to live and all my family were JW's. The whole time I was there (a few months until I found a job and an apartment) the elders hounded him to get me out of there. He refused, and refused their request for a meeting with him, so they deleted him as an elder after being one since the start of the elder program. I was so proud of him for standing up to them, but to announce his deletion in one sentence after the meeting, after all his 40 some years in the truth, was such a low-blow. I still feel his pain though and wish he was here now to experience some of this healing power.

    Thanks again for the help...I'm looking forward to more thoughts from you and hope I can sometime contribute to someone elses healing.

    had enough

  • JT

    Had Enough

    all i got to say is:

    U GO GIRL!!!!!!!!!

  • RedhorseWoman

    Welcome, Had_Enough. This board is a great place to help you ease yourself back into life after the BOrg. We've all been through one issue or another, and someone here will be able to relate to your experience and help you over the rough spots. Funny, isn't it? We don't shun anyone here.

  • Esmeralda

    Hi had_enough,

    we're all glad to have you here. You are definitely on the rollercoaster that we've all been on before,
    some of us are still on it because of JW relatives.

    Thank you so much for sharing your story with us. You have a lot of courage and I hope that
    you'll find the support here that you're looking for!

    *hugs* and again, welcome!


  • nogs

    well had-enough says it all really, your story made me a little tearful as it seems you have had a rough time. My story is on the depression forum and I had my own battles, a couple years ago I thought the ideal was to be a pioneer and marry an elder, I was never thought of as the right stuff, even though I tried. You was an elders wife and your story shows me that you wasn't happy and for your story I thank you as it has strengthened my choice to leave. We are all here because one way or another we feel different and ppl who we meet don't understand the power of what those teachings do to us, so many ppl yo-yo in the JW's they leave they go back they leave they go back, but making the decision to leave and keeping to it will make you well, we understand and we will be your strength to lean on.


  • eyes_opened

    Welcome Had-Enough!

    Great to have you with us :)


  • Freenow

    Hi had_enough
    It is a pleasure and i rejoyce to have one more person FREE FREE FREE and out of the control of this Bad organization.
    You will feel FREE and Secure here.

    One more time Hugs and welcome

  • had_enough

    Thank you all for such a warm welcome. Your responses touched my heart so deeply.
    I couldn't get back on my computer yesterday to thank you all then...it was being used for work..so now that I've dried my tears, I want you all to know I'm so grateful I've found this avenue of support.
    Several of you mentioned I'm on a rollarcoaster ride now and I can surely agree. I'm so sad that I've spent so much of my life following what others say instead of thinking things through and searching out for the truth. I was so sure this was the only right way to worship Jehovah and that this organization was the only one identified by their love for one another and neighbour. When things happened to seem contrary to that, like so many others I shrugged my shoulders and said Jehovah will straighten it out in due time.
    I'm at least happy for the Bible training I received (although right now my mind spins around and flip flops all over the place)and for the good qualities we were taught to cultivate.

    When I read your responses of empathy and welcomes and your HUGS, I was overwhelmed.

    And to read of how some of you have felt exactly as I did like "outnfee" who said to a friend " that one of the reasons we felt so special and blessed was becaus OUR religion could understand those time prophecies!". I often said the same thing and that prophecies being fulfilled in our time was such an important feature in my conviction. Seeing how just making a small adjustment to a word, when one of the GB translated the NWT, could be used to support such a vital part of our belief in the Gentile times and the time of the end, just knocked the wind out of me. But still its been so satisfiying to have come to know that when I search out the context of a scripture and I disagree with something the WBTS says, I'm not rebelling against Jehovah.

    Anyway THANK YOU ALL again for your encouragement and adding to my conviction that I'm doing the right thing. My heart is no longer in going to the meetings even though I'm still in good standing. I know I'll have many more days of questioning, venting, tears, rehashing old hurts, but I also know I feel very happy at being able to see things with open eyes now... even though sometimes your stories just make my jaw drop in shock at how much has gone on, things that most of those, still deeply embedded in the rules and regulations that can't be supported in the Bible, do not know about. I can only hope that the time will come when more and more witnesses will open their eyes and search for the truth and not just blindly follow what men say.

    Happy to have met you all and I look forward to further chats...I'll try no to be so long-winded...but venting has helped me so much.

    Love to all...

    had enough

  • Tallyman

    Had Enuff,

    Just the other day, I was talking to an X-Dub-Elder
    what it was that clinched it for him leaving the Kult.

    He just said because he was "fed up"... (sounds like "had enough")

    And I thought in a cause of a person being fed up or had enough
    with the WTSociety...

    ...it really is a case of STARVATION along with being a GLUTTON-For-Punishment.

    Welcome here.

    You are, for the most part, amongst friends/kindred spirits.

    It sure beats the heck out of ALL the Phoney Phriends at the KH.


  • Carmel


    Two thumbs up for ya! (((((((nuf))))))

    Great expression of what many of us have experianced!


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