Pet Peeves

by jgnat 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • jgnat

    I am bored today. Want to help me make a list of Pet Peeves? Any subject.

    1. "It is all your fault"
    2. "A real Christian wouldn't do/say that."
    3. Winter
    4. True Christians ( compared to what?)
    5. The Faithful and Discreet Slave ( what is Discreet about a Judicial Committee? W hen is the last time the Anointed got on their knees and washed the feet of their brothers?)
    6. Lane changers who don't signal or shoulder check.
    7. Toothpaste tubes with no cap.
    8. "You could never understand my pain."
    9. Phone solicitors - especially newspaper phone solicitors.
    10. Health nuts foisting the herb-du-jour on my latest ailment.
    11. Empty toilet paper holders.
  • LuckyLucy

    People who throw trash next to a trash can.
  • Francois

    People who drive 20 mph slower than the limit in the left lane.

  • anyavnclv

    people who drive 20 miles per hour then whip across 2 lanes going 70 miles per hour to turn into the olive garden. :oD Or do we only have this problem in florida?

  • Lin

    Toilet paper rolling from underneath rather than the Proper (LOL) way Over the Top!

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    People that spit.......I think that is very low class. It really yucks me out! (((shudder)))

  • benext

    1. People who hold the elevator door open while holding a conversation with someone outside.

    2. People to whom I'm telling an experience that happened to me try to finish it.

    3. People who turn the page when I'm trying to read the paper over their shoulder.

  • StinkyPantz

    -Talking with food in your mouth (especially on the phone)

    -People talking on cell phone's while driving, in the movie theater and during class

  • mamashel

    HI Stranger!!!!

    People who leave and dont come to chat in a long time. Just kiddin

    Miss ya! talk to ya soon.


  • TTBoy

    The fact that any moron can get a drivers liscence in the US

    People think I'm a bad driver because they don't like the way I drive.

    The same people who think I'm a bad driver are:

    On their cell phone, putting make-up on, eating, have one hand on the wheel, have never attended a drivers traing school (drivers ed is a complete joke), have no clue what their car will or can do in a panic situation, drive with bald or mismatched tires, have crap falling off their car that I have to dodge, don't check their blind spot and think I caused them to swerve, drive a mini-van, tailgate, cause me to get into accidents because of their stupidity, make a right turn from the left hand through lane and cause me to get into an accident, don't understand the concept of a double turn lane, don't have insurance, drive those late 70's "tanks" that are completely unsafe, have their rear view mirror pointed at their face so they can see how they look, don't use turn signals, don't put their headlights on in bad weather (why do you think there are day time running lamps)..........I think I've made my point.

    Edited by - TTBoy on 25 September 2002 18:43:37

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