I am JOANNA destroyer of Marriage!

by joannadandy 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • joannadandy

    Ok just to cover my bum, I am not against marriage per-say. So all you happily married folk leave me alone. I am sufficently single and bitter at your happiness.

    However, I am against marriage when a dear friend of mine is married to a worthless sponge.

    Today I got an IM out of the blue from a friend of mine who I lost touch with a couple years ago. She and I were both quite fed up with the dub mentality. We had only known nasty evil elder wives, horrible teens who did drugs and stole car stereos, but were viewed as superior to us because we didn't go out in service as much as they did. She was diagnosed with diabetes (at 20--that's pretty scary) and stopped being a regular pioneer. To which the elders crabbed at her for letting a minor thing like a major health problem effect her spirituality. That was her final straw. She and I spent hours talking about how awful the Borg was and swore to never look back. She began dating a worldly guy and quit meetings all together. I on the other head decided to try my hand at this "Doubl-life" stuff I had read so much about in young people ask. (Don't knock it till you tried it--ok I take that back, it was awful, I was a guilt ridden mess (first for being untrue to the Dubs, then for being untrue to myself))

    Anywho-She ended up really falling for this guy. I could never figure out why. He was a sponge. She met him off the internet. They went out twice. Their third date he moved in with her because his roomates were kicking him out and he needed a place to stay "temporarily" (Anyone see any red flags yet?)

    Fastforward again. Our friendship was on the rocks cuz I hated this guy. He had three kids from two different women--couldn't pay child support, wasn't working, major pot head, quit any little part-time job he had cuz it wasn't "his style", so my friend had to take extra jobs to help pay for her temorary guest who she happened to be madly in love with.

    She and I drifted further and further apart. I met her for a drink one night before I left on vacation. Things were not good with him. She was thinking of breaking up with him. I said "DO IT!" She said "Yeah, but he can be sweet, I can't blame him for the tough spot he is in now" me: "LEAVE HIM!" She chuckled, "Don't worry I am giving it some very serious thought, and he has to do a lot of work to convince me to stay with him. We are going to have a long talk"

    I never did find out how that talk went. When I came back from my trip to Florida two weeks later, they were married.

    We talked on the phone, but I never visted her once while they were married. I was furious. After all the tears she had shed over this guy, after all the talk we had had about her leaving him, she went and married him! Maybe I was bitter. I do feel guilty for abandoning her like that, but in my mind she had made her choice, and it was one I could not in good faith support.

    Fastforward to tonight. I get an IM out of nowhere from her. We exchange pleasantries. She has been re-instated. (no comment) Over and over she kept saying how married life was hard. I made no mention other than "yeah that's what I hear". Biting my tongue. Then she said; "Don't ever get married--it's too hard...honestly I am thinking about doing the D-word" Well I couldn't bite my tongue anymore. I told her all about what a crap head I thought he was, how I stopped hanging out with her because of him and I always thought she could do better and I hated to see how he brought her down. He did bring her down!! I haven't even told you all the half of it!

    She told me she had been praying about it. (no comment) And that she thought I was right. She appreciated my honesty, and she really needed support from someone. (Go figure all our dub friends still won't speak to her even tho she has been re-instated since Feb, because she is married to an unbeliever--what is that scriptural encouragement the brothers always give about single parents, those married to unbelievers, and what not?? -- typical dub crap, (and yes I did say that to her too) but she ignored that comment). She said she was so glad she ran into me tonight. Meanwhile I kept chanting "DIVORCE, DIVORCE, DIVORCE!" Maybe my advice will sink in this time. And maybe God does answer prayers--he sent me to her tonight to convince her to get a divorce. Hahaha--wonder what the elders would make of that?

    Meanwhile, after she dumps his ass, then I will try to get her disfellowshipped/disassociated again, so she can join me on the dark side! HA! And to do that, all I will need to do is be the true friend to her, that dubs refuse/can never be. I'm not going to turn my back on her again, that's for damn sure....

    (Sorry guys, I just had to vent)

  • Swan

    How many does this make now, Joanna? Can we count the married guy you met at work yet, or are you still working on him?

    Keep up the good work, you little home-wrecker you!


  • sisteract

    wow joanna, that must have been so hard for you to see her in such pain and unhappiness. sounds like she really needs a TRUE FRIEND and that you're her only normal and realistic reference point. she's going to need alot of reminders, and you speaking up only validates what she sees and is experiencing. it may take a little time and alot of patience, but it will be worth it.

    good luck

    ps. a quick experience of mine was when i was in a df'd state and very depressed, drinking and suicidal. out of desperateness i called one of the "friends" and they would not speak to me. i decided to call a sister who was considered very weak in the truth and she jumped to my rescue that night. twice previous i had tried to od on rx pills, and i never forgot that how she helped me out that night. i thought "thank god for the weak and worldly people or i might be dead".

    your friend will not forget what you do


  • joannadandy

    Actually Swan I haven't ruined it yet. But I am trying my best!

    And I have never actually broken one up before, but I did convince my best friend to dump his girlfriend once...so that is sort of similar.

    Pfff---the guy at work is off limits. Not interested in that...

    So I guess the actual count of ruined marriages is still at zero. But I shall keep you posted should I get her to commit!

  • MegaDude


    you're a true friend, and a true friend tells the truth because they care.

  • joannadandy


    Thank you for sharing that...that makes me feel so good to hear that (not that suicide part mind you--) I really hope I can get her out of this...

  • Swan

    You're like me Joanna, the only marriages you destroy are the bad ones!

    I'm glad your friend got in touch with you. It sounds like she remembered what you said before and wanted you to give her the swift kick in the butt that she was already giving herself mentally.


    Edited by - Swan on 23 September 2002 23:43:54

  • Sentinel

    You know, I read your whole story, and it just makes me think that it's so easy for most of us to stand back and view someone else's life and give them advice, and yet, when we find ourselves in the same spot, it's a whole different story. I've been like that myself. I think, ahhh, but he won't be like that, or he won't treat me that way. Things will be different for us.

    Guess things just are obvious to us because we aren't as emotionally envolved. We can look at the whole picture rationally and without emotion. I think that's the key. I've had so many friends who bent my ear and asked for advice and then went ahead and did what they wanted anyway. They thought that surely it would turn out good for them. NOT

    Experience is just that. You can't get experience by never getting into rough situations. Living through those experiences make you more apt to not repeat them every again.

    You must feel so frustrated with your friend. I mean, couldn't she see what a scumbag he was? No, she had to actually marry the guy, and then go and get reinstated to boot. What a double wammy for her. But, it's her mess. All you can do is be a supportive friend and help her get through it.

    That's what friends are for.


  • riotgirlpeeps

    I had to res this post because all, it is and was about me.

    For being in a f'd place in my life and listening to the advice of my dub parents I stayed with him longer than I should have.

    The process began a year ago-and as of 1/31/2005 it was officially done.

    Best thing I ever did for myself, and a major learning experience.

    Joanna's blunt honesty did help, because I needed to hear that from someone, even though I chose to ignore the red flags because no one else in my life would tell me.

    The most ironic part of it all, after having them tell me not to take divorce lightly was to have my mom say: You could have told us how hard it was a year ago and divorced him then.

    Thanks mom, I like to keep private life private, and thanks for the reverse psychology especially after making me feel guilty as anything for it.

    My life now, divorced, happy, exiting the org for good this time around. And absolutely ecstatic to have support from people like Joanna.

    Thank you for not giving up on me when everyone else did.

  • Crumpet

    What a lovely story - its nice to know how these stories end riotgirl!

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