Where I Went For Help.

by Sentinel 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • FreeFallin


    Thank you for the wake-up call. Had to stop typing cause I'm crying too hard to see. Just reading the words How to deal with the loss of a parent did it. It's been two years and I can't seem to get over it. No matter how much doubt I had about the "truth," I always thought I would see her soon in the new order. Now realizing that isn't going to happen is devastating.

    I'll see if I can order it thru Amazon.



  • Sentinel


    I'm so glad you saw that one. It will really help you. Lots of times, I would go to the used book stores and just see what I could find. Many of my books are used. Before buying even a used copy on Amazon, you might go that route. It can save you lots of money if you buy lots of books.

    Also, losing a parent is a very significant thing. One might think one should be able to just "get over it". I have to tell you that no matter how old a child gets, when they lose a parent, they are saying goodbye to a part of themselves. It's well worth trying to understand the reasons for that.

    Take care, and let me know how it goes. You are on the road of the journey of your life, and it's a very exciting place to be.


    Edited by - Sentinel on 24 September 2002 12:14:29

  • LDH

    Well I can honestly plead ignorant. I've never read any of those books.

    Or Ray Franz' for that matter. I'm a bad girl.

    But the list is a good one. I guess I'm just going to figure it out as I go along. I think I've had enough of books telling me how to live, LOL.


  • Sentinel


    Never feel you have to apologize for "where you are at the moment". For many years, I was totally "dormant". I was so tired of "feeling" anything. I didn't want someone else suggesting how I should live my life, even if it was in a book. Like you, reading anything deep was not what I looked for. But, that began to change, as I began to change.

    We all have our own special journey, and we get help from all areas as we need it and seek it out. Mine came from books, mostly because I couldn't afford a therapist during my years of trying to cope and figure out how to live "outside" of the JW philosphy and rules. Perhaps if I'd had the net then, I wouldn't have gone so much in that direction, but would have used the computer as my tool.

    Granted, JW's had lots of books and magazines and bibles, but they were all of the JW twist. It has been especially gratifying to me to be able to have to freedom to educate myself and read all types of material without being judged or labeld.

    Also, I love to read! I like to read about the history of mankind and the philosophies of other belief systems. I like biographies and true stories about life's experiences, and educational stuff, from the mental to the physical part of the body, and how to be productive with my life and get rid of lots of the JW baggage.

    Welp, that's just me, I guess. Thanks for your reply.

  • plmkrzy
    Also, I love to read!

    I Guess.........

    I have only read a couple of those on your list, "Dianetics" being one. This book was rather interesting and can be helpful, if most of it is thrown out .

    I think I was around 18 when I read that one.

    I did like the "Ingram" theory. It made a lot of sense. However beyond that I found it to be, borderline dangerous. After I really started getting into the book I began to see a pattern and the red flags went up. Very cultish in a sneak-up-on-you kinda way I had not seen in other "cults" prior to that.


  • sOOner

    Now I can relate to this list,great reads...




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