'Amazing', please answer........

by sf 10 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi SF:

    Another question, if you will: Are elders, P.O.s CO.s D.O.s, accustomed to renting or leasing cars while traveling?

    A PO who travels, especially for business might rent cars. I did, though not a PO, I was Secretary. As for COs and DOs, they usually own a car or truck on their own, or the circuit /district buys it for them. If they travel to the Society in New York via plane, their trip might well be paid for themselves, or possibly the Circuit or in some cases the Society, though the latter is not common. In those cases they may be picked up and escorted to the Watchtower headquarters, or they might use public tranportation such as a limosine, or airporter, or maybe even a taxi.

    Leasing a car is not likely. It is possible that some COs or DOs lease long term rather than purchase, as this can be more cost effective. There is a company called Circuit Leasing that is related to the Society. I am aware that they take CO and DO cars back on trade in, and they lease cars, but I do not know whether they lease to COs and DOs ... but its not far fetched.

    POs are never provided cars by the Circuits or Districts, as this is an exclusive feature for COs and DOs. POs might lease cars, but they do so on their own financial strength and for their own decision, not realted to the Society.

    Also, are elders teenage-college aged kids on these car leases?

    Not if it is in anyway connected to the Society. For example, if a CO has a son at Bethel who travels to see his family and uses the Leased car he might be placed on the insurance. But the lease would be helded by the Circuit or District as Lessor.

    If a local Elder or PO leases a car for his own personal use, it is unlikely he would have a teenage or young adult child on the Lease as any type of co-lessor ... but it is possible if he is helping his child to have a car ... but to have his child on the insurance is more likely ... none of this, however, would have any connection to the Watchtower Society. - Hope that helps.

    Edited by - Amazing on 21 September 2002 0:30:38

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