email: naive JW sister, YOUR SUGGESTIONS?

by Quotes 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quotes

    Here is what I just sent off. I did not lie. I did not misrepresent. Everything I said here is TRUE! Remember, this letter was sent to [email protected], and this response makes sense as coming from that same person/group.

    Dear [name removed] Thanks for writing to us once again. It is truly our pleasure to hear from you! We met so many people this past summer, we can't say for sure if we remember seeing you personally. Feel free to send a small picture of yourself to help our memory. Do you remember the name of the person(s) you met here? Perhaps you have a photo of you together with them. At any rate we are pleased you are continuing your study of, and search for, truth. No doubt you find our website extremely useful in your studies. If you can, please study our website often. ( It would also be great to show some of this information to your father, who doesn't share your faith. We believe this will be truly beneficial for him. Perhaps you could simply say "Dad, here is something interesting I would like to share with you" and then show him the web page. Or leave the computer logged into our site when you know you dad will come by and see it. By the way, some of the best web pages for opening people's eyes are the following: These are only recommendations, really any of the information at our site should truly be beneficial to both you and your entire family, especially your father. We can not address directly the requirements for Bethel, however study and knowledge are always important, no matter where one ends up in this life. Again, we urge you to study the above mentioned points. With much brotherly (agape) love, [email protected]

    Edited by - Quotes on 19 September 2002 22:15:30

  • RunningMan

    I would strongly suggest that you answer like this:

    Dear sister xxxxx:

    Thank you for your e-mail and your interest in bethel service.

    Unfortunately, due to your menstrual cycle and inferior brain size, you will likely never qualify for bethel service (see the August 22, 1967 Awake magazine for details).

    I am sure that you appreciate that God has ordained the role of the woman as being the servant of man, therefore, we recommend that you find yourself a suitable husband, and don't worry your pretty little head about these matters.

    - Your brothers.

  • minimus

    Do yall think that maybe she's just havin a little fun with ya? Maybe she's getting a real laugh out of this herself.

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