vulture population rising

by og 39 Replies latest jw friends

  • Room 215
    Room 215

    This vulture proliferation story is another of those JW Urban Myths that the bored-to-death dubbies resurrect from time to time. It's been around in one form or another since Judge Ratherflawed's days.

  • larc


    What should we do? I say, apostates unite and kill off the vultures.

  • og
    This vulture proliferation story is another of those JW Urban Myths that the bored-to-death dubbies resurrect from time to time. It's been around in one form or another since Judge Ratherflawed's days.

    Well, duh.

  • og

    larc, we should definitely unite. Under my leadership of course, since I'm the one being used as God's channel.

  • Scully

    What I want to know is this:

    Who is going to clean up all that nasty vulture poop??

    Love, Scully
    Vulture-Kibble Klass

  • Elsewhere

    OMG!!! We're all going to die!!!!!!!!!!!!

    [Running to the nearest Kingdom Hall praying for forgivness and placing Watchtowers at all the houses on my way]

  • IslandWoman

    Unfortunately the greatest increase of vultures is in the Watchtower Org. itself. "1980" cleansing tactics are about to come to the congregations now. I know its already started in Long Island where I've heard that sudden inactivity is being met with distrust and accusations of apostasy. Brooklyn has also instructed some elders to ask direct questions aimed at forcing the newly inactive publisher to state their support for the Tower.

    The Watchtower is cutting its own throat.


  • og
    I know its already started in Long Island where I've heard that sudden inactivity is being met with distrust and accusations of apostasy. Brooklyn has also instructed some elders to ask direct questions aimed at forcing the newly inactive publisher to state their support for the Tower.

    If I could be serious for just a moment - this is exactly the kind of statement I'm satirizing here. Do you have any support for this statement?

  • dyan4help

    Maybe the vultures they are talking about don't have feathers !!


  • IslandWoman


    Do you have any support for this statement?

    Of course I do. Why do you ask?


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