Questions to ask after July broadcast

by scooterspank 12 Replies latest jw friends

  • Listener

    What I'd really like to ask is - Why do you think that Anthony Morris talks about wordly people and the media talking about JWs as only being lies and persecution then immediately goes on to talk about child abuse? Could the reason be is that they want the JW to think that any child abuse reports that they hear are just lies, fabrications and exaggerated stories?

    What I would ask is - Does the organization, with it's position of authority urge JWs (parents etc.) to report child abuse to the police/authorities? From reports made here I think the answer would be yes in most cases. I would then suggest that this is not the case and if you listen closely to Morris he says they do not discourage it. I would explain how this alone has caused many problems and resulted in much unnecessary abuse and abusers have not had to answer to police or courts. No doubt they would still not believe me that the org. does not encourage reporting. I would leave them with the quest to find something, anything written by the organization which actually encourages the reporting.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    "Are the Org's comments simply a damage limitation exercise as a result of the outcome of the Conti case, the upcoming BBC Radio 4 program on how J.W.'s mis/handle child sex abuse cases, (Thursday 9/7/15 at 20.00) and the pending U.K. Charities Commission's inquiry into the Org's practices concerning paedophiles?"

    Most J.W.'s wouldn't have a clue what you were talking about!

  • joe134cd
    Jee dear I wonder where I could find a copy of their policies and procedures for dealing with child abuse .

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