A couple of ??'s

by JG 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Elsewhere

    Well... now i know what to ask the momons next time they come to my door.

    "Yeah, I got a question... I hear ya gotta wear special underwear. Whats up with that?"

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hi Sean,

    You asked, "is there anything such as a Jack Witness? This is what my wife seems to be wanting to do. She went to the bar w/ me last weekend, bought me a birthday present atttends church with me when I go etc."

    I've never heard the term "Jack Witness" applied to anyone, but when you reminded us of "Jack Mormons" I do recall hearing that term.

    I would say your wife's behavior is based on her loving YOU more than she loves the diapered old fruit bags who run the Borg. That's a good thing. By the way, witnesses are not teetotalers - JF Rutherford was a notorious alcoholic who preached AGAINST Prohibition, but the witnesses would frown on the birthday gifts and attending services at another church.

    From what I understand You have to wear all natural cotton underwear after you are baptised...

    So nylon panties would be out? *sigh*

    I have heard that it is only when you go to temple and I have heard that is all of the time

    "Semper Ubi Sub Ubi" (Always wear under wear)

  • Stephanus

    My wife always loved embarrassing the young Mormon missionaries by asking if she could see their "sacred undies". "Oh, you mean the 'garments'", the odd stuffed shirt would reply.

  • JG

    UHHH Jack Witness was my own creation, I had no better word for it than that.

    The better question for LDS at your door is " Say If I convert and I live my life right and am an exemplary person on earth, do I REALLY get to be GOD of my own universe."
    Then sit back and watch them wiggle.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    IFrom what I understand You have to wear all natural cotton underwear after you are baptised. I have heard that it is only when you go to temple and I have heard that is all of the time I'm not positive as to what is 100% correct but I do know they have special stores to buy them in and places to order off of the net.

    I've got several Morman friends ... some wear the 'underware' some do not.

    The underwear (they call them garments) are worn only by members who have been to their Temple (like couples who are married there). Just being baptised doesn't do it. I am told that the garment itself is nothing 'mystical' or weird, and is thought of as a religious vestment, like Rabbi's who wear the Tallit (prayer shawl) or Yarmulkah. Like a lot of religious vestments or symbols, the garment is a reminder of the Temple and is worn on the body as a reminder of the scriptures that indicate that the body is a 'temple of God' for housing ones spirit and to treat it with respect accordingly.

    Now you may agree or disagree on the need for religious vestments, whether they be Communion dresses, Yarmulkah's or garments.... different strokes for different folks .... however, I do not think that anyone's religious attire should be a source of ridicule.

    Edited by - Double Edge on 18 September 2002 18:54:2

  • JG

    I'm not ridiculing I just feel gyped that the Jewish get the cool hat and LDS get the undies and I got nothing. J/k
    hehe Sean

  • Carmel

    Me thinks in yer wife's case she's a "Jill Witness"


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I'm not ridiculing I just feel gyped that the Jewish get the cool hat

    I know... I want to join a religion where they wear cool sunglasses....like Men In Black.

  • dsgal


    In the last congregation I was associated with,they would announce the number in attendance at the public talk only every now and then,but it wasn't consistent.I never did understand why it was only a "sometimes"thing.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Isn't von Daniken working on a book about Mormon intimate haberdashery called 'Skidmarks of the Gods?"

    I believe that all religion is mockworthy.


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