dry humping

by freddi 47 Replies latest social relationships

  • Xander

    Hey, I don't want to read that sort of stuff here myself

    Which is why I was congratulating our censors. I mean, we certainly would not want to 'stumble' any spiritually weak people, would we?

    BTW, in view of the tender sensibilities of those here (and the fine counsel of our brother hillary_step), I've decided to change my garments to something more 'befitting a christian'.

  • queer_reality

    hillary_step writes: Why do many XJW males feel the need to take off their clothes before taking their profile pictures? Is it a rite of passage?

    I rather like it. Nice eye candy.

    Xander writes: I've decided to change my garments to something more 'befitting a christian'.

    Just make sure that those loins are girded. The rest is just fine.

  • Englishman

    Jan H has just posted this at his new home:

    I just see that the debate follows the usual pattern: the usual straw men and personal attacks from the censors, while hypocritically pretending to want a "reasoned debate". Anyone trying to post a reasoned argument will be personally attacked by Simon & pack, who obviously forget quickly their usual rhetoric that personal attacks are wrong

    Can't see any personal attacks meself, unless HS's touch of waspishness counts as an attack? Come to that, I can't even see a comment by Simon in this thread.


    Edited by - Englishman on 17 September 2002 11:52:34

  • Elsewhere

    What??? You mean I was supposed to take off my cloths before taking my pic???

    Oh great... now I have to do it again!!!

  • hillary_step

    I presume JanH is referring to me as the 'hypocrite' in his post. I suggest that he come on the Board and prove it.


  • hillary_step
    BTW, in view of the tender sensibilities of those here (and the fine counsel of our brother hillary_step), I've decided to change my garments to something more 'befitting a christian'.

    lol...Xander. All I asked was an innocent question, why do so many XJW men feel the need to remove their clothes before posting their profile pictures and you act all hot and bothered. Surely answering the question is not that difficult..Give it a try...lol


  • LB

    Jan expects people to worship him. Don't ever disagree with anything he says. Personally I'm glad he's found a new home and I hope he stays there. He can continue to lurk and whine about this board all he wants. I visited his new home and found it silly and the great intellectual can just enjoy himself there with all his worshippers.

  • plmkrzy
    H_S -------->>> I suggest that he come on the Board and prove it.

    Prove it? LOLProving what one is talking about would require one to know what one is talking about wouldn't it?

    Elsewhere you can leave the bow tie on.

    Hahahaha just saw that.insert sound stomping off to room and slamming door ;)

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 17 September 2002 12:17:11

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