Seeing "Demons" as a JW ....?

by curiouschristy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • roybatty

    Salud, take it easy. Geez, like I said in my second post, I'm only teasing. Am I not allowed to express my skepticism in a humorous way? My point is why would demons go around pretending to be ghosts of dead people? Why? If this is the way demons have fun why doesn't it happen to more people? I'm not sure if I believe in demons as explained by the JWs because I believe the WT uses them as another method to scare and control people. However, I do believe in "evil" and that there are forces for both good and evil that are at odds with each other.

    Also, isn't it possible that one's imagination was simply playing tricks on them?

  • Salud


    Apologies, did not mean to sound so harsh. The problem with certain types of humor is that it does not respect what the person is saying or feeling, hence something that is very serious to them can easily grow into ridicule and sarcasm as we have seen happen before. Especially subjects where one is dealing with a bad experience like mentioned in this thread. Would we like to be humorous about someone's exp. with a pedophile? Enough said on that. As for your post...

    It is true that one's imagination can be playing tricks on someone at times. And there are many stories out there to substantiate that. However, what if you have other witnesses there who experience the very same thing, how do you explain it? Also, if there is a force of evil vs. good like you say, why would spirits not play with people and pretend they are someone they are not? At either rate I do not believe in the WT spin on the demons either. But there is something out there that is un-deniable and a force that more than one person has had to reckon with.

    Very intriguing subject to say the least...


  • roybatty


    You do bring up a valid point. But again, what is the purpose of a demon bothering one individual? If the demons want to cause chaos then why not do it in a public fashion? Can you imagine the chaos if a demon appeared during the Super Bowl and scared the hell out of the 100,000 people there? My mother shared a ghost story with me. One night, when she was a teenager, she got up to go to the bathroom. She lived in a huge house and had to walk quite a distance to the bathroom, including going through the dining room. As she walked through the dining room she saw a ghost of her grandfather, sitting in the chair, reading the paper. Her "grandfather" turned, looked at her, smiled and then went back to reading his paper. Ok, cool. Nice story. She swears that it happened. But Im like "why would a demon/spirit/angel appear as her dead grandfather"? Also, why doesnt it happen all the time and to anybody that I know?

    Regarding good verses evil, I do believe that there are forces at work for either side. Ive come to the conclusion that "God" isnt All Powerful and that "Satan" is more powerful then most believe. I also believe that these two beings use people and organizations to promote their agenda. Thus, I feel its even more important to do good in this world and fight evil.

  • Salud


    Your mother's story seems one to be repeated by many individuals. Not denying that it happened. I find that most of these experiences are positive (not that they are not scary) and in many individuals they claim it was a sign to get them through what ever it is that they were going through. There are of course those who have very negative experiences which they would soon rather forget.

    Most people who write on this subject agree that one must be looking for these spirits, esp. deceased family members, in order to make contact. They normally do not appear out of nowhere. I served for years as JW elder and can only recall one or two exp. that dealt with the super natural, but they were personal friends of mine so I can attest to the validity of their claims. Needless to say that both these experiences were very negative, and what is worst they were real. Why they don't appear in the Super Bowl and scare people? I don't fully know the answer to that question, and to be perfectly honest, I am glad they don't, perhaps they are governed by a higher power, a source if you will, and have certain parameters that they are forced to adhere to. But like I mentioned earlier many of the exp. that I am referring to deal more in a positive nature.

    Now that I am no longer a JW I am doing a more comprehensive study into this subject. By no means an expert but some of the stuff would blow you away. I do not believe in Satan or the concept of sin hence the need for sacrafice. I do believe in good and evil and the constant struggle that exist between the two. No one is forced to be evil, one chooses it. We are accountable for our actions. Accountable to whom? Many call him God, others Creator, others Goddess, whatever you choose to call it it exist. It is a law of the universe. I agree with you wholeheartedly, it is better to choose to do good...... just in case.....

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