Seeing "Demons" as a JW ....?

by curiouschristy 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • curiouschristy

    I know this seems like a touchy subject, but I have to post this!!

    When I was younger, only 11, I and also my mother and two sisters, whom my

    mother and one sister is still in the OR., anyway, we all saw on several occasions

    Spirts, or Demons, in my Step-Grandma's house, in which she is still in the OR.

    Two of the Demons we saw a few times, were actualy an aunt and an uncle that were

    JWs..... isn't that weird!! We also saw other stuff, things that couldn't be explained.

    I also just felt a strange presence in that place.

    Has any one else experienced this ??

    By the way, I've been out of the OR... for 12 yrs... I since have not seen or heard anything

    Demonish, or unexpainable!!

    Don't by the way think I'm crazy please, this stuff really happened!

    I'm a very normal person!!


  • roybatty

    Oh wow, this is weird. Just last night I got out of bed to use the washroom. Walking to the bathroom, wiping the sleep from my eyes I hear the toilet flush. I was like "hey, who's in the bathroom?" The door was closed but the light was on so I opened the door and there is this big old demon sitting on the toilet reading MY Sunday newspaper! How rude! And to top it off, he starts yelling at me about giving him a little privacy. I was like "whatever" and went an used the other bathroom. Wow, did he stick up the house. Now I know the real reason why Satan and his demons were cast out of heaven.

  • curiouschristy

    lol, I do expect comments like that roybatty, It's totaly ok,

    I knew someone would have to throw jokes, but just like

    all of the other "true" posts that have been thrown out there

    mine is also true! Wouldn't post anything else. After all, isn't

    this the place to receive comfort from your awful past, no matter

    what the experiences is??......Not throw stones if u will....


  • roybatty

    Hey Christy, thanks for taking my post the right way. My Dutch grandparents (along with their kids)spent several years in Indonesia and have dozens of demon stories. Maybe they're true, maybe they're not. And then there are the JW "urban legend" stories. Again, maybe true, maybe not. My thinking, after hearing each new story, was always "WHY?" Is that the best thing a 10,000 year old demon can do? Make things float around or immitate some dead person? C'mon, people have great imaginations and that's all these stories are.

  • curiouschristy

    well... I know that the things I saw, like the dead aunt and uncle, my mother and two sisters saw as well!! So, it wasn't a little girl issue , making up stories.

    I've heard all kinds of demon stories from all over w/JWs.... maybe if more people on here would speak out, we'd have more to read!

    Hugs to all...


  • hillbilly

    Personally I've never seen or had a "demon" episode up close and personal. However, I used to have, on occasion, the sensation of being held still, while asleep.

    I used to have a recurring dream of entering a old victorian buiding and sensing a "demon' on the second floor. I always woke up before I found out what was up there. One night I slept long enough to see the dream to conclusion. The building was a mortuary and the second floor was the work area, marble slabs and all. Funny thing is I have never been inside a building like this.

    The recurring dream and the "holding sensations" both came to a halt after I decided to quit the witnesses. I've been in a long term fade for several years and never have nitemares or "scary' sensations anymore.

    Any Freudian anaylisis out there.... ????

  • SYN

    I love acid too!

    Just kidding. Some people do see these things. But not me, so I do obviously find it pretty hard to believe.

  • curiouschristy

    See , I knew there were more stories out there

    Yes. I have been through the drug experiences seeing things... lol

    but not these JW stories.. I was only a child!! lol


  • jws

    Interesting how a lot of people report that these experiences end when they are no longer a JW. If you believe what is probably the JW party line, then this is proof that they are the true religion. That these sightings are demons trying to scare "true Christians". And that after you leave JWs, there is no reason for them to make you a target.

    OR, the great emotional stress of being a JW (fear of armageddon, fear of not living through it, fear of being disfellowshipped, fear of demons, being told Satan is out prowling for you, fear of worldly influences, etc.) spurs some sort of openess to suggestion. I don't know you and don't know what emotional state you were in. And I'm not saying you didn't see what you saw. But I do believe this is the case for many JWs. They interpret things according to their fears. That noisy mouse in the attic is a demon. That board that fell over because of a change in air pressure when you opened the front door was really a demon, etc.

    I myself wrote about my demon posessed PC a few weeks ago. I'm no longer a JW, but I can't say that thought didn't cross my mind when my PC kept mysteriously turning itself on. I later discovered that when the phone was ringing, my external modem sent a signal to the PC that caused it to "wake up" and turn itself on.

    One wonders though, why? We all know the JWs are not the true religion. Why would demons attack them more than others? And why with what they do? What? Rattling boxes, lifting up beds, etc? I can see the "ghost" thing. That would sort of challenge their believe that there is no soul to live-on after death. But scare tactics? Wouldn't that drive you deeper into the religion to seek safety, when presumably a demon's goal would be to drive you out of it?

    Although I have met others who claim to have had supernatural experiences other than JWs. They tend to be people on the fringes of society, maybe with shall we say? questionable mental capabilities. Whether this is caused from their encounters or the cause of their encounters, I don't know.


  • Salud


    Don't put someone's experience down just because you have not experienced it. It is true that some people do sensationalize and some people do have mental issues to deal with. But not everyone. Unless you have gone through an experience like this you have no room to talk...

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