What reason is there to live???

by songmistress 15 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • songmistress

    This is a for real question, not just hypothetical. Some of you are aware that I am going through a very rough time. I have been diagnosed with chronic major depression, probably from childhood. My doctor is working on getting correct medication levels and I am in therapy so medical bases are covered.

    One of the biggest questions I have right now is bottom line, why is life worth living??

    I know all the standard types of reasons having to do with love and family ect. I do believe God exists, although the form and nature of God tends to elude me at this time. I do however do not see or feel God as a being that would condemn us for simply doing the best we can with this life.

    Thanks in advance for considering my question

    Blessings to all


  • wasasister

    The best I can think of off the top of my head is this:

    The possibility that you might have a positive influence on someone in the future.

    After you recover, hopefully, from your depression, you will have a unique understanding of people who have been in your situation. Perhaps you might be in a position to lend a hand, heart, shoulder, to someone who feels as you do right now. It could be a family memeber, friend, or complete stranger.

    You life, your example, may become the turning point for someone else. Don't deny the chance to be there for someone someday.

    Write to me personally if you'd like.

    Wasasister, [email protected]

  • Satanus

    For me, it's nature. If i was on my way out, i would be sorry to leave behind the trees, grass, flowers, bugs etc.


  • notperfectyet


    I fight with these exact feelings every day.

    During the day I am fine, night time is agony.

    You are a gift, no one on this planet can reproduce life.

    You have life, you are a miracle, and a wonder of science.

    That is all that gets me through it, that if I die prematurely, or take my own life, no one can bring me back.

    Except Jehovah and Jesus..and they only brought back a few..Lazarus...a young girl..somebody help me here......

    Hang in there......

    my e-mail is open

  • wasasister

    Give the medication a chance to work. You are suffering from a very real disease which is interferring with your ability to make responsible choices. It's not your fault.

    Please call someone. If you don't have a friend you can trust, call a crisis center.

    If you write to me at the address I've given you, I will give you my home phone number.



  • Valis

    hey song...keep your chin up and get out of the house! If I were a bible freak I might point to the triials and tribulations of Job, but since I'm not I won't..*LOL*..What reasons are there to live? Well let's start with not being a good little dubbie anymore. This allows for much freedom and the ability to explore the wide world we have available to us. There are so many things to see, people to meet, and totally awe inspiring facets of nature (as SS pointed out) that to end one's life seems to trivialize the existence of all things. being a part of the bix mix is really the only way to happiness. I have been fortunate in my life to have survived moments of self loathing, doubt, and thoughts of suicide, of which I took very seriously at the time. I think the friends closest to me all the time for tollerating me and helping me through the bad shit. Many years ago I also signed a suicide contract with my best friend and roommate that basically stated that if I ever had thoughts or the notion to kill myself I would go see him first..no matter when, where, or what time of the day or night. I might also suggest you do the same thing. Find someone close to you (that you love and respect very much) that you can confide in and is willing to do this for you. I guarantee you that it will make you think twice before contemplating suicide. You think to yourself Do I really want to go and fulfill my end of the bargain and approach them or do I need to re-examine the reason why I'm willing to take my life? It helps..it really does.

    When I'm in a new place or with new people the thought is always in the back of my mind that if I were gone then never would I have seen such things or met these people. Whether it be on a beach or on a high mountain or simply getting on a plane headed for the unknown, its all part of the beauty and mystery of life. Call it greediness on my part but I have a lust for said life that maintains a firm grip on me and helps me in turn maintain a firm grip on my own reality. There are also others around that care for you very much....especially here and I'm sure in RT for you. Removing yourself from the lives of others only lessens the quality of thier own existence, kind of like leaving an ingredient out of the mix entirely.

    I hope some of this helps and just like npy said...my email is always open.


    District Overbeer

  • Introspection

    You are the reason to live.

    I don't mean this in a hypothetical sense either.

  • onacruse


    You've known me and my family for almost 20 years....the good things...the bad things...the life...the death...my divorces, my agony.....AND YET, here I am today, more happy than I've ever been in my entire life. I could very very easily have killed myself 20 years ago, as you know. And if I had, I would never know the joy that I now feel, the freedom from the Society, the love of a wonderful woman, the pure and simple thrill of living the rest of my life in happiness.



  • truthseeker1

    Whenever I think about ending it all, I think about all the stuff I haven't done before.

    If i'm gonna die tomorrow, what would I do today. Do stuff that makes you feel alive!! Go bungie jump or something, if you feel like dying, you have nothing to lose. You might enjoy it. Hang glide, sky dive. Go out and drink it up. Meet people and have fun. Talk to strangers, just do all the stuff you would like to do but don't because you are too afraid.

    Also, take the meds that the doctors give. Clinical depression is a chemical imbalance. Nothing wrong with that. Juest need to regulate those chemicals in your silly lil head.

  • LyinEyes

    That is a good question , one that I found myself wondering many times. Like you said of course your have to consider your family but there is so much more to it than that.

    When I get down, I have depression probs too, I have to go back on meds if it gets too bad. I have a problem with not complying with my medication, when I need it the most. But once it starts working, I start noticing the little things. Someone mentioned nature,,,,,, yeah that is a big thing to me too. Going out alone at night and looking at the stars;sitting outside watching leaves fall down; watching my animals play. There are so many things that life has to offer, simple , even FUN things. Think of all the things you havent done yet. I havent been white water rapiding, I haven't been skydiving, I haven't been out of the USA. I would like to eat from a vendor in NYC, shop in California, meet more ex jw's, swim with a dolphin, these are things I really see myself doing one day. If you can think of things and write them down , as a check list of things you want to do in your lifetime, you can see how little fun we really have sometimes.

    I know that sounds a little off maybe , suffering from depression, but in my case having some fun , can give you the sense like a little child has, just to laugh , just to experience new things, can help alot.

    Many adults who suffered from abuse , in whatever form, never had a chance to do what some other kids got to do. Especially dub kids. In fact I took a whole year off just to have some fun this year, after being a JW for 35 boring years. The fun is just beginning, we had a birthday party today and look forward to all the holidays, this is new to me.

    They say the way to stay young , no matter your real age, is try new things, learn new things, etc. It is also a good prescription to help with depression , lonliness and boredoom.

    I swear I know how bad depression can be, I would lay in bed and not even want to get up, so tired and couldnt sleep enough . The thought of doing anything, even taking care of my kids was more than I could handle, thank god for their dad to watch over them. But please keep up with your meds and write your thoughts in a journal , do things for YOU,,,,, even if you have to force yourself at first. The meds and other things you do for yourself will kick in and you will see the sun again. Please hold on , I know life is good. My mom committed suicide and it was so painful for me , but after all these years I feel so sad that she didnt have the life I knew she would have wanted. She was so talented in art, and loved horses and was such a caring soul. I would have loved to see what she would have done with the rest of her life. I just guess I just want to tell you that many people understand what you are going thru and will be here to help you thru. My mom was alone, and had no one. I hope you have friends or family you can talk face to face with, someone to hold your hand and give you hugs. But if you don't , some leaving JW don't have many friends if any , on the outside , just remember we are here for you, Email me anytime,,,

    Huggggggg and a hand to hold on to, Dede

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