Help me SAVE my family

by hamptonite21 14 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • hamptonite21

    In 1989 I was in my freshman year of high school. I became interested in the girl who was a JW. Basically you can tell what happen from here. She began to talk to me about her faith and at the encouragement of a neighbor (also a JW), I began to study to learn more about what she believed. By my sophomore yr of high school I believed I had found the truth. By then she was no longer an interest. I was taught that this was Satans world and that soon those who practiced Jw religion would be saved at Armageddon then Jehovah would make it a paradise. In 1993 I was baptized. I had different goals then what my parents had set out for me. I was going to enter the full time ministry and work partime secularly to support my self. This obviously upset my parents, they expected me to go to college or leave the house. They were Catholic and if I wasnt going to practice that then I needed to leave. Immediately in the Congregation I was offered several places to live. I ended up with a family of a very close friend. My congregation looked to me as an example and was put on a pedestal for everyone. Here is this 17yr old whose family kicks him out for becoming a JW and he stands up for what he believes and becomes a pioneer. With in no time I had several bible studies and most were attending meetings.

    During this time I became so fanatical, My Bs was getting baptized and some had followed in my footsteps and pioneered. I was on assembly parts and programs. My head would only get bigger after being appointed a Ministerial servant at 19. I used every opportunity to witness to my family. I would pray constantly to get help from J to preach to them. Doing everything to be an example to them. By 1997 the unthinkable happen, My Aunt started studying and my mom had become a return visit of a pioneer sister in the cong. "J had finally answered my prayers." My aunt would eventually get baptized and so did my cousins.

    Internally thou I was not happy. My worldly friends were graduating college and here I was working at a part time job with a beat up car. I felt like a loser. I wasnt going anywhere. A wt article had came out about college, I quess you could have called it a new light. This was my opportunity! The elders in the cong told me that I should put Jah first and material needs would follow. I was determined to go to college. I reasoned that I had nothing to offer a Christian women and I wanted to prepare my self to find a suitable mate "to be honest the only way I was going to get laid was if I got married." I decided to start taking classes at college as the WT recommended. To support myself better to serve Jah"

    College opened up a whole new life and way of thinking. The attention that I was receiving from girls was overwhelming. Suddenly I was no longer interested in pioneering and meetings. In 1998 my mom was diagnosed with Cancer. As she became sicker I stepped down as a MS and stopped pioneering. I was feeling guilty, was this because I had stopped pioneering; maybe I wasnt being blessed because I had started to develop friends outside the religion. The elder who made the announcement that I was no longer a MS or pioneer did so in such a tone that the cong thought I had done something wrong. "I had no time to prepare all this parts with taking care of mom, college and work" I would explain. I was labeled and unspiritual in the cong. People started spreading rumors about me. Telling others I was bad association. I felt like my world was crumpling. Here was my dying Mother telling to continue to serve Jehovah---- (she never got baptized) and at this point that was the last thing I wanted to due. As my meeting attendance declined my association with my new friends filled my time.

    My new friends introduced me to the NY club scene. I began dating this girl who introduced me to drugs and sex. I was feeling tremendous guilt and confusion. Did I really like my new life, was I cut out to be in the world. I decided to rest my conscious and went to an elder. This brother was always like a father to me, the elders counseled me, I accepted, and was privately reproved. I decided I needed to drop out of college and focus on serving Jehovah where I thought I was happiest. But the meeting were a chore. I had already had a taste of the "other side" I felt like I couldnt do this anymore. Word got around that I had gotten in trouble; no one was associating with me an I was marked in the cong. I needed association. "Didnt they know that my Mom was dying?" My rebound to spiritual recovery was short lived, as I found my self questioning things in the organization. I realized you loyalty was only as good as your title and field service hours. How fake were these people. By nov 1999 I was inactive. The elders visited my at my apartment, they accused me on having relations and that a brother had seen a girl leaving my house in the morning. I wouldnt offer them the satisfaction of the truth. I wanted to stay in the org because I knew that is what my mom wanted for me If I was df'd that would kill her. She finished studying by this time, Unable to make progression due to the cancer treatments. But basically accepted this as her religion. The elders questioned my employment as a bouncer in a nightclub. They stated that this conduct was unbecoming of a Christian, and since I had errored in this environment before, I was unrepentant to the counsel I received before. I was disfellowshipped.

    Mom died in June of 2000. The funeral home was filled with witnesses. Why were they here? this was my time with her! I remember her telling me that I should continue to serve Jehovah. This really hurts! It has taken me a long time to deprogram my self. I still bout with feelings of quilt. The boards and websites have really helped me to affirm that staying out of the WTBS is the best way of living. I only wish she was here today so that I could witness to her the real truth. I have decided to turn my anger and embarrassment at being such and idiot and simpleton in accepting the Jw dogma, and rather turn it to a positive energy and save those from the WT that I love. I want to be effective- but I dont want to close doors.

    My aunt has been pretty great about talking to me especially since my Mom died. What advice can you give to help me SAVE her and my cousins? TEACH THE TRUTH- THE REAL TRUTH

  • Crazy151drinker

    That sucks. I hope things are working out better for you. College IS the way to go. Im almost done (finally). Good luck with your new found wisdom. Things will work out.....

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    You have a very interesting post. I've never been a JW, so my advice is very limited, although by sticking to this site and reading various threads you'll probably get some good suggestions.

    I would also suggest that you copy and past your post to a new thread and title it something like..."I'm new here and need advice".... also, put in bold the sentence in your last paragraph ...What advice can you give to help me SAVE her and my cousins?

    Sorry to hear about the loss of your mom. My dad passed on a few years ago and I know what it is like to lose a parent, especially if you're close to them. I strongly believe life is eternal, they truly are in a better place (not just sleeping) and we will one day have a most wonderful reunion with those we love.

    Take care.

  • RevMalk

    I'm sorry to hear about your mom as well. This is a tough thing, trying to save someone from their religion. I myself haven't even attempted with my family because I know they won't listen. Sure I've argued different topics with them, but try and save them? I feel it would only make things worse for all of us. BUT, that's my family. You know what I do, or try to do that doesn't seem to get me very far sometimes? I try and live my life the best way I can, as an upright Christian. I smoke, and live with my Girlfriend, so I guess in their eyes I'm not doing so well. But I'm a good father, and I try to behave like a Christian, and I figure that's about all I can do. Not that I do that for them, but I hold on to this hope that they notice. Other than that it depends on how "Strong" they are in the "Truth". You were there, would you have listened had someone told you that you were wrong? Sometimes people wake up and sometimes they don't, and for the ones that do it's different for each one. Different things spark a light in their heads that make them wonder. I personally don't worry about my family being involved with the religion, how can it hurt them? I suppose if I knew Christ's Church was on earth today I might feel differently.Just count your blessings that they talk to you and call it a day, if you start pushing you might lose that as well, and for what?

    RevMalk's 2 cents

  • jgnat

    Thank you for sharing your story. You have been through a lot. Welcome.

    A wise person once told me that WE do not save people, God does. Speak the truth, yes, but also show lots of love. Have patience. God's love can do wonders to a willing heart.

    2 John 1 NIV 3 Grace, mercy and peace from God the Father and from Jesus Christ, the Father's Son, will be with us in truth and love.

    Edited by - jgnat on 13 September 2002 14:40:34

  • Flip
    and rather turn it to a positive energy and save those from the WT that I love.

    Welcome hamp' from what I've read regarding your story perhaps 'saving' people, either one way or the other, isn't necessarily your bag.

    In your case, I recall a saying that goes,

    " For peace of mind ... resign as General Manager of the Universe "

  • SGame

    First i would like to say that i am sorry about your mother. It must of been hard on you. Second i would like to say that you are a little confused. You can not save your family, you can only harm them by trying to get them to leave Jehovah. You were a witness and I know deep down you know the truth. So what you got a taste of the world but Satan is the ruler of this world. Look around and you will see this. Also please dont listen to most of the people on this board. They think that Jehovahs witnesses are a cult. Why? Because the witnesses do what the bible tells them to do and these other people dont like to be told what to do. It makes me sick really. Im not even a baptized witness but I know what they say is true. It says so right in the Bible. I mean come on, your mother saw that it was the truth before she died and how do you think she would feel now knowing that you are trying to get your family out of it. Also what if she is brought back in paradise and she sees that none of her family is there because you turned them back to Satans world? You should let your Aunt and cousins be because i think they are happy.

  • larc


    Why aren't you baptized?

  • SYN

    Welcome to the board, SGame and Hamp!

    Hamp: You probably make Stephen King's publisher really nervous, because that was a horror story of note. All I can tell you is, it gets better. Once you recognize that the Watchtower is a CULT and a high-control group, then you will probably feel better. Your best bet would be to do some research on this and the many other XJW sites. Clarity is essential to make an informed decision.

    SGame mutters:

    Because the witnesses do what the bible tells them to do and these other people dont like to be told what to do.

    Ah. Ahaa. Ahahhhhhhahahahaha! WHATEVER! All the trillions of little rules that Dubs enforce are not found ANYWHERE in the Bible, dude! Where does it say you can be disfellowshipped for smoking in the Bible, eh? PUH-LEEZE!

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    Welcome to the Board SGame,

    You said:

    They think that Jehovahs witnesses are a cult. Why? Because the witnesses do what the bible tells them to do and these other people dont like to be told what to do. It makes me sick really. Im not even a baptized witness but I know what they say is true. It says so right in the Bible.

    Here are some things to really think about:

    Where in the Bible does it say that men are not supposed to have beards?

    Where in the Bible does it say that we are saved by doing works (like going door-to-door)?

    Where in the Bible does it say that if a child who was raped, tries to warn another child or parent about the rapist, that the child is supposed to be Shunned, while the rapist goes free because the child didn't have a 2nd eye-witness to the rape?

    Where in the Bible does it say that Christians should have a 3-Year "Statue of Limitations" for sins?

    Where in the Bible does it say that the Apostles had a Secret Rule Book that the other Christians could not look at?

    You may not have known about this information.

    Here is some more things you may not know:

    The Watchtower Society has been an Affiliate of the United Nations for 10 years.

    The Watchtower Society requires that women SCREAM and/or FIGHT OFF a rapist (even if the rapist has a Gun or Knife), or the woman will be Disfellowshipped for FORNICATION!

    There is more, MUCH MORE!

    You should check out

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