"They streamed across the bridge to Brookl...

by LDH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    Girl Friend (smile)

    enjoy your special day and take care of that little one


  • Beast

    Maybe they thought that the big dirt nap was about to hit all those bad,bad worldly people.They'd pull down the blinds,ignore the screams and praise their good fortune.

  • ozziepost

    Just for the record.........

    They did put up a refreshments stand outside as the crowds streamed past.

    (See, old Ozzie can be a bit fair at times!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Reborn2002

    And several months later they read another report with experiences, telling that many had been witnessed, including president Bush.


    So your telling me that amidst the unimaginable security surrounding Dubya immediately following the September 11th terrorist attacks, that somehow the Witnesses got close enough and past the Secret Service and police escorts and managed to give a presentation to the President of the United States and offer him a Watchtower and Awake?


    The Jehoober's Witlesses self-inflated idea of importance and ego knowns no boundaries.

  • Quotes

    Well, here is what their media departnment said about Sept 11:


    Interesting quotes:

    Arriving in the lobby of the Watchtower buildings across the Brooklyn Bridge, Timothy, Michael and Linda breathed a sigh of relief. They were able to join many others who sought shelter in these buildings. The billowing smoke across the river is a reminder of what they just survived.

    Food and refreshments are provided to the people who streamed in the building. "They are looking for a haven," Jack, one of the helping hands, remarks. "There was some panic. A lot of people who work here volunteered to help provide whatever was needed."

    Which IMHO begs the question: were the people streaming in only JWs, or members of the general public? And why did they only get help after they streamed into the bldg? Why not set up a water-station out in the street?

    My parents told me that after Sept 11 there was a Special Assembly Day (TM) wherein the brothers (TM) and sisters (TM) were regailed by stories of "all that the Watchtower did to help those affected by Sept 11."

    Personally, I don't believe a word of it, I suspect the JWs were smirking with joy at the thought that Jehovah's Day of Vengeance (TM) was upon the world. Clearly it would be incorrect to help those outside the ark (TM) that were in the process of being judged. Only after the fact, when it was clear this was only the act of a band of radicals following a lunatic (by that I mean Al Queda & Bin Laden, not JWs and The Remnant (TM) they kicked the spin-doctoring & publicity machine into high gear to put on the face of compassion.

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