Hubby has Cancer.........

by Golden Girl 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • waiting

    First of all - my warmest regards to you both.

    Second - my mother & father both died of cancer, smoking related.

    Third - my sister, Patio, is a poster here. She was a jw when she found out she had cancer, had surgery, etc., and it's been 3 years since. It's been hard for her, and she knows a lot about the ins/outs of dealing with it.

    I've emailed her this thread click, as she's at work. She's a good one to talk with.

    Take care of yourself and your husband.


  • detective

    I'm very sorry to hear of your news. Best regards to you both. My thoughts are with you.

  • Mary

    Golden Girl, I have a pretty good idea of how you must feel. I was diagnosed recently with endometrial/clear cell cancer. It's shocking, you're angry, hurt, desperate etc.

    You'll go through a LOT of emotions, believe me, especially if the doctors said he's only got 9 months to live.

    However, my advice to you (and I'm following it myself): DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING THE DOCTORS TELL YOU. I'm in this predicament because of the incompetence of my doctor (who's ass I plan on suing). One of my co-workers was supposed to have died 20 years ago from breast cancer, and she proved them wrong and is still around and cancer-free. Her brother had a very rare form of cancer 5 years ago and the doctors said it was "incurable" and that he'd be dead within a year. He went for some sort of treatment in California where they took bone marrow out, did a bunch of other things, but he is now in total remission.

    I don't know what kind of cancer your husband has, but I would strongly recommend that you try alternative medicine, if conventional medicine has given up on him. One excellent site is the Gerson Institute in California:

    There's also an excellent book you should get; it's called: "Love, Medicine & Miracles" by Bernie Siegel, M.D. It speaks of many cases where those that were given up for dead have survived and also about the power of the mind to heal the body, as well as meditation and visualization.

    I read a book years ago called "Back To Eden" by Jethro Klaus and it too shows the power of natural foods, herbs, meditation and a variety of other so-called "alternative treatments" that have cured the incurable.

    I'm not giving up hope and you shouldn't either. Look up information on the internet to see what can be done.

    Good luck and let us know what happens.

  • LovesDubs

    Hugs to you both...check your emails sweetie. Loves

  • TruckerGB

    I am very sorry to hear this Golden girl,

    I too have lost family to cancer,so I have a good idea what you are going through,as do quite a few other people here.

    We used Hospice care for support,and found them very good.

    The only very small piece of advice I can give you here,is just take one day at a time.

    Take care,


  • AwakenedAndFree

    Dear Golden Girl,

    I'am sorry for what happened to your husband. Please support him on this very difficult time - he needs your emotional support in the fight to conquer his battle. Please don't give up! - there are tremendous numbers of cancer cases were the cancer became remittent. Tell him not to dwell on the thought: "I'am going to die soon.". Give him courage, and tell him that while there is life there is hope. Personally speaking, I would accompany him to the Kingdom Hall - He needs you - be there for him.

    My prayers are with you and your husband.

    Christian Love.


  • kelsey007

    Golden Girl I am so sorry to hear of this. A few years ago my sister was diagnosed with inflamatory carcinoma (sp?) At any rate I located the Cancer Treatment Centers of America. They have locations in various cities in the US. They offer a holistic approach which includes traditional medicine. Though we eventually lost Joanna I am sure that their approach added time and quality to her life. They were wonderful to her and my mother and I.

    Outside of that she did a total body cleansing and drastically changed her diet. She was able to enjoy a wonderful stay at the Opryland Hotel with mom for a few days and when she did leave us she died in her sleep.

    Tell your husband that he must fight! As you may know a couple of months ago the doctors had me burying my son who had bacterial menegitis. In a coma he was taken off of life support. Though he lost both of his feet he is back with us and the same big brat he always was.

    My thoughts and prayers are with you...


  • cruzanheart


    As you can tell, you have a lot of friends here who care about you and your husband. I know it's a tough decision on top of tough news to think of going back to the Hall, but I agree with everyone who said to let your heart decide and make the most of the time you have together. You won't regret a minute of that, no matter what building you're in.



  • somebody

    I'm so sorry for you and your husband, (((((((((((Golden Girl)))))))))))

    I wish we had answers too.

    And I would go to the meetings if that is his wish too. you'll know you are going for support and love for him, so I'd say to follow your heart right now.

    Our(zev and i) thougths and prayers are with you and family.



  • CC Ryder
    CC Ryder


    I am sorry to hear of your terrible news about your husband. Cancer is the worst news anyone can recieve. Tink lost her mom to cancer just three years ago. I have experienced loss of loved ones to cancer as well. No words ever seem to change things, but they are offered out of love. Hopefully you will have extended time with your hubby. Tinks mom went 4 years past the doctors predictions. We will both keep you and your husband in our thoughts and prayers.


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