US...Mother of All Super Powers....Nice!

by ISP 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • ISP

    US...Mother of All Super Powers....Nice!

    Yep..thats my overall observation on the US. It can do as it likes to who it likes. It generally gets it right. It generally makes sense. Its presidents are often very funny but wow life could be a lot different if we had another country as super power. As much as there is criticism on their foreign policy.....I think life would be a lot worse if we were dominated by a muslim country for example. I am not too bothered what they do with Saddam. I think they will get him. So what? It may not be entirely founded on international law and justice...but what the heck...this is the real world. Bad things happen.


  • metatron

    The foreign policy thinkers believe they can pull off peace in the middle east
    and an end to Muslim radicalism - if they can make Iraq into a secular social democracy.

    They could be right.


  • ISP

    The foreign policy thinkers believe they can pull off peace in the middle east
    and an end to Muslim radicalism

    ........and for my next trick.................


  • out4good3

    unmask that magician...

    he missed his calling as a diplomat...

  • truthseeker1

    Who would you rather be the international super-power?

    England had their try at it, and failed (sorry brits)

    Should we let China sit in for a while?

    How about India?

    Perhaps Brazil?


    I guess I'm a little bias, but I don't think I'd want another country to be the international "Big Baller"

  • ISP

    Hey when we were a 'super power' we did pretty much as we pleased......Did colony stuff all over the place....probably violated peoples rights widescale.

    I am quite happy under the rule of the US!


  • RunningMan

    A while ago, I heard Norman Schwartzkopf give a speech. He told a story about operation desert storm.

    He said that the representative from Saudi Arabia made the comment, "If there has to be a world superpower, thank God it's the United States."


    Imagine what the world would be like if Russia, China, Iraq, or (God help us) France were in charge.

  • metatron

    Look at a map of the middle east - If Iraq goes secular democracy, Turkey (entrenched
    secular Muslims)is one side, Iran on the other. However, Iran is having big time trouble
    with young folks fed up with theocracy (sound familiar?). Afghanistan can be improved
    into a secular democracy (with a weak central government). So, you might build an arc
    of secular republics.

    Now, add the former Soviet Muslims (Uzbekistan, Kygyristan, Turkmenistan, You-Don't-Understan)
    and suddenly most of the Muslim world looks different. Young people can be taught to
    pursue blue jeans, fast cars, and pop music instead of five-times prayer and suicide
    for Allah. Bahrain is inching towards democracy. If they ever put together a half decent
    Palestinian city state in Gaza (there are rumors about Jordanians helping patrol
    the West Bank), Egypt and Syria will find it hard to preserve their miserable governments
    without endless whining about Palestinians they don't really like, anyway.



  • Crazy151drinker

    I think France could be a super-power. Granted it wouldnt last long (first battle -we surrender!)

  • Crazy151drinker

    Speaking of France, as peacefull as the claim to be, Man do they have alot of Nukes! And they are always testing them! What are they up to??????

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