To all over the world

by happy man 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • happy man
    happy man

    We all hope that tomorrow not will see the same dissaster as one year ago.

    You are all in my thaughts, if you are JW or EXJW, i hope something bad not will happend.

    here in Sweden was a bigg nocie tonight about what as can happend tomorrow, Al quida have some bad things planed they say.

    so take care.

  • Erin

    It's maddening how these wicked people are holding the whole world hostage.

  • LB

    Well I don't feel like a victim nor do I feel like I'm held hostage. What these idiots have done is make being a terrorist a very dangerous job.

  • ISP


    bigg nocie

    why least we would all feel pretty good...


  • kenpodragon

    I am locked and loaded. Anyone try something within my range, and I will add a new hole to their head.

  • Mimilly

    happy man - it is very thoughtful of you to say that.

    I find it an anxious time, just remembering what happened last year let alone what those idiots may try to pull off. It would only take one car bomb to put people into sheer panic again.

    death to terrorists!


  • imanaliento

    thanks for thinking of us here, we also hope it will be a safe day. A lot of airlines are not flying and a few foreign embassys are closing for the day. I always thought that if death is the ultimate goal for these people why don't we help them out a little. really i am a humanitarian, i just hate, hate.

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    thanks happy man. We are hoping the same thing, too. Good luck all you countries out there. Good luck all you US citizens. I am praying and hoping with faith that tomorrow will see the good side of god's creatures. That tomorrow midnight will come and everyone will be safe.

    country girl

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