I hate a good book because...

by Beck_Melbourne 15 Replies latest social entertainment

  • Beck_Melbourne

    * I just can't put it down...I considered threading it on a chain and hanging it around my neck...saves me carrying it everywhere and some books don't quite fit inside my hand bag

    * I get annoyed when we get visitors because I have to tear myself away to entertain - what a drag - I have been known to sneak off to the 'powder room' just to continue reading...I get in big trouble when I do this

    * I think about the characters all day and wonder how they are doing LOL...can't wait to get home from work to catch up with them again...geez I'm a meathead! I really miss them when the book is finished...this is not good!

    * I will sit up all night, even on a week night, if Andy tries to tell me to put the book down and get some rest I snap his head off and growl like a bear

    * I cry and bawl me eyes out when I get to the sad parts...I believe in getting my money's worth, so if its time to cry, then cry I will...tears and sniffling and quite a lot of carrying on....this usually amuses my sister...she calls me Alice Cooper eyes, that's not nice.

    * I start waiting for the sequel

    * I take the train instead of driving in to work...and wish for lots of delays on the way...I have been known to miss my stop on the odd occasion...my boss says 'Wilbur Smith hold you up again??'

    Do you think I need help? Or is this normal? Please add your own to the list if you have any, as I'm sure I'm not alone...or am I??


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Beck , a number of things here that .. CONCERN me...

    I get annoyed when we get visitors because I have to tear myself away to entertain - what a drag

    And i thought you was HAPPY to see me!

    - I have been known to sneak off to the 'powder room' just to continue reading...

    So THATS why you kept going to the toilet all night

    * I think about the characters all day and wonder how they are doing

    Yeah, beck, theyre not REAL!!

    *, If andy tells mt to put the book down I snap his head off

    Remind me not to interrupt you when your reading!! Sheesh!!

    Ah well, look at it this way, at least you didnt spend 6 years pretending to be a character in a novel youd read.Like I did.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 10 September 2002 4:5:27

  • LyinEyes

    Beck, once again, and again,,,LOL we see things the same way. I adore a good book, to the point of total obsession. I too, will read until myeyes are so blurred I can't see anymore. I will stay up late into the night reading chapter after chapter, yet wishing the book would never end. I get sad towards the end, hoping I can find a book as good as the one I am reading.

    I am reading "Red Dragon", right now, the novel that preceded the "Silents of the Lambs", by Thomas Harris. You get to met Dr. Hannibal" the Cannibal" for the first time in this book.

    It is gruesome , but I love it!!!!!!! I love psychological trillers and crime scene investigations and this book has both.

    What good books do you recommend????I am half way thru this one and will need to replace it soon........... errrrrrrrrr.... I will need my fix ya know????LOL hugs Dede

  • LDH

    Right now I hate ALL books because I can't get one damned minute to myself to read 2 pages consecutively.

    If it's not the baby, it's the 12 year old. If it's not the 12 year old, it's the husband. If it's not the husband, it's the phone.

    I am sick to death of running a nice bubble bath and then it gets cold as ice before I get a chance to get in.....

    I can't read in the car, I get motion sick.

    I moved my nightstand/lamp out of my bedroom and put the baby's exer-saucer in it's place. (Now I have no lamp on my side of the bed.)

    Etc. So yes, I quite understand. I go to the library once a week, for what purpose I have no idea. I just end up bringing the books back half read.

    I remember when I could devour a whole book in one night.


  • Valis

    What I hate even more is when I read a really good book and the movie version never mirrors the book, or perhaps nevers matches up to my imagination when I am reading it anyway. Speaking of which, Lyin, they are coming out w/a new movie version of Red Dragon you know..

    LDH, ever try books on tape? Great for the car.


    District Overbeer

  • LDH

    Valis, besides becoming so engrossed in said book that I would end up crashing, I don't think the baby would appreciate his "Traveling Tunes" tape being pre-empted for William Safire.



    Already sick of singing "Wheels on the Bus" Class

  • Beck_Melbourne

    Books...where to start.

    Refiners: Which character were you for 6 years?? Porn stars from dirty magazines are NOT real characters LOL

    LyingEyes: I haven't read any of those books yet...but I've made a note of it. I would recommend any of the Wilbur Smith books...he's a bit of a blokes author...but I love all of his books, the Courtney series is good, start with When A Lion Feeds. I particularly liked this series because there are plenty of books in the series, it goes on and on for generations. He also goes back to the book preceeding the first one in the series...I like it when Authors do this. Also read River God, followed by Seventh Scroll.

    Another author which I think you may enjoy is Jean Auel, she wrote the Clan of the Cavebear...if you have seen the Daryl Hannah movie, ignore it, like Valis said, sometimes the movie doesn't mirror the book that well. But this is a series of 5 books...you won't be sorry. You may find her writing style a bit tedious...she tends to describe the mountains and valleys more then I would like, but the story is captivating. Those mentioned are my favourite authors, not necessarily the best out there, but the ones who write in a way that leaves me feeling enchanted.

    Lisa: I have to admit that I have been feeling deprived of time for reading lately. I can go months without reading a book and I'm reluctant to start one because I know how I behave when I'm into it. I get headaches when I read in the car, but it doesn't stop me, I just pack some panadol and read regardless...I'm so irrational. Actually you mentioned a trick of mine...I will often run a nice big deep bath and then sneak off after dinner. My kids will say 'have a nice soak mum' and I smile and make out I deserve it, LOL, my book nicely tucked under my fresh clean jarmies and under garments LOL. I only ever retreat to the bathroom for a couple of hours when I'm at the good parts and don't want any interruptions. LOL@Wheels on the bus...have you heard of the Wiggles?? Aussie kids love the Wiggles.

    Valis: I'm with you, and I feel your pain. I hate most movie versions after reading the book...I pick the movie to bits. The only movies I thought were remotely close were Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Bridges of Madison County. Real chick flicks...but the casting was perfect IMO.

    I never got to read the Hobit series before Fellowship of the Rings (Lord of the Rings) came out. Have you read or seen the movie Animal Factory? The movie was really good, but I want to read the book now, as I'm sure its better - its a prison story with Willem Defoe (excuse spelling).

    My current book is Jessica by Bryce Courtney...story is a bit frustrating...I don't admire a weak character in a book...as per usual you get the weak becomes the under dog and the strong are usually villains. I hate that type of scenario...this is one of those books, based on a true story set here in Australia. Last night I literally threw the book on the floor, frustrated with the character. Is this normal?? I picked it up again and read for another hour...LOL.


    Edited by - Beck_Melbourne on 11 September 2002 1:11:30

  • Windchaser

    I hate a good book because when I have finished the last page, there is a huge gap in my life. The story and characters have become a part of me and then they are gone.

  • Beck_Melbourne


    That's why I like reading a series or a family saga...the story continues for a little bit longer.

    Do you have any good book suggestions??


  • PopeOfEruke


    I envy you, because when you finally get off of the Mills and Boon stuff and upgrade to a real book, you are in for a real treat!! :-)


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