Are JW's only in it for the New System?

by In_between_days 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • In_between_days
    I am a JW because for the simple reason that they are the only ones that are trying to their best to apply Bible direction to their lives.

    You sound like quite a liberal JW, I know some others that are not just "In it for the New System", and other JW's who do not worship the WTBS, but worship Jehovah. I have a JW friend who has a very good theory: "never worship the organisation the same as you worship god, otherwise when the organisation makes a mistake, you will blame it on Jehovah". This is a good view to have, but I do disagree with you on this:

    for the simple reason that they are the only ones that are trying to their best to apply Bible direction to their lives.

    I believe that nearly all of the JW doctrine is incorrect and man made. Jw's "Bible direction" is basically a MANS SPECULATION on what the scriptures mean, and nothing more. JWs are a cult, and thats what is simple.

    Welcome to the board.

  • minimus

    "All religion promises a reward to their devotees if they stay faithful".....That's why some here hate all religion. Some call it greed.

  • Realist

    hello Beck_Melbourne,

    wouldn't money only be of interest if a few guys on the top of the hirachy would get rich? the money is put into the no one actually profits from this. or???

  • plmkrzy

    ."make sure of all things".

    good advice. Not often applied though

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 10 September 2002 7:49:51

  • plmkrzy



    .ABOARD mo.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 10 September 2002 6:38:57

  • plmkrzy

    darn! double post

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 10 September 2002 6:37:24

  • overit

    Hey, all this negativity towards those in the WT, weren't we all guilty of the same things? We were in the WT and are out. They have my empathy not my self righteous judgemental attitude, otherwise I would be reverting back to the WT ego. They are victims like we were. Unfortunately in most cases, I feel, when one takes away the WT concepts, GOD gets taken away too. Because the mind control says "GOD is the WT concepts". It is a mind bending cult for sure.

  • Mo

    Well Ozzie I have learned one thing . and that is that some who are in the "truth?"are the same as some in the world .They will try and make up any excuse if something goes against the way they want to live their lives Right or wrong.The only thing different is that in the world your argument is against man made laws .In the truth it is against Jehovahs law.

  • ozziepost

    In the truth it is against Jehovahs law.

    Such as?

    You might be surprised to learn that the things you hold dear as being part of "Jehovah's law" are also kept by Christians too. The difference? They take their's from the Bible and don't rely upon the edicts of a man-made organisation.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • ozziepost

    when one takes away the WT concepts, GOD gets taken away too. Because the mind control says "GOD is the WT concepts".

    I sn't that sufficient reason to display "negativity" toward the Borg?

    Anyhow, welcome aboard Overit. Enjoy the journey!

    You from the eastern side of this great south land?

    Cheers, Ozzie

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