Poll: Another attack on the US???

by Quincy 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Quincy

    OK everyone...what is everyones opinion on terrorism...I myself, feel that something else is going to happen, possibly on 9/11/02....what is everyone else's thoughts....not necessarily the same as mine...but does anyone think another attack will come? if so what do you think, and when? Just some thoughts for the mind.....Q

  • Yerusalyim

    It is almost certain the US will be hit again, though God forbid it be that large. I forsee a "dirty nuke" and some suicide bombings.

  • Pathofthorns

    You might be concerned or you might be legitimately curious but any answer anyone gives on this subject is pure speculation. And I personally think the question is not "healthy" or constructive during what is likely a sensitive time for the American public.


  • Yerusalyim

    I think it IS healty, the American Public has a SHORT attention span. We should be reminded why it is we are in Afghanistan, and soon Iraq.

  • Quincy

    I am not being insensitve, I am just asking a question on peoples different views or thoughts...maybe people want to discuss how they feel....I am not being insensitive about the situation...Q

  • animal

    I am not concerned... and do think it will happen, soon. We just have to be aware and ready.


  • Pathofthorns

    Just my opinion Yuru. If I lived in the US I don't think I'd care for an atmosphere of paranoia over what could happen anywhere at anytime without warning. That mentality is probably the biggest victory for terrorists if they can convince you to live in fear.


  • larc

    My opinion is that most people here in the U.S. believe that it will happen again, and the possibility is discussed a lot. However, we go on with our every day lives just the same as we did before 9-11.

  • Quincy

    Larc, I do agree with you....We just have to take one day....actually one minute at a time....and just live our lives....But the REALITY is something could happen.....as I like to say....forget about going pass....just enjoy the moment......cuz we can never go back....believe that! Q

  • kelsey007

    A little healthy paranoia might have been good before 9-11! I believe that such discussions are quite healthy and normal. Better than sitting back in your bunker scared to talk of your fears......

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