could your son be gay???

by searchfothetruth 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • back2dafront
    Yeah, I think people turn gay as a lifestyle choice, I don't agree that people are born gay. Do you?

    I used to feel the same way. When i moved to California, the first person I ever worked for here was gay. So I asked him if he feels he was born that way or is it merely a "preference." He said he's never liked girls. He said he was never really interested in sex or girls until the age of 14 and he found that all his friends were talking about girls and he just didn't view them in the same way. He started developing feelings for guys but he didn't dare say anything about it because he was afraid of the abuse he'd get from family and friends. So he kept it in for several years - in his senior year he went out with a girl just to prove to his friends he was straight, but didn't enjoy it one bit. It only lasted 1 week or so...friends started teasing him that he was gay, and he denied it, but he knew he was. He went through this inner-turmoil thing and finally when he went to college he "came out."

    I asked him if he's turned on in any way by girls, and he said he acknowledges their beauty but is not sexually attracted to them at ALL. I couldn't believe it, it just went against everything I had ever known or experienced. But that was his story and he said it with such natural conviction that i couldn't help but believe him. I'd never been around gay people before and found it very strange and unnatural, but after meeting several more through the years, I've found his story to be quite common. A lot of them DO like the opposite sex as well but prefer the same sex. However others really don't like the opposite sex, and if they ever had a thing with the opposite sex, it was only in an attempt to fit in with the "in" crowd and not get picked on for being gay.

    It's difficult to accept, but...I can't help but think that there's something genetically missing that gives them the tendency to be sexually attracted to the same sex.

    For the life of me i can't figure out how this quote business works. Everytime I paste a quote I get stuck in the dern thing and can't get out of it, then when i finally do, it highlights my words in this manilla folder color. HELP!!!

  • Princess

    I agree that some choose and some are born that way. My husband recently spoke to an old friend on the phone who was rumored to be gay after his divorce. He told Steve he is done with the gay thing. Tried it but went back to hetero. He chose then chose again.


  • Mimilly

    Princess - That person would be called bi-sexual and not hetero or homo sexual.

    I think this is where alot of people get the idea they 'choose'. Bi-sexuals are attracted to both sexes.

    A real homosexual does not have the desire to be with the opposite gender.


  • Xena

    I think a persons sexual orientation is their own business, as long as they do not hurt anyone else and both are consenting adults, whether they are born a certain way or choose to be that way. I wouldn't care who my daughter choses or feels the need to love and live with, as long as they make her happy.

  • Bendrr

    I wouldn't want to be given that information.

  • Mulan

    I have a niece who is gay. She was always different, and always wanted a boy's name. When she would go on vacation with us, she would wear boy's clothes and insist on being called "Joe". I think she was born that way, because she always seemed like a boy, more than a girl. Today, she is 6 feet tall, and I'll bet many people wonder if she is male or female. At one of Rachel's parties, I overheard her saying she was a bad boy that night. Her girlfriend looks pretty boyish too, but at our youngest son's wedding, my niece wore Dockers and a dress shirt, and her friend wore a long dress. They do look like a gay couple but we love them. They are FAMILY!!!!

    I do believe people are born that way. If there was a test to tell when they were young, I think I would have to know. That's just me.

  • Princess

    Mimilly, I knew someone was going to say that. He tried it but didn't like it. I don't think that makes him bi. If he did both he would be bi but he tried it and went back to hetero.


  • Mimilly

    Hi again Princess - Then he is of the tiny percent that choose or like to experiment. A homosexual is not interested sexually in the opposite gender - period. I also state again that I think that bi-sexual people are the reason alot of people think that homosexuals can 'choose'. It just isn't so.



  • SixofNine

    Princess, if he tried it, it seems almost certain to me that it was more than just an intellectual exercise for him. He was most like attracted sexually by at least the thought of it, wouldn't you agree? Otherwise, why would he try? Seems to me, that makes him bi-sexual. Perhaps he's bi-sexual with a very strong preference for straight relationships, but bi-sexual nonetheless. Not so unlike many women you know. I'll concede that it would technically be possible for a person to try it w/out having any sexual desire for it, but it seems very unlikely that such would be the case very often.

    To those of you who think people often "choose" to be homosexual; do you think you could choose to be homosexual?

    If not, why do you think a homosexual person can?

    To those who think you yourself could choose to be homosexual, why do you not consider yourself bi-sexual (if you don't)?

    As to the original question; in this day and age, yeah, I'd probably wan't to know, I think I could do a better job of parenting with the knowledge. Hopefully, the day will come when it will be a non-issue, and therefore your parenting would change very little either way.

  • Princess

    If you try smoking are you a smoker?

    Whatever. I honestly don't care, it was just a thought. Based on your reasoning six, anyone attracted to the opposite sex is bi-sexual even if they don't act on it. If you have sex with the same gender once does that make you bi-sexual for life?

    I have gay friends and relatives and I don't care whether they are gay because they are born that way or they choose to be that way. I love them.


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