Eternal life through brain transplant into an android body only a matter of time. Religion no longer needed.

by fukitol 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • fukitol

    Humanity doesn't need to continue believing in hocus pocus pie in the sky religious hogwash and pipe dreams to have hope of everlasting life.

    Nor is it necessary to find the fountain of youth or turn off the aging process.

    It's only a matter of time until science achieves it. Maybe not decades away, maybe not even centuries, but eventually....

    ....mankind will achieve eternal life through a transplant of the human brain into a future highly advanced robotic body.

    Already the scientific fundmentals for it exist. For example, science has already succeeded in creating a robotic arm that can be practically manipulated by pure thought.

    Dolly the sheep was perfectly cloned years ago. They can now recreate certain body parts in a lab.The human genome is now mapped.

    Even the Pentagon is investing serious money into researching the possibilities. It's no longer the stuff of pure science fiction.

    See this article for example:

    Yes, it's only the Daily Mail and this Russian entrepreneur is probably wildly optimistic in his visionary opportunism, but the basic science is already there and has already been proven to an extent.

    You can throw your Bibles, Books of Mormon, Korans, Baghavad Gita's, etc, out the window. Religion only exists for comfort and giving hope of something beyond our short life-spans.

    When science eventually enables eternal life through transplanting the human brain into a cybernetic body, religion will no longer be necessary and die a natural death.

  • fukitol
    A more orthodox and believable article here, showing that scientific experts are presently taking this very seriously and working on it:
  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    Dr. Huffurrerrer springs to mind! :)
  • _Morpheus
    So does Dr Gero.....
  • punkofnice

    Ah, the transhuman thing?

    Prosthetics and medical advances. How far will it go? How far will we let it go?

    Who wants eternal life in this bloody awful quagmire of a society?

    We will all end up as cybermen for sure.

  • rebel8

    This is awesome. Seriously.

    I'm putting "brain transplant onto android body" on my amazon wish list.

  • oppostate
    We will all end up as cybermen for sure.

    Or Borg drones of the Collective!

  • punkofnice

    oppostate -

    We love this idea.......

  • oppostate
    We love this idea.......

    Hah-hah-hah! Good one, Punk! Wouldn'r the GB indeed love that! JW.(b)org

    Prosthetics and medical advances. How far will it go? How far will we let it go?

    I can see transferring consciousness.

    But an organic brain in a cybernetic body? How long would an organic brain continue viable? Wouldn't the cells decay?

  • OrphanCrow

    Ah, yes. The promise of eternal life.

    And so we can see the marriage of two supposedly separate positions - the Watchtower and biotechnology - both promise to "live forever here on earth".

    Maybe those old Golden Age and Consolation writers had it right after all. They believed that the "New World" and everlasting life would be brought about by scientific discoveries. The WTS just have had a hard separating quack science from real science. Someone should tell them that when it comes to science, the sound of quacking ducks doesn't mean that they are lined up in a row.

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