Witnessing to witnesses tips

by SpannerintheWorks 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • coffee_black

    Ask: If you had to make a choice between your relationship with God, and your organization, which would you chose?

    If they say God, ask: How would members of your organization treat you if you made that choice? Would they respect you for it? Shun you? What does that say about your organization?

    Keep it simple, and don't use words or expressions like "the truth" Keep them on topic, and don't let them hijack the subject. They will change the subject when they don't know an answer, or are uncomfortable. Don't let it become a drawn out conversation. You want to make a point, and let it sink in. Give them something to think about. Let them know you will be glad to discuss it further at a later date. Don't put them on the defensive. This will work against you. Be kind, and don't try to embarrass them.


  • SYN

    JGNat, here are some typical Dub answers to your questions, for htose interested:

    • If I read the bible without the assistance of the Watchtower and accepted Jesus as my savior, would Jehovah reward me with Eternal Life?

    No. You and your family will be destroyed at Armageddon along with all the other goats, because you did not sell magazines for Brooklyn. Even though it is not mentioned anywhere in the Bible, the Watchtower is the only way to salvation, if you can call living at the beck & call of Elders and Circuit/District Overbeers for eternity "salvation". I like to call it "Hell On Earth".

    • In my present condition, do you think Jehovah will reward me with Eternal Life? No? Why not? What about my children?

    No. This is because, in your present condition, you are a Goat. Your Goatiness is inherited by your innocent children, too. This is because Jehover is a God of Love (TM). Oh, and he's a Manly Man of Manly War (TM). Jehover is so flexible!

    • If you don't think I will be rewarded with Eternal Life, what do you think my future is?

    You will be killed by Jehover. You know, because Ghod is Love (TM). This is actually a very loving thing for Jehover to do.

    • If I showed you something from the Bible without the assistance of the Watchtower, that I earnestly believe, would you believe it is the truth?

    No. Even though the Bible doesn't mention the Watchtower, you cannot hope to understand the Bible without the Watchtower, because the Watchtower says so. Got it? Good. Now go mow the Kingdom Hall's lawn, the grass is starting to reach up to the windows because all the publishers were inactive last month!

    • Do you think some of the modern-day Christian heroes will be rewarded with Eternal Life (such as Mother Theresa)?

    Christian Heroes? Some of those "Christian Heroes" were CATHOLICS! THEY ARE BOUND FOR GEHENNA, FRIEND! It doesn't matter how many lives they saved or improved, they are still evil sinners and goats! Doh! Your application for Ministerial Servant can now be considered TERMINATED! Have a nice day now!

    • Do you think a prophet whose prophecy is proved wrong is a false prophet?

    Yes, unless we're talking about the Watchtower. Then, the correct phrase to use instead of "False Prophet" is "New Light" (TM). We're a progressive Society, baby. By progressive, we mean we are the only religion that can rewrite history and get away with it!

    • Only 144,000 to heaven! Wow. I thought they were to be as numerous as the sands at the sea. Then why did Jesus talk so much about the Kingdom of Heaven when it was for only such a small group?

    Now see, this is a Spiritually Deep (TM) theological principal, and you, you weeny little human being, are not meant to understand it. Only the Glorious Ones (TM) in Brooklyn are allowed to understand these things. The angels whisper it in their ears while they sleep!

    • Why don't you eat the bread and drink the cup at the Memorial as Jesus instructed?

    Because if we had to provide bread & wine for over 100 publisher per Hall every year, we'd be broke faster than you can say "Shelumia"!

    • You mean there are two classes of Christians? Why didn't Jesus talk about that?

    This is another Deep (TM) query. There are two classes of Christians because we had to get rid of all the old hardliners who believed they're going to Heaven from our earlier teachings SOMEHOW! Thank Ghod most of them are dead or extremely old now! Any young ones of this Class are revered, but secretly are considered to be Prime Fruitcakes by the rest of the Congregations! How could we hope to increase our profits in the future with such a limited number of persons with the Heavenly Hope (TM)? And why are you asking all these questions? A True Christian (TM) shouldn't ask questions! It isn't allowed!

    • Do you believe that some of the promises of God are only for the Anointed class? If so, could you point those ones out for me?

    Certainly! Despite the vast numerical discrepancy between the number of times the Annointed (TM) are mentioned and the Great Crowd (TM) are mentioned in the NT and OT, and their actual numbers today, we are right in this! Trust me! Say, you haven't been reading that dastardly King James Version again, have you? You bad Publisher (TM) you!

    Ah, nothing like having a bit of fun with Tower Doctrine (TM) on a Saturday afternoon!

  • SpannerintheWorks

    JGNat, here are some typical Dub answers to your questions

    SYN, I never knew a Dub could be as funny and honest as this!

  • Cygnus


    I find it's best to demonstrate how fundie xtians like yourself and by-the-book JWs are essentially pups from the same litter. JWs generally do not want to be at all associated with people like you.

  • SpannerintheWorks


    I find it's best to demonstrate how fundie xtians like yourself and by-the-book JWs are essentially pups from the same litter. JWs generally do not want to be at all associated with people like you"

    OK, Cyg!

    1. Tell me why I am a "fundie xtian" ?

    2. So if I was a "fundie xtrian", me and by-the-book JWs are essentially pups from the same litter, eh? Wouldn't I then be viewed as an easy convert to fall right into their hands? Surely they would be bending over backwards to be the first one to be associated with me!

    3. Why would demonstrating what you said help to witness to a witness about the WBTS?


  • c5


    One of the best articles I have ever read about talking (or trying to talk) with JW's was written by Timothy Campbell of Beyond JW's. I tried to look up the particular article, but it must be in the process of being revised because I could not locate it. I found a related one here by the same author.


    I highly recommend reading it.

    Basically, the article I wanted to share was about how it is probably not going to do much good to try to witness to JW's. They are pre-programmed so much that it is very hard. Not impossible, but extremely hard. Most JW's that leave already have doubts, and it is usually some circumstance that befalls them that triggers the leaving process. Once I locate the article, I will definatly share it.

    I hope this helps,


    Edited by - c5 on 7 September 2002 12:47:14

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hey, thanks, Cari!

  • concerned mama
    concerned mama

    Not a think I have ever said made any difference to the JW teen I know. When, what he believed, became too obviously nonsense, he would get hostile and tell me he just doesn't want to think about that right now. I have given up. I think that recent article on df has scared him so much he psychologically can't deal with any questions.

    Edited by - concerned mama on 7 September 2002 12:41:15

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hello, Concerned mama!

    Yeah, I think everybody gives up eventually. But something must work otherwise there wouldn't be so many ex-witnesses around! Yes-they have to see and experience the nonsense for themselves, but that can be accelerated by what is said in these posts.


  • SpannerintheWorks

    ...isn't that one of the main functions of this site...Simon...?


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