Witnessing to witnesses tips

by SpannerintheWorks 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Hi, Devon.

    I've not had a chance to bring up the child abuse policy yet, but it is definitely top of my list next. When the Catholic bishop and priest paedophile scandle came out, a witness that I was in conversation with just kept repeating how "disgusting" these Catholics are. I wonder what she will have to say next time we talk? 60 Catholics, 23000 JW's. And the ratio of Catholics to JW's is huge.

  • gumby

    My "Top 3" are:

    3. Quotations of the OT referring to Jehovah being directly applied to Jesus in the NT.

    My moms new dub husband quoted the NT about blessed is he who calls on the lord...a quote from psalms. It is easy to show jesus was meant here.

  • Dia

    "Which one of you is the pedophile?"

  • Dia

    I suppose you could follow that up with, "Oh, that's right. You wouldn't know, would you?"

  • SpannerintheWorks

    For Christians...using Romans and what it says about salvation is good

    Yes, gumby e.g. Rom.10:9 "For if you publicly that "word in your mouth," that Jesus is Lord...you will be saved" Using the KIT, the greek word for "Lord" is exactly the same greek word translated Jehovah in other parts of the text. And 10:13 is useful "For everyone who calls on the name of Jehovah will be saved" where the context is salvation by Jesus. Compare Acts 2:21.

  • SpannerintheWorks

    Actually, Dia, your odds aren't bad if you ask that at random - about 250/1 and that's based on those who have been caught out! You know, had 2 witnesses watching them, that sort of thing...

  • jgnat

    Here is my personal list. If any of you can improve on it, please speak up.

  • Don't get in to the typical tangle talks about opposing beliefs. Who cares about the trinity? Who can really establish the nature of God anyways without asking Him? ...and besides, they have a ready made checklist to oppose anything you might come up with.
  • Here are some test questions:

    • If I read the bible without the assistance of the Watchtower and accepted Jesus as my savior, would Jehovah reward me with Eternal Life?
    • In my present condition, do you think Jehovah will reward me with Eternal Life? No? Why not? What about my children?
    • If you don't think I will be rewarded with Eternal Life, what do you think my future is?
    • If I showed you something from the Bible without the assistance of the Watchtower, that I earnestly believe, would you believe it is the truth?
    • Do you think some of the modern-day Christian heroes will be rewarded with Eternal Life (such as Mother Theresa)?
    • Do you think a prophet whose prophecy is proved wrong is a false prophet?
    • Only 144,000 to heaven! Wow. I thought they were to be as numerous as the sands at the sea. Then why did Jesus talk so much about the Kingdom of Heaven when it was for only such a small group?
    • Why don't you eat the bread and drink the cup at the Memorial as Jesus instructed?
    • You mean there are two classes of Christians? Why didn't Jesus talk about that?
    • Do you believe that some of the promises of God are only for the Anointed class? If so, could you point those ones out for me?

    By the way, don't say--

    • Heaven - Eternal Life
    • God - Jehovah
    • Hell - the grave
    • Trinity - Jehovah, Jesus, or Holy Spirit
  • SYN

    It's hilarious when you're talking to a Dub who doesn't know that you're a Dub, and you actually chat with them for a while, all the time pretending to know ZIP about Dubland et al, then, as they walk away, shout out "Oh, and ask the Elders why I haven't gotten my Kingdom Ministrys yet the next time you go to the Kingdom Hall!" That'll learn 'em!

  • SpannerintheWorks

    ... and

    christmas, easter the holidays

    a Jehovah,s Witness one of Jehovah's Witnesses

    the tetragrammaton the Divine Name

  • Dia

    I suspect it might be wise to point out to them that they have put their relationship with the WTS over their relationship with God. And that they have more trust and respect for the WTS than they do for the Bible.

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