Barb Anderson Photo & Article in Nash. Tenn...

by Littlebit 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • Littlebit
    Friday, 09/06/02 | Middle Tennessee News & Information
    Couple to protest Jehovah's Witnesses

    Barbara Anderson, a former Jehovah's Witness, places a toy lamb on the front doors of the Kingdom Hall on Bell Road as part of a national protest by ex-Witnesses who say the denomination has covered up child sexual abuse by members.
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    Staff Writer

    Placing a symbolic stuffed lamb on the steps of a suburban Jehovah's Witness Kingdom Hall, a Coffee County couple yesterday said they will help lead a protest march Sept. 27 at the headquarters of the denomination in Brooklyn, N.Y.

    ''We are going to let the whole nation know what is going on behind closed doors. There is a massive coverup under way, and we're not going to stand for it,'' said Barbara Anderson of Manchester, Tenn.

    Anderson and her husband, Joe, made the announcement yesterday at a Kingdom Hall on Bell Road. The Coffee County couple have received national attention since May for questioning how Jehovah's Witnesses have responded to allegations of child sexual abuse.

    Yesterday's news conference was one of 16 held in major cities across the country to announce the Sept. 27 march, which is expected to attract a hundred or more supporters. The meetings were arranged by ''Silentlambs,'' a support group for Jehovah's Witnesses who say they have been abuse victims.

    The Andersons have been disfellowshipped by the Kingdom Hall in Tullahoma, Tenn., where they attended. Disfellowshipping, the equivalent of excommunication, is the harshest punishment handed down by the organization against members. Shunning is included as part of the punishment, which separates families.

    ''You just can't imagine what this has been like for us. We can't see our grandchild any more. Our son and daughter-in-law won't allow it,'' Joe Anderson said.

    Attending the Nashville news conference yesterday were two local women who said they were abused as girls by members of their respective Kingdom Halls.

    ''We're speaking out now, as young women in our 20s, because we realize that what happened to us was wrong and that we are not alone. There are many of us who are suffering,'' one woman said. The Tennessean does not reveal identities of reported victims of sex crimes without consent.

    A spokesman for the New York-based Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the umbrella organization that is headquarters for Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, said they were aware of the planned march later this month.

    ''But we won't issue a statement until that day,'' said a man who answered the phone in the press office at Watchtower headquarters. He asked that any statements be attributed to the organization's spokesman, J.R. Brown.

  • Larry


    It's great that the article mentioned "A spokesman for the New York-based Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the umbrella organization that is headquarters for Jehovah's Witnesses worldwide, said they were aware of the planned march later this month.

    ''But we won't issue a statement until that day,'' said a man who answered the phone in the press office at Watchtower headquarters."

    Peace - LL

  • sf

    Barbara, this is most excellent!

    I decided took take my 'tokens' to the local kh, here in my community. I placed it on (by) the front door. We made it out of the area before they opened the door and saw our vehicle.

    I may just send something, still, via certified mail, to the WTBTS upon the date of The March, to represent my community.

    {{{{{HUGS ALL}}}}}}


  • Joyzabel

    WhoooHoooo (((Littlebit)))

    Tell Barb and Joe what a good job they are doing.

    jst2 was shoo'd away from a KH today with the reporters watching. (they finally agreed to meet a day late) So the interview took place across the street! Will be posting the article tomorrow in the paper.

    Hugs to Barb and Joe,


  • sf
  • abbagail

    THANKS Littlebit! I was glad to see the picture of Barb, because the gif image that came with Bill's email wouldn't open up on my 'puter.

    And, yes, I was also surprised to read the someone from HQ will make a statement the day of the March. Whattaya think people? Will it be a whitewashed-damage-control statement? Or will they finally act like men and NOT mice?

    SKally: you mean you went to the KH while a meeting was in progress and put the "tokens" on the door while a meeting was going on? Hmmmmm.... hadn't thought of doing it that way. LOL! Would love to have seen their faces when they came out and found your goodies!

    Joy2b: Perfect! that the reporters were watching when Jst2 got "shoo'd away." Can't wait to read how the reporters write up that little scenario! (Last night I got to wondering myself if it would have been better if the Orlando reporters were still around when the dubs showed up in the mini-van and took down the fliers on the front door of the KH. They could have gotten video of the dubs doing that!)

    Thanks again Littlebit! Congrats to Barb & Joe! GREAT Action Picture of Barb!


    Edited by - Grits on 6 September 2002 15:21:11

  • sf


    I am fairly sure it was pioneer-fm aftermath. Only two cars were in lot.

    Now, let's discuss FOXNEWS...

    They are so well aware of this story (due, in part, of mass emails to FOXNEWS NEW YORK by me...yes the press releases too) and were there to actually film it, yet nothing has aired as of yet?

    The silence is disturbing, to say the least.

    Just keep at them GRITS. I just received an email from (weather girl on LOS ANGELES' "Good Day L.A"...FOX CH. 11 L.A.) stating she would "TRY to get this info (Sept. 27) up on my site, for the public". This reply was in response to a firm email to her directly, expressing to her how, as a person in the media, she HAS a duty, to ALL kids of abuse, to report it. I reminded her that 'we report, you decide' is crap!, if it doesn't entail ALL RELATED NEWS.

    So, we will see what FOXNEWS actually does with this story, on a national level...




  • UnDisfellowshipped

    You may want to try also E-Mailing

    I think they were all over the Catholics with their wicked Pedophile Policies, so they might want to do some silentlambs stories.

  • SloBoy

    Sometimes I sit here in my little berg concerned that because I'm so insignificant, battered, and a bit tired that I wonder how the fight will be carried on . . .and then I see a statement by Barbara Anderson like, "We will not stand for it!" and I know that God's in his heaven and all's right with the world.

    Thank you Barbara, Joe, The Bowens, all.

    SloBoy and Spouse

  • Dia

    What do you suppose they'll do with the toy lambs?

    Should someone be checking the KH garbage?

    Or perhaps they'll believe these 'apostate gifts' are too 'demonized' to keep them so closeby?

    Perhaps they'll drive them out to the woods where they can burn them?

    Makes me think of the unbearable link between guilt and madness in D's 'Crime and Punishment'.

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