Hurled to the Earth - Why?!?

by Mister 8iggs 43 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Navigator

    I doubt very much that God has anything to do with this earth and the mess that we have created on it. This is our deal, not God's. If you believe the first few verses in the book of John, it clearly testifies that the creation was by and through the Logos (Son?). It is as if the Son said "please Dad, I'd rather do it myself". And so Dad let him. Who is the Son? We all are! If you drop a crystal containing a holographic image, each of the shattered pieces bear the entire image, albeit somewhat fuzzy. The image will not become clear again until we remember that we are all one; one with the Father and one with each other. How ridiculous of the old testament writers to attribute to God their own shortcomings. Violating the principles of Love does have consequences, but to pin that on God? I don't think so!.

  • SYN

    Dazed says:

    LyinEyes, it's fairly apparent that you have some serious pent-up hostility, but aside from that, God is VERY tolerant.

    TOLERANT? You are kidding, right? Dude, Jehover will ZAP YOUR ASS if you just attempt to stop his ancient jewelry box from falling over!

    Look at the way the world is today. I don't see fire raining down and destroying everything wicked.

    Agreed. We're so smart we can manufacture our own fire to rain down on people! Or we can just vapourize them or use a neutron bomb to scramble every single long protein strand in their bodies instead! Ain't we cute?

    Vast amounts of time and transgression occured before God took action, and ample warning was given to those sinning.


    Noah and his sons tried to explain to the people of the time what Jehovah was planning to do, to convince them to come with them, but no one would listen. Is that Jehovah's fault? You continuously teach your children not to kill, and then one kills someone and is sentenced to life in prison, is that your fault?

    Dude, Jehover doesn't use Courts. He uses Vigilante Justice...

    To continue your child-rearing analogy, a parent will only put up with so much before they discipline their children. It may seem harsh to say you'd kill one of your kids for their disobedience, but it's not in your power to offer them everlasting life, or the blessings leading a good life can bring. Jehovah's form of discipline is always righteous, and in most cases an in-depth study bears that out. In the cases where it's not so obvious, I'm willing to give God the benefit of the doubt. He does the same for me.

    That is a very disturbing thing to say! Jeffrey Dahmer killed not even a microscopic fraction of the people Jehover apparently did. Would you give HIM the benefit of the doubt too? I doubt it.

    I'll admit that sometimes bible accounts give me the heebie-jeebies, but remember, what you're reading is often written hundreds of years after the fact by a man interpretting messages from God (assuming you believe divine inspiration).

    So, these distorted accounts are what you base your entire life and religion upon! I love it!

    Perhaps God didn't find it necessary to explain in great detail how long wickedness existed or the true state of men's hearts before he acted. Kind of like trying to explain to your kids every single rule or discipline you dish out in your house. I have kids too, and I try to be as specific as possible, but sometimes you just need them to get the point not to do something or they have to pay the price.

    Would you kill one of your kids for trying to stop your Jewel Box from falling over? Didn't think so!

    Edited for formatting...

    Edited by - SYN on 7 September 2002 10:28:44

  • LyinEyes

    Very well put SYN. I love the ancient jewelry box thing....LOL.........

    Sure we do discipline our kids, and what they do , we don't always agree with. We may even have to come down really hard on them......... but we don't kill them. We understand that they are children , they have alot to learn, maybe we even did the same thing growing up , but we have to help them. I just think it is unjust to think that God will destory us for something so trivial , as grabbing the "ancient jewelry box" , probably out of reflex anyway. That is why I don't think the Bible tells the whole story. It is mostly man's intrepretation of what they THINK God will is.

  • patio34

    Let's see, it seems to me that when Snow White willing chose to partake of the fruit offered by the great tempter, the witch, she was knowingly choosing to die. Oh wait! Thats not what were discussing.

    Okay. . . when Pinocchio ran away from what he was supposed to be doing and disobeyed his Father, he was swallowed by a great fish, right? Oh, wrong again!

    I keep getting into the wrong fairy tales. Y'all are discussing the Bible fairy tales and myths, right?

    Sorry, I spent enough of my life on that mythology and am trying my best to repress most of it .


  • Navigator


    Your post reminded me of my college days at Louisiana Tech (a Southern Baptist school operating in disguise as a state university). The professor of Literature was a Jewish fellow who had tenure. Most of his students were from small towns in La..He used to begin his course on The Bible as Literature with the statement "We are now going to discuss the Bible, the largest collection of myths and fairey tales ever assembled by mankind". That was quite a shock for the students from Dubach, Delhi, and Dumas. I began to understand the purpose of tenure after I heard that.

  • patio34

    Hi Navigator,

    Pleased to make your acquaintance. My post was a wee bit on the sarcastic side. Not that I don't feel that way.


  • back2dafront

    Interesting thread.

    Imagine, if Adam & Eve never sinned, the world would be a Paradasaic Brainwashed Nudist Camp. The minute they partook of the fruit, their eyes opened, and they realized they were naked and became ashamed and covered themselves.

    I wonder if there is an antidote fruit - sure would be a hit at a party, that's for sure. (pictures bowl of fruit at the entrance, everybody takes some, clothes start peeling off....) hahahaha

    Makes ya wonder about God - he intended for humans to walk around naked all their life. Makes sense though because infants and toddlers have no shame to be naked in front of people - we learn as we get older that it's socially unnacceptable to be naked in front of people. (for the most part)

    i'm kind off subject here - sorry. :-P I found this really interesting though - had never quite re-considered this account since leaving...the way i heard it explained was that the issue was raised with all the other angels in heaven, so "Jehover" (hahaha - that cracks me UP) couldn't simply kill Satan because then all the other angels would have doubt...?? But again, yes a day to Him is a thousand for us, so...couldn't he have proved his point in a day? How many peoples lives do they need to witness before the point can be made? I mean, geez...this is ridiculous. Something definitely doesn't quite add up. I'm a man of reason and that just doesn't hold water in my book.



  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Let's far we have, there is no God, or if there is he doesn't care about us, left us long is a gamble at best....there's nothing positive in the future....nothing works out....we're here on Earth all alone.....when we die, that's it.... no more family or friends .... why try .... life's hopeless ....

    Well, I guess there's nothing else to do but pass the Jim Jones Kool-Aid please (with ice).

  • Preston

    I asked an elder this same question: "Why did got put Satan on earth? Why not on Venus, or Staurn?" Interestingly, he had a quick answer for me: "Because there were issues raised in the garden of eden, relating to humanity's loyalty to God in the face of Satan, Satan would have to be involved until God decided to intervene in Man's affairs, hence Satan had to be on Earth until the issues were resolved." Just thought I'd throw in that viewpoint.

  • BoozeRunner

    Hello all. There are some good questions raised here.

    1. If Adam and Eve were forbidden to eat from the "tree of the knowledge of good and bad", then there was no "right" to "free will" at that time. They were to do as they were told.

    Q.What does that make the "Creator" spoken of in the Bible?

    A. A megalomaniacle god who requires drones for worshippers.

    2. Having been described as slaying countless sinful humans, why let the "chief instigator", Satan, continue living, and living "HERE" causing problems for humans who had NOTHING to do with the original sin? For the sake of some moronic "legal case" to prove his "right-to-rule"? Also, if the "angels" can watch from the heavens, why cant satan and his folowers do the same from another vantage point?

    I dont know just how much I believe from my life in the Borg, but it makes less sense as time goes by.


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