Has there been a policy change?

by Mulan 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    G'day Scooter,

    Just one word: "FAMILY"

    In our case, we had no contact with the Borg for a while, but since DA they have so much (too much!) influence in our lives, through our family i.e. shunning.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Mulan

    It will make it very difficult for my mother............and other family members if it is true. Also, my best friend is a witness. So far, she is able to associate with me, without too much problem. This will complicate all our lives.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    It's my understanding that they can do whatever they want whenever they and for whatever reason they want. Look at the Andersons and Bill Bowen. If they chose disassociation, that just means they couldn't pin a disfellowshipping offense on you. Good luck with the article, but I'm not sure if it'll do any good.

  • BadJerry

    Its amazing for an organization that is supposed to think in one mind, they handle things so differently. In our case, I asked them to define "leaving the faith", but they wouldn't (or couldn't). They wanted us to tell them to remove our names from their "book". (like their book of names has any Christian value or something). So in our situation, they made us make the decision. Sounds like there's disunity in the WTS universe. (Super Nova time, maybe??????)


  • Grunt

    They really are disorganized and screwed up, but that is a good thing. I would never give them a letter or anything else. They don't deserve it. All I ever got from them was lies and my contract with them was in good faith from my part and bad from theirs. I owe them nothing. They owe me a great deal and I try to extract it every chance I get.

    Family really is the only reason they have any hold on us. They have hostages and are willing to torture them. The cold hearted, hypocritical bastards. The one or ones who wrote the last KM knew as he wrote it he was shredding families left and right. The example they gave in the KM was of a brother and sister calling old Mom and telling her they "loved" her but they wouldn't be in touch again.

    They count on blackmail. They are built on lies and bullshit so they never really know themselves just what the policies are and as they are subject to change some give them a lot less credence than others.

    Mulan, I hope with all my heart that your mom doesn't turn her back on you. For her sake as much as yours. She is one whom they will torture to get you to return. To tell a mom to shun her child, well, it doesn't get much worse than that to me. I hope and pray that this will indeed be their last generation, that the cult folds.


  • Mulan

    The PO called about 7PM. He said Mom misunderstood, and he says he explained to her that if we were disassociated, it would be announced. He also said that if we were to join a church they could make that announcement, even if we hadn't written a letter. Otherwise, we have to take the first step.

    So, Mom is horrified, and says that is not the way it was. She can't understand why he is lying. She says SHE is the one who told him that there had been no announcement, so "why are they disassociated." He told her (she says) that the congregation views us as disassociated. I believe Mom. She hates to have people disagree with her.

    I read him what it says on the jw-media.org site about how those "who simply leave the faith are not shunned". He was glad I had looked that up. So I told him it is a mystery to me why people shun us. He didn't add to that comment.

    I took the opportunity to remind Mom about how they lie to suit their own purposes and maybe he was lying to me................"theocratic warfare". Silence. They have told her that they tried to talk to us 5 years ago, to no avail, and even named the elders who called on us. That is a lie!! I reminded her of that tonight, and I think she believes me this time. They lied to her, and she believed them and not me, when I told her no one had called on us.

    So, it's just a smokescreen again. I believe Mom's version. She is old, but she is sharp, and doesn't get confused. I only hope I will be half as smart and on top of things as she is, when I am 90!!

  • Joyzabel

    Mulan, I'm sorry to hear you are in the middle of this again.

    It sounds like your mother is a smart cookie (must be where you got your smarts )

    I'm glad your mother can see the lies going on. Maybe she'll believe you and start listening to what you have to say. If nothing else, she sees how you are showing her love.



  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Mulan, I am very sorry for what you're going through. I hope my earlier post wasn't cold or unfeeling. It's awful dealing with those people, but it's even worse when they mess with the mind.

  • imzadi

    It will make it very difficult for my mother............and other family members if it is true. Also, my best friend is a witness. So far, she is able to associate with me, without too much problem. This will complicate all our lives.

    This is something I really don't understand. I've read here and at other JW sites that JWs aren't supposed to associate with DF'd or non-Witnesses. I have never been JW, but my best friend is one. I had known her for two years before I found out. She attends meetings regularly (I know not to call her on Tuesday and Thursday evenings), but she does not go out banging on doors. She is married to a Catholic. While she was dating her husband she would refuse to hold hands with him, or otherwise touch him in any way when they were in areas of the city where she thought they might run into a member of her congregation. On at least one occasion they were seen having lunch together by a sister. When the sister later questioned my friend about the "association", my friend told the sister that they were co-workers (technically true) and were only discussing "business". She would not reveal the true nature of their relationship to any JWs until she announced her engagement. I would never confront my friend with this question, but why would anyone want to belong to a religion where normal day to day living requires them to lie and sneak around?


  • minimus

    "Sorry to disappoint...but we are technically disassociated.".......MARTIN, we may have become diassociated but NOT technically. The only way we would "technically" get dissassociated is by our names being announced as disassociated. A commitee would be formed....not a judicial commitee, just a committee.

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