I'm new!

by Tzu 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dutchie

    Welcome to the forum Tzu.

  • BugParadise

    Welcome to the board Tzu!

  • imanaliento

    welcome tzu

    We are also fairly new to the site, we find it theraputic. We recently said our goodbyes to the congregation here in Aug. I refused to meet with them (sent letters). thankful our sons were never active. Bad Jerry on the other hand, met with the elders on Monday, taped the whole 1 1/2 hours. He will shorten it somewhat before he posts it. Stay tuned.

  • Dismembered

    Welcome TZU

  • jack2

    Welcome Tzu and we look forward to hearing more from you

  • joeshmoe

    Hi Tzu (and bittersweet), glad you're here! Hope to hear more from you. This board has really been theraputic for me, hope you enjoy it too!!


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Welcome Tzu....always glad to have new blood here!

  • Vivamus

    Welcome on the board all of you Newbies. May this place give you all the answers you seek in life.... Okay, that's not going to happen , but it is a great place, with a lot of people that all have experiences and stories to share.


  • Solace

    Welcome TZU!

    Looking forward to knowing you!

    "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man cometh unto the Father, but by me"

    I agree, this one also made me go, "hmmmmm".....

  • SYN

    Hi Tzu! Here's a handy tip, whenever you type a post, just before you hit "Reply To Topic", press Ctrl+A, then Ctrl+C, and THEN press "Reply To Post". What this does is select your entire post and copy it into the Windows Clipboard section of memory, so that if your connection screws up or something bad happens, you can just come back and then press Shift+Insert to paste your entire post back into the posting box! Works for me! I never lost posts anymore!

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