Letter from society

by TweetieBird 18 Replies latest jw friends

  • bikerchic

    Tweety, sorry they have this one covered too:

    'sat there wondering if any other dubs could sense the fall of the great and mighty WTS.'

    Doncha get it its all part of the "great prophecy"....."The love of the greater number will cool off".

    bc Ill go back when pigs fly!

  • abbagail

    Tweetie: Thanks for starting this thread and giving us the report. If none of us DF'ers can have mags delivered, all the more reason we need you Insiders to stay in and bring out the "spiritual food" of the KM's, WTs, etc. to us here on the forum.

    A few months back some JW ladies showed up at the door, and I told them my sub was expiring and it said no more subscription, so would they be bringing me the mags now, even tho I was DF'd and not well so cannot go to the Hall to get them? She said she'd have to ask her husband about that, and I haven't seen 'em since. Now we KNOW they'll never be back!

    And, wow, they really are cutting back, if stopping the audio tapes AND the large print! That's cruel! Anything I buy these days I get in large print. It's just so much easier on the eyeballs. So Mulan, I feel for your Mom on both counts (ill health and eyesight). (I've spoiled myself on the computer, putting everything in very large print on the screen, and now I can't see anything else worth a hoot.)

    LOL! to onacruse! Please go to the hall and tell us about your "walk in the park"!

    JJrizo - man oh man! That's pathetic they put a crunch on your bro making the tapes for the friends. They just won't leave well enough alone, will they? Someone does a good deed, and WHAMO! (I was just reading another thread by Amazing about some old brother he knew who used to take donated clothes/personal items/books/food, etc. across the border to the Mexican friends and the JC jumped all over him for it.) No wonder so many are "fleeing" from the WTS.

    Flip's description was right on. When we can finally really SEE the JW/WTS in that light, it helps mucho! Reminds me of another description I just read on another thread along similar lines, that everything the WTBTS does is for the benefit of the WTBTS, etc.

    And a final LOL @ Francois! Yes, they shoot horses don't they?

    Blind In Body But Not In Spirit

    Edited by - Grits on 2 September 2002 14:20:51

  • imzadi

    Now that the Watchtower has reached marketing critical mass and in the efforts of maintaining assets for the long haul, the need for less incriminating forms of revenue generation supersede the once lucrative method of volume in house publication sales (donations).

    I've been wondering about this for quite some time now. I live in an area that must be in the crosshairs of two congregations as I get visited by JWs at least twice a year, sometimes more. Usually I'll get a copy of a WT or Awake out of the visit, though last year I managed to obtain a Knowlege Book. The last two times, however, I haven't been home when the JWs came by. I knew they had stopped at my house because I found a pamplet introducing JW believes in my mailbox. The pamplet was very small and cheap looking, couldn't have cost more than pennies to print. I thought at the time that the WT must be cutting back on magazine publications to save money (and face). Looks like I was right.


  • blondie

    DF'd/DA'd can obtain most publications but will not be able to order the WT-CD, videos, Insight volumes, etc., special order items. I think that was discussed somewhere on this board before.

    To get it, approaching one of the elders on your committee, or one that is aware of your status is best so that the MS behind the counter doesn't overstep himself.

    Of course, they can still refuse to give you literature at their whim just like they can have you blocked from attending meetings if they feel you are disruptive.

  • Sentinel






  • BluesBrother
    "in the interests of simplification "

    There goes that dreaded word again , that has plagued the WTS ever since the 80's

  • jwsons

    Jehovah will answer them in His proper time.

    My subscriptions will be expired in April 2003, but they already stopped send magz. to my private address now although I did pay for them, even one of my friend who is not JW, still waiting for her magz and ask me "WHY your church steal my money which I did give to you to subscribe the magzs ?" I really don,t know how to answer her. Is Watchtower Society a robbers-cave ? At least they should keep sending until the money expired. Isn,t it ? Love never fail


    Edited by - jwsons on 2 September 2002 18:12:58

  • LovesDubs

    Soon the halls will have doors labeled "DF only!" on them. The magazines the DFd get will be brown covers so that nobody knows its a WT...and they will be equipped with homing devices that enable the WTS to track down whole NESTS of DFd out there....plotting against them.

    Just because they THINK everybody is against them...doesnt mean theyre not :)

  • UnDisfellowshipped

    blondie said:

    Of course, they can still refuse to give you literature at their whim just like they can have you blocked from attending meetings if they feel you are disruptive.

    That is very true! Just look what they did to Bill Bowen BEFORE Dateline ever aired -- supposedly "losing" or "giving away" his Publications.

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