is this life all there is?

by comforter 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • Kenneson

    Isn't the teaching of paradise earth an appeal to living in this life forever?

  • comforter


    paradise earth is the life to come. 1 Timothy 4:8

    See the wt.

    Giving true comfort.


  • hillary_step

    Comfy posts always make me wanna sleep, he rather tedious not you think? He sai sillinesses quite often such as :

    Y dew people fight so hard to preeserve life when we just products of evolution?

    He no understand nothin, praps he is still a wee nipper. He cannot stay awai from apostates, so praps he not all bad.


  • Amazing


    Amazin, My Jehovah is not little. He is the most high God of the universe. Psalm 83:18

    The "Jehovah" of the JWs was created by Joseph Rutherford, and is nothing more than a marketing image ... he is a "little Jehovah" a powerless, puny, pathetic runt, . The God discussed in the Bible is someone far different.



    I love it ... where did you find that word?

  • Xena

    I don't know comforter.....I hope for something after, but in reality no one really knows until after they die. So I will hedge my bets and make the most of what I do know I have and hold on to it for as long as I can.

  • comforter


    "That men may know that thou, whose name alone is JEHOVAH, art the most high over all the earth." Psalm 83:18 KJV

    That is thee Jehovah comforter worships.

  • onacruse

    Xena: You have hope, one of the "three remaining things" Paul mentions (1 Cor. 13:13) And you have love, the greatest of these three. It is the "faith" part that is perhaps the hardest thing for us to resolve, the being "certain of what we do not see." (Heb 11:1)

    conforter: The name of the biblical God is not, and has never been, "Jehovah." If you are so worried about who you worship, at least try to get His name straight.


  • comforter


    Comforter quoted the KJV. other bible also say Jehovah. Comforter know Jehovah is not God's name in Hebrew. but it an acceptable spelling and pronunciation of God's name in English. How do you say and spell the name of the first century man from Nazareth that died for sins.

  • StinkyPantz


    I think that if there is a God, he doesn't mind that we imperfect humans aren't getting his name quite right.

    Besides that I must agree with this statement:

    Elsewhere thinks that the reason people want to live is because evolution programmed the desire for survival in us.

    It is embedded in most animals. . that is survival. We want to survive as long as possible. As for living forever, I do not believe that most people want this. Living for a very long time is cool, but would eventually get monotonous and boring. Even if the Earth was made into a paradise, that would be cool, but would get boring even quicker.

    But if there is a God, he'll let all of us know one day.

  • WildHorses

    At one time, this board seemed to be fair. But I no longer think that it is, to jws, at least. Ex-jws here can cuss, insult, say FU to everybody they don't like, and call jws pedophiles. Ex-jws can post fluff posts too and have multiple identities with no problem. Can jws do things like that among you people? No they cannot. You advocates of free speech need to check yourself. All you want is a place where you can carry on one long monologue. Too much negativity up in this place. I await the customary insults.

    Comforter, that above was your first post. What happened to you spelling and the way you talk?

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