is this life all there is?

by comforter 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • comforter

    comforter was driving down the mowterway this afternoon and a ambulance came by looking like it was getting up to save somebody's life. Comforter then thought to himself. Is this life all thar is? Y dew people fight so hard to preeserve life when we just products of evolution? Why worry bout trying to save somebody life? Could it bee cause God put everlasting life into the heart of man? Dew people have an inborn desire to live forever and nevver die? Is death the unnatural enemy?

    Comforter think this life be not all it is. If this all we got, why want to live? Excuse me English.

  • Elsewhere

    Elsewhere thinks that the reason people want to live is because evolution programmed the desire for survival in us.

  • Farkel

    : : is this life all there is?

    If you are a dub, the answer is "no." There's another life awaiting when you leave dubism: The "real" one.


  • comforter

    So people want to survive for no particular reason? Are u saying there no terminal point of existence and life lack telicity?


  • comforter

    what if a person never leave dubs? then the dub life is all there is, with your reasoning, farkie. some people die as happy jw though. they love the jw life and find their supreme joy in it.

  • Xena
    If this all we got, why want to live?

    Because it is all we have and we don't want it to be over.......

    Ever had an evening...a wonderful so magical...a moment you know will never come again? Do you want it to ever end? I don't.....

  • Amazing

    Yes. Use this life wisely, therfore, and stop wasting it serving your little Jehovah and your Governing Beavers.

  • Navigator

    I don't believe it is. I believe this life is a crash course in spiritual growth. If we can get it right this time we won't have to come back. Our purpose here is not to serve Jehovah, but to remember who and what we really are, beloved children of the Most High. Not everyone is afraid to die. My father, who suffered considerably with angina, was certainly ready to get on to the next phase. When he would say grace at mealtime he would say "and today, Lord, would be a good day". Mother knew what he meant and would give him a bit of a kick under the table. When he had his final heart attack, Mother, being the dutiful wife that she was, took him to the emergency room where he was revived. Boy, was he pissed off! He passed a week after that. That was 20 years ago. I get little signals every now and then that he is still here, alive and well and feeling no pain, just vibrating on a higher frequency. I hope to tune in to that higher frequency when I go. As you can see, I've never bought into the Dub bullshit about sleeping in death.

  • Farkel


    : what if a person never leave dubs? then the dub life is all there is, with your reasoning, farkie. some people die as happy jw though. they love the jw life and find their supreme joy in it.

    When a person or group is deluded for whatever reason, they see their situation and life as the only way possible. So, in a way you're right. Dubs who are like you describe should stay where they are. A life free of phantasmagorical religious fantasies would be too much for them to face.


  • comforter


    how do we know that this life be all we have? are you not begging the question?


    My Jehovah is not little. He is the most high God of the universe. Psalm 83:18


    You are right in a way. some people do get disheartened by life's problems and want to just die. there were people in the bible that felt this way. Generally though, people want life to never end. plus the talk about sleeping in death come from bible.


    i do not believe the jw religion is a fantasy. people give the opinion that there is no future for dead ones. jesus taught that there is. John 5:28-29.

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