Donations, .taxes.and b&S !

by MacHislopp 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • MacHislopp

    Hello, Redhorsewoman,

    I was reading the long post of 2nd May 2000, about donations, and I could not
    help myself to send you this information concerning your quote:

    "However, in those congregations where the publishers did not make sufficient "donations" for the literature, a letter was sent out requesting additional monies to pay for the printing costs.
    I find that rather hypocritical, although I'm sure, Friend, that you will find a way to rationalize the situation once again."

    Also, how long do you think it would be before a publisher was "counseled" about his "lack of donations" for the literature if he chose (or perhaps found it onerous) to contribute sufficiently? I doubt it would take long at all."

    What you stated happened few years ago in our congregation, the local Branch sent a letter
    to inform that unless a "substantial more donation would be sent" they would not be able
    to sent more literature. " Do you know how this was possible? Well "the value" of the
    literature sent and given to publishers, surpassed by large …the amont sent "as donation"!!!

    And we talk about "…free contributions…"!

    Happy to have been able to give weight to your statement - although late -

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • Gianluca

    Hi mac!,

    The same thing happened to my congregation too!! The presiding overseer told us that if we did not increase our "contributions" it would would no longer be possible to order "luxury items" like pocket bibles and video tapes!!
    Talk about giving out litterature for free!! Another WT lie exposed!


  • ozziepost

    G'day all,

    I have a question: How do the Society put a value on the literature supplied to the congregation? Do we all subconsciously think back to the "old" rates? Otherwies, how did the Branch determine that the donations were insufficient?

    I'm intrigued.

    Ozzie (still of the wondering class)

  • MacHislopp

    Hello Ozziepost,

    good question...I do not wish to go into
    details, but for the case I posted, "the letter mentioned the
    exact amount due..."!!! and the " donations (contributions)
    received. Of course ,it was all done on the basis of the pre-
    existing - price list, so that the difference was clear.
    According to the Branch letter, if ...contributions to balance
    were not received...the WTS would not be able to supply us
    with more...literature. As clear and cut as that.

    I hope this answer will ..please you.

    Agape, Ozziepost from J.C.MacHislopp

  • ozziepost

    Thanks for the info, Mac,

    BTW what does b&S mean in your subject title? Here in the magical land of Oz it means 'Bachelor and Spinster'

    Yours in curiosity,

    Ozzie (Cheshire cat class)

  • LDH

    Well, this being the case, is there anyone from a congregation here who has sent too much money and been refunded?!??!

    Anyone receive a letter stating the dollar amount in question was so much it would cover the next month's literature order?!?!

    It's not possible that all of the other congregations are sending in donations to the exact dollar amount is it?

  • rollercoaster

    I thought the society was "cash heavy". So why am I not surprised to hear that they keep trying to get more money? And aren't they somehow meddling in stocks which support the military? Please help me get this cleared up.
    I haven't contributed to the society. I never felt right about it. I'm not sure why. Instead if a family or person needed help, I would find a discreet way to do so. Then I knew my contribution went where I wanted it to.
    I am also surprised to have read an Awake a few months back that now says being involved in the stock market is a matter of conscience, and the society saw nothing wrong with it. Isn't it gambling? Taking a chance with your money? And doesn't the society now have a lot of involvement in the stock market? At one time I'm sure we were told not to be involved in stocks.
    Oh well..... as usual, I'm am on another rollercoaster ride.


  • ZazuWitts

    Dear Rollercoaster,

    Good for you for 'putting' your money where it would actually help some needy individual(s). This was always a 'sore' point with me - even as a teenager I thought that the neglect of some suffering individual or family wasn't right. And, I remember times when the CO would announce that the congregation was pleased to be able to send 'extra' to Brooklyn. While, at the same time someone in the congregation, pioneering, couldn't even afford to have her car repaired, had to take a bus, and was practically living on tinned pork and beans. And, that's just a minor example...there were so many needly people! One family I knew went to a Catholic-run food kitchen for meals twice a day for over 3 months, when the bread-earning husband was temporarily disabled.

    And, yes, you are right, it is only recently that the WTBTS has 'lightened up' somewhat regarding investing. I read the Awake article you mentioned - and, as I can recall, they still 'caution' the rank and file. However, I think that they now can't totally condemn investing because they have been the recipients of big blocks of stocks that deceased JW's have left the society in their wills...Does the WTBTS reject such, of course not! There was some info posted on this forum re their majority ownership in one particular company - I'll try to find it for you.
    Lot's of issues, 'big and little' that just don't add up, IMO.

    Just another thought, as soon as you get your business back on an even keel, start a retirement program. This is another 'sore' point with me, so many JWs anticipating Armageddon 'just around the corner' - and winding up at retirement age with nothing for their 'golden years.' You have a good head on those shoulders of yours Rollercoaster. Love ya, :):) Zazu

  • ozziepost

    G'day ZazuWitts and Rollercoaster,

    When I was a uni student I often used to question C.O.'s over the matter of the Society investing. I couldn't understand them not investing.

    Now that I am older and wiser, I know for a fact that the Society routinely makes investments. Please don't ask me how I know, at this stage! But be assured they do.

    Ozzie (of the secret investors class)

  • Tina

    I well remember a special needs talk given by our CO.
    I came from a very poor inner city cong.
    Our donations were obviously lacking, according to his talk,,,,
    He said that many bros at Bethel were walking around with 'flood pants' and lacked other essentials.......made the cong feel that we weren't supporting the needs of bethelites.........(this from a guy wearing a Brioni suit)
    After his parting talk,I watched as he discreetly palmed envelopes given him(which I knew contained money)
    This was a single bro with no expenses,great clothes,new car.......the whole sham was disgusting,,anyway
    just me few thoughts,Tina

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