It never ceases to amaze me!

by ozziepost 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost

    What could amaze old Ozzie? you ask.

    That so many we knew for so long within dubdom are now living happy lives in freedom.

    The common experience is seeing the borg "caught out" on one thing, and then, bingo! scales fall from the eyes, and the WTS is seen for its real naked state.

    Tonight Mrs Ozzie and I enjoyed a lovely meal with yet another poster, Dark Knight and his fair maiden, down at our favourite apostate haunt, a delightful restaurant.

    The meal was complete with a lovely bottle or two of very acceptable shiraz.

    The restaurant owner must be getting to feel like a circuit overseer; he's getting to meet the whole circuit in his restaurant! Yes, that gives an idea as to how many in our area have seen the truth about "the Troof".

    So, Dark Knight, thanks for sharing; we look forward to many more.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Nikita
    That so many we knew for so long within dubdom are now living happy lives in freedom.

    AMEN to that!

    BTW, what is "shiraz?"


    of the curious class!

  • Joyzabel

    Ozzie, how nice!

    Give Dark Knight a hug for me, I haven't chatted with him in ages!!!! Where has he been?

    It really is great to meet xjws from this board. As survivors, I think we get a kick out of seeing how others have survived and go on to live a good life.



  • amac
    BTW, what is "shiraz?"

    It is a red grape varietal (called Syrah in most lands) that the Aussies think they are particularly good at (a little wind there.) Ozzie, I've gathered from other posts that you treasure your anonymity. Are you still a JW "undercover"? Just curious. I am still a JW in order to keep my friends and family, so I prefer to stay anonymous myself.

  • SYN

    Heheh, love the crack about the restaurant manager

  • ozziepost
    the Aussies think they are particularly good at (a little wind there.)

    OK, I'll bite!

    We don't think we are, we know we are!!

    Taste and see.

    Cheers, Ozzie


    Hey aussiepost,it`s nice to seeing you enjoy yourself.There is a much bigger life for all of us,outside the dubs...OUTLAW

  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight

    Hey Ozzie!

    I shoulda guessed you would've put this post up after our late evening dinner last night. It was definetely great to see you and Mrs Ozzie. My other half thought the two of you were just wonderful! And the pizza was fantastic!!

    It's funny how people leave the Watchtower and are then surprised to see that life is even more wonderful outside than from within the cult. It's definitely got to do with the years of conditioning that we have to grow through. Especially us that were brought up within the confines of the watchtower. Everything I was told about the real world had a negative spin on it. Well I am SO THRILLED THAT I AM OUT and living a life that's positive and fulfilling.

    Well I'm off, talk to ya'll later.

    And again... on behalf of myself and my girl, thanks for the wonderful evening ozzie!!


    Dark Knight

  • ozziepost

    You're most welcome, my gallant knight!!!!!! (Or is that nite??? Well, it was late, wasn't it?)


  • truthseeker1

    Its really good to hear good news for a change. Thanks for this info!

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