by Mary 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • Alana

    In fact, I just did try it about 2 1/2 weeks ago to stop smoking. The key, I would say, is to find someone who is reputable and not a 'scam artist'. My friend went to another similar seminar a few years ago and he was no more a hypnotherapist than I am. BUT, this seminar I went to was great....very informative and they teach you the self-hypnosis methods that you need to continue in order to achieve the mind over matter effects. It's not some 'magical spell' that will do all the work for have to work along with what they say to do. But, it has worked for me (so far)! They also do weight loss seminars. Best of Luck to you!

  • LyinEyes

    I have thought about this myself. I went to a physcotherapist who wanted to put me under hypnosis?

    I was still a JW , but it didnt bother my conscious at all, to do. I didnt do it because I was afraid.

    I wasnt afraid of what might the doctor my do to me, or anything like that at all.

    I was afraid of what I might find out, that I have filed away so long ago. At the time I was in one of the lowest moments in my life, about a year before I ever thought of leaving JW. The reason the doctor wanted to put me under , is suspected past child abuse in a form I can't even comprehend. I was, and still am afraid to find out. I wonder if I could handle the truth . I know they say you should face your fears and when you are ready you will know. I still don't know if I am ready,or if I ever will be. I think I know somewhere even on the tip of my conscious level some of the things that happened to me. But I feel was very , very young. There is a feeling I have about someone who abused me, in ways I do remember, I can't imagine it being worse. I always thought that being hypnotized would not work on me, I don't know if I would let myself admit who did terrible things to me. All the doctors I have been to in the past, always ask me if I was sexually abused. I tell them no, they say there are things I say that lead them to beleive I was. I am 35 yrs old and how could you forget that? Could it have happended when you were so young, you might not ever know really?I wonder if you can just let it go, or will it eat at your subconscious forever until you face the facts?

  • FiveShadows

    i do not believe hypnosis is "demonic" as the organization says it is...however just a up bringing of your deepest parts of the subconscious mind. I however do not believe that i would give someone ELSE control of this area..but only Christ. There IS self-hyponosis...that works fairly well if you are interested. There's many books on this topic. Go to and find whatcha need. Hope this helps. ~FS

  • Sentinel

    Actually, No, I've never been hynotised. Some old fears still haunt me a bit from my JDub days. I am still resistive of that, as well as the Ougie Board.

    I'd be very curious to know if it works for losing weight. I want to lose fifty pounds, ah, and the mere thought of it makes me cringe. I want to do it for myself and for my future health as I grow older. I'm not under doctors orders or anything. I just want to do the responsible thing. Doc says I'm very healthy, but I'm just not used to having this extra weight. I've always been much thinner, and when I was I had so much energy!

    Ohhh, Englishman, please give us the whole story about your experience. I'm rather a control freak, and even fight going under for any kind of surgery. It's hard to let go, because I believe "that's it", "the end". So I wonder if I can even be hypnotised.

    I am reading these other posts and am curious to see what it might do for me, and if my Insurance carrier will cover it.

    Thanks a bunch.


  • FreePeace

    Hey Mary,

    FreePeace: I've checked out your board and it sounds very interesting......unfortunately, I'm nowhere near Florida, I'm in Canada, but if you want to send me a plane ticket around mid-March when I'm freezing my ass off up here, I'd be glad to visit your clinic!!! hahaha..........

    I'd love to send you a plane ticket... if I could! Maybe if it gets real cold...

    I'm sure you can find a hypnotherapist near you. I just referred others to my site for informational purposes. There are a lot of sites that will tell you similar things.

    Best to you,


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