What are the current rules about vaping from the GB?

by purrpurr 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • DarioKehl
    In my experience, if you have to ask is something is "allowed," the answer will almost always be no. This is The Church of No, after all.
  • punkofnice
    DarioKehla minute agoIn my experience, if you have to ask is something is "allowed," the answer will almost always be no. This is The Church of No, after all.
    My thinking exactly.
  • blondie

    Actually in 1973 when USING tobacco (smoking, shuff, chewing) was made a DF offense it was compared to spiritism (health issue was secondary and now is the only thing people remember). Also using coca leaves and betel nut were made DF offenses and the delivery method is chewing.

    Smoking is not the issue, nor is the health issue...but spiritism.

  • Drugs
  • rs p. 106-p. 112
  • Gal. 5:19-21: “Now the works of the flesh are manifest, and they are . . . practice of spiritism, . . . revelries, and things like these. . . . Those who practice such things will not inherit God’s kingdom.” (The literal meaning of the Greek word phar·ma·kiʹa, here rendered “practice of spiritism,” is “druggery.” An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words, by W. E. Vine, in commenting on this Greek word, says: “In sorcery, the use of drugs, whether simple or potent, was generally accompanied by incantations and appeals to occult powers, with the provision of various charms, amulets, etc., professedly designed to keep the applicant or patient from the attention and power of demons, but actually to impress the applicant with the mysterious resources and powers of the sorcerer.” [London, 1940, Vol. IV, pp. 51, 52] Similarly today, many who use drugs are involved in spiritistic practices or associate with those who are, because a blank mind or one that experiences hallucinations is easy prey to the demons. Compare Luke 11:24-26.)

    Tobacco = how many jws realize that until the end of 1973, jws could smoke. I knew some that went behind the KH during the 15 minute break between the talk and the WT study for a drag. I had jw family who smoked. And while the “scriptural” basis is buried in the initial 1973 WT articles, it was considered spiritism, not a health issue.

    *** w73 6/1 pp.338-339 pars.14-15***

    Even worldly governments have been moved to issue serious warnings against the danger of tobacco use. Do, then, persons who have not broken their addiction to tobacco qualify for baptism?

    The Scriptural evidence points to the conclusion that they do not. As has been explained in other issues of this magazine, the Greek word phar·ma·ki′a used by Bible writers and translated “practice of spiritism” or “spiritistic practices” has the initial meaning of “druggery.” (Gal. 5:20; Rev. 9:21) The term came to refer to spiritistic practices because of the close connection between the use of drugs and spiritism. Tobacco was also used initially by the American Indians in this way. It can properly be placed, therefore, in the category of addictive drugs like those that provided the source for the Greek term phar·ma·ki′a.

  • _Morpheus
    Wow good catch cappy! So how do they differentiate between caffine and nicotine when method of delivery is equally harmless, ie a drink vs water vapor? Id love to see the weasel words on that
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    If you are in the wrong congregation with the wrong body of elders, they might tell you it is wrong because vaping rhymes with raping.

    Just remember YMCA, birthdays, chimes, spanx, and you get the drift.

  • done4good

    Nicotine is super addictive when inhaled directly into the lungs, vape or smoke. Not the smartest thing to do, carcinogens or not. I would hardly call it safe.

    I don't see anything unsafe about MJ vape. Actually, there is very little unsafe about MJ smoking when used in moderation for that matter, but that is another discussion, and probably one I should not be typing about while at work.

    Don't ever expect the GB to be anything more than reactionary to this type of thing. They are always going to default to what provides the cleanest "appearance", and nothing more. Don't hold your breath...(pun intended).


  • Zoos
    What are the current rules from the GB on how many squares of toilet paper we're allowed to use for each wipe?
  • umbertoecho

    Vaping is not allowed in the congregation I came from. I was told that I was still basically smoking by having this e cigarette between my fingers. Actually, I was accused of smoking real cigarettes because of it. I had quit and found the comfort of a e cigarette helped a great deal.

    At the time of the accusation I was staying with a JW family and going through that book that has all the baptism questions. I was their daughter, a fifty year old, nasty minded woman who disliked me on sight that caused all the problems about smoking.

    One night I was sitting in my room at the computer. I had my e cig in my hand and the battery was running low. Just before I plugged it into the computer to recharge......She bounced up from outside my window and said........" Don't you think you should put that cigarette out, now that you've been caught red handed?"

    I said to her......." Don't you think it's creepy stalking me? You've been doing it since I got here three weeks ago" I told her I was not smoking. She said I was ...........And so it went. I was furious with her and wanted to say much more. I knew I was not smoking, but a part of me refused to give her an explanation out of stubbornness and a feeling of rightness on my part.

    She had this horrible way of eating too. She would be up early in the morning for work. Her head would be over the kitchen sink, her back hunched up like....like.....a hog. That's the only way to describe her at the moment. The reason she was bent over the sink was because she had this huge cake mixing bowl full of cereal, milk and sugar in it. She was scooping the stuff so fast into her mouth that it was splashing on the drain and her face as she shovelled that cereal into her gob. It was disgusting to hear and see. She was a hefty woman.....actually she was more like a man.

    I took the issue to the elders when she started spreading false rumours about my smoking. Two of them were good about it as it seemed she was a bit of a trouble maker. But she and her family were so much entrenched in the congregation that the elders did no more than give a mild rebuke to her.

    I refuse to this day to justify what I was holding in my hand the night she stalked me. Later on in the week, it came to light that she and another sister had tossed my room looking for contraband. This is the only way I can put it.

  • tim3l0rd

    The correlation to spiritism blows me away. I was not taught this growing up, but discovered it later. I was taught, like most other JWs, that smoking was banned because we should be physically clean.

    I like how some very addictive rx drugs are ok because a doctor signed off on it. Or how the drug alcohol is ok, because Jesus drank it. If only there was an account of him smoking weed.

  • cappytan
    WTF happened to the layout on this thread?
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