Need to Vent: Well this weekend is a wash, 3 days of my life i will not get back and wife is slipping in to cult mode

by goingthruthemotions 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goingthruthemotions

    Yep, the cult fest is upon us....3 days of my life i will not get back....ughhhhhhhh

    and my wife has been slipping in to cult mode the last 2 know the look. almost like a glazed over look with a side of guilt and a side of narrow mindedness.

    it sucks!!!!!!!!!!!!! you know what sucks the most? knowing that she will never wake up....i keep hoping and hoping she will see or hear something that will make her think or question this cult of a religion. but, no.....she will never see the cracks in the Dam.

    let the fact be known, i don't bring anything up or try to present to her all the false teaching or hyprocsy the watchtowel and bible crap society does. the only times i have is when she has attacked me first.

    lately i just laylow and ignore it.

    but, this weekend is going to suck sooooooooo much


  • Question_Mans_interpretation
    Convention weekend, and you're going, right? My condolences on your time lost. This will be my second year of non attendance. It's funny but of all the boring meetings and endless"works" I had to endure growing up JW, conventions were actually exciting and I have good memories of them but I don't think I could ever endure them now in my awake state unless I was doing research and could use my time to turn what they were saying into some way to wake them up(maybe something you could do to help keep your sanity even if you cant or wont ever get the chance to share it with the wife).
  • tim3l0rd

    Probably too late now, but have you seen the info on how to setup a PirateBox? I plan on doing this at my convention to see how many may connect to me and download apostate literature. Otherwise, you can play convention bingo.

    I've found that asking questions in a sincere manner has helped my wife to think about the doctrines. I never attack them, but pose questions that I sincerely have. I do this a little at a time. Usually I pose them as coming from my brother (who isn't a JW). I'd use a coworker, but I work from home so I have little contact with them.

  • joe134cd
    1. Something that I find effective. Is to use news articles about the issues Wt is facing or articles on other religions.

    For example. You could say you stumbled across this article on the Mormon church.

    Which said: "Maybe since Kirtland, we've never had a period of - I'll call it apostasy, like we're having now," he told the group in Logan.

    Then he outlined how the church was using the technologies that had loosened its grip on the flock to reverse this trend.

    "The church has a very progressive research and information division, with tremendous public opinion surveyors," he said. Among other steps, it has hired an expert in search-engine optimization to raise the profile of the church's own views in a web search.

    Perhaps say its nice to see the mormon church taking ownership and account ability for it past . Maybe then tie this into all the changes with or apostate driven lies on the internet about etc etc. Gee I wonder why countries with high internet use have the lowest publisher growth?

    Perhaps you could even tie the Mormon article in with

    Really the opportunities are endless with a bit of imagination.

    2 critical peice of advise. (1) stay right the hell away from apostate forums. (2)You have to listen and she must reach her own conclusions.

  • joe134cd

    Here is another article that may highlight to you wife the issues Wt is facing. Actually the Mormon church is a very good example as they are also in the same boat. They just have the maturity and honesty to admit it.

  • zimunzucz

    People have the right to personal opinions and spouses (like you) are people. Use first person to express how you are unhappy, like.

    It makes me feel bad when the organization won't admit they were wrong about a teaching. It's not my job to explain away their mistake to the public.

    I get depressed thinking about the JW woman who refused life saving medical care and her unborn baby died, then she died later, too. A blood transfusion won't save the life of a starving man, so I know it has nothing to do with the Bible teaching to "not eat blood".

    I get depressed when I see the churches helping the homeless and hungry, but our KH won't even collect food for the local food pantry. If I ask the elders to set up a food drive in the KH to help the local poor, they will think I am weird.

    Well, I can't explain the 1914 date to anyone- what if the householder asks me to explain 100 years and nothing has happened , yet? I'll look stupid trying, well maybe I am the dumb one.

    We build scads of quick build KH's, but never once do we help our community to build a habitat for humanity house. it's not wonder the public sees JWs as losers. I don't blame our neighbors for thinking JWs are unloving and strange people.

    I heard a joke today- two JW's and two Mormons meet at a sidewalk- the JW says, "we don't move for false prophets". The Mormons reply, " But, we do" and they go around the JW's. A householder once told me that JWs said, "stay alive until 1975"- I told her she was mistaken, but I recently looked it up and it was a common phrase that JWs used back then- except after 1975, they didn't remember saying it.

    I am feeling torn up inside about service. If a householder asked you, if it was true what they heard about JWs shuning former members, even their won adult children who leave the KH, would you tell them the truth, yes, or lie about it? If we tell the truth, then nobody will want to become a JW, if we lie about it- isn't that wrong? Isn't Satan called the father of the lie? Lets make a promise- to always tell the truth whenever a worldly person asks us a question- OK?


    If your wife has no sympathy for your unhappiness, then I am sorry for your plight.

    Like I said, people have a right to be a JW and can believe the WT doctrines. I would advise you to begin considering a marvel approach with your wife- Tell The Truth.

    No human being can go through life living a lie and if your wife won't allow you to live a normal life as a man free of the WT religion, then so be it. Better to be free than a doormat for the the JWs.

  • Witness 007
    Witness 007
    took me 4 years to slowly convince my wife to leave. Dont fight. Use reasoning and be cunning as a serpent. Go slow. Regarding the 3 days take some critical notes and post it on here....your wife will think your paying attention.
  • FayeDunaway

    I feel really bad for you guys who have to go to conventions with your mates. 3 days of your life completely gone, spent doing what you don't want to do. And what is your reward?? A mate more brainwashed and insufferable than before.


  • sowhatnow

    my advice,

    eat lots of prunes and coffee, develop diarrhea and stay home sick.

    take a non jw bible to look up the scriptures and use a yellow highlighter to highlight all the words that are different in their bible.

    have a tablet with the words, governing body, society, faithful slave, Armageddon , the end, wicked, Satan, apostate, warning , jehovah , and jesus, and keep score when each is said.

    I bet Jesus looses.

    also write down every negative word uttered.

  • zimunzucz
    Lies, manipulation and schemes shouldn't be required of anybody who has learned the TTATT. If everyone in the KH stopped doing that, I'll bet they would look around and find 1/4 of their KH members have been fooling everyone about their true feelings. Enough already with being a phoney.

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