How to impress a women

by Jesika 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jesika

    I was reading my emails today and my aunt Lin sent this to me. I thought it was funny how it ended, just thought I would share.

    TO IMPRESS A WOMAN* Wine her,
    * Dine her,
    * Call her,
    * Hug her,
    * Support her,
    * Hold her,
    * Surprise her,
    * Compliment her,
    * Smile at her,
    * Listen to her,
    * Laugh with her,
    * Cry with her,
    * Romance her,
    * Encourage her,
    * Believe in her,
    * Pray with her,
    * Pray for her,
    * Cuddle with her,
    * Shop with her,
    * Give her jewelry,
    * Buy her flowers,
    * Hold her hand,
    * Write love letters to her,
    * Go to the end of the Earth and back again for her.

    How to impress a man:

    * Show up naked... Bring food... Don't block the TV...

    Just wanted to say, I know all men aren't like that so don't jump on me about it, just thought it was cute.

  • LuckyLucy

    Don't forget...bring him a cold beer,every 15 minutes.

  • JanH


    Show up naked... Bring food...

    Nope. Bring beer.

    Just wanted to say, I know all men aren't like that so don't jump on me about it, just thought it was cute.

    Heck, except for the TV part (don't even have one), it would work on me

    Personally, I think men were treated better than women in that comparison. Perhaps you should say that not all women are like that. Or are they?

    - Jan

  • sundialer

    Show up naked and bring beer was how I had heard it.

    Silk kimono and bottle of wine works too.

  • Jesika

    I agree with the beer comment guys, I dont know why I didn't change that before I posted it.

    JanH----------- No not all women are like that, I know I am not, but being a tomboy makes the approach a little different. Put me in frount of a football game with beer and pizza and I love it!!!!!!!!!!! Romance is cool, but if you over do it on me it makes me kinda sick.

  • FiveShadows

    interesting how in both accounts...their equally SELFISH. Women want to be impressed by ..this ...and etc... so just want beer...and for women to show up naked. So maybe it's just me and my little voice in my heart...but both are SELFISH. and to accuse one more then the other...or to downgrade one over the other seems like a hypocrite. Perhaps if everyone instead of accusing the opposite sex of what kind of they really are..need to look at themselves in the mirror and say..." much more so is this person selfish then me ...where as i want to be impressed by beer and nudity...and she wants to be impressed by make HER feel special." Perhaps a world where everyone instead of asking and taking should give and offer...would be a better place. ~FS

  • sundialer

    The real mistake is to take a joke seriously.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Jesika, let me add this thought to the list, 'Make her think she has control over you.' OK, I don't fit the criteria perfectly but having money does talk.

    I enjoyed reading your lengthy list on how to 'impress' a man. Naked and food, what together? A great cook, brainy, and has a great sense of humor and attitude. Not afraid to be outspoken and supportive. POSITIVE. Is that ideal enough?

    Guest 77

  • Jesika

    Now Five,

    This was only done in humor, hence the ending. Lighten up, not all men or women fall in these catagories. I have a very unselfish relationship, and it is a give and take on both ends.

    Like I said before, it was something I found funny, not to be analyized. Hope your day gets better, you sound very serious today.

    LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!!!!

  • Jesika

    To guest77

    All I have to say is AMEN!!!!!!!!!!

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