The Weed AMONG the wheat ..NOT.."the weed overgrowed the wheat" Misunderstood parabel about anointed and about Gods patience

by TheWonderofYou 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Vidiot

    MessianicChristian - "I've been thinking lately: should I stay in the org and just believe what I believe?"


    ...if you don't mind the inevitable nervous f**king breakdown.

  • TheWonderofYou

    Dear MessianicChristian,

    thanks for your extensive comment on the subjects parable of the weeds, FDS-Class and what is church in general.

    First I appreciate your comment that you made that in the parable Jesus did not mean special classes or groups e.g. the slave who asks " Didnt you sow good wheat?" is not a class or group but a role created for rethoric question reason like in all parables. This attracts my attention because the Faithful slave too would of course not a group but merely a figure create to shake us up. I am no linguist an no theologian, I am only collecting what is interesing for me. Sometimes I am shocked how one-sided someone can interprete the bible.

    I accept your interpretation of the church history, that you think there was no "true" church at all, but a some kind of "imitating" church but I cannot understand it. You mention some facts e.g. the deleting of Tetragrammaton from the LXX Septuaginta, or some versions of it, of which I read, but I have read the contrary too, where I dont know now, it is of course very important fact if you say that the church deleted Gods name from the Bible, as JW do, i would like to talk about it later, and that the the "christianity" has a fake Jesus, an demiurg Jesus, a platonic Jesus, perhaps even an pagan jesus OMG, ,,, my first thought, didnt already the first christian resist gnosics, didnt the Catolic church resist the gnostic misinterpretation, because Jesus would be demiurg, and you say the contrary..... confuses me totally. Okay perhaps somehow I will check the matter someone.

    Are you member of a group called messian christian, are you messian jew? do you know Roger Liebi? I like to watch his videos about prophesies e.g. he interprets that the people of Israel will return to Israel and how many prophesies have been fulfilled in the last years, that a 3rd temple will be built, that then jesus will come to earth and then everything will be super. Yes messianic Jews already prepare the 3rd temple now. The end is near. And their will be Armagedon yes in Megidoo, and he shows the details about the battle, where the events will take place, from where the king of north is coming, everyhting in detail he finds in the bible. Also you hear that the Medes were the type for the antipye Kurds. I liked to watch because of the similarities of messianic jews, JW and adventists, but after watching all that stuff, I am always been happy that I dont believe in these antitype-phantasiy may itcome from JW, adventist, mormon or messianic jews altogether I dont like type-antitype religions. It makes me addicted to always more more more hear always more more more types .......... and yet more antitypes to understand the fulfilment of the prophesies.

    The catolic church in contrary is very restraint with all chiliastic and type-antitype phantasies.

    E.g. Will the Mede destory Bablyon, will the Kurd destory the iraq terrorists? "That medes would destroy Bablyon" See, I will stir up against them the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold. Their bows will strike down the young men; they will have no mercy on infants nor will they look with compassion on children. Babylon, the jewel of kingdoms, the glory of the Babylonians’ pride, will be overthrown by God like Sodom and Gomorrah. She will never be inhabited or lived in through all generations; no Arab will pitch his tent there, no shepherd will rest his flocks there. (Isaiah 13:17-20)

    I liked to watch because of the similarities of messianic jews, JW and adventists, but after watching all that stuff, I am always been happy that I dont believe in these misinterpretations my they come from JW, adventsit, mormon or messianic jews altogther mainly a type-antitype religion concept that makes addicted to always more more more prophesies.......more more more types .......... and yet more antitypes.

    The catolic church in contrary is very restraint with all chiliastic and type-antitype phantasies.


    P.S. Isn't the Catolic church critisized in many films because it fought the gnostics books and dit not include the gnosic writings into the bible canon? Why then could it happen that the church adopted gnosic ideas? Apostasy into the greek philosophy, why should they do that?

  • TheWonderofYou

    The poisonous effect of the weed (zizania)... Lolium temulentum, derives from fungus who uses through a parasite this beautiful weed as host. The symptoms of vertigo and vomitting, paralysis and death, disturbance of equilibrium .....are from a fungus.

    In the antic there were people that collected seeds of the weed to feed chickens. Some people were so mad to sowe it on cornfields of concurrents. Ulpian an antic lawyer wrote about the legal consequences of such a behaviour. Obviously such basenesses were common in antic.

  • TheWonderofYou

    Only not forget that there are many who understand this parable of WHEAT AMONG WEED not like Jehovahs witnesses.

    May I remind you that JW understand the parable to mean: "there was no appointed FAITHFUL SLAVE until 19..[forgot which year exactly] because everything before was only WEED christianty and there was null sign of wheat christians before....moment Russel... or 1919 [appointment of Slave but not yet GB]

    but most christians understand Jesus word similar like the following statement:

    'Jesus taught us that in the course of time there will be events of apocalyptic dimensions. These apocalyptic events are times of decision. Ever more during these events the good seeds would grow up, a good seed that has been planted in the "field" by God.

    But the evil would grow up till its last consequence, the final shape of evil. To this belongs the political and religious seduction, breakdown of any moral halt, persecution, blackmail, war and violence, hunger crisis for body and soul,
    The evil will impose itself as might and right over everybody. This would be a time when the antichrist would claim rulership over hearts and the meaning of Christs kingdom would be irrelevant.

    Jesus taught in images to say what was important for the future believers. Only after the good and evil seeds would be evolved the harvesting would take place.

    The endtime would be a time of decision and clear light. As the consequences of good and evil would be clearly visible, light and shadows would be better to distinguish. In the endtime everyhting would be grown-up.


    Jehovahs witnesses see wheat only in the endtime that contradicts the parable because where does the parable say that the wheat would suddenly spontaneously grow up in the endtime 1919 and had not grown up over the centuries?


    The Parable of the Weeds Among the Wheat. 24 He proposed another parable to them.[a] “The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a man who sowed good seed in his field. 25 While everyone was asleep his enemy came and sowed weeds[b] all through the wheat, and then went off. 26 When the crop grew and bore fruit, the weeds appeared as well.27 The slaves of the householder came to him and said, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where have the weeds come from?’28 He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’ His slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’ 29 He replied, ‘No, if you pull up the weeds you might uproot the wheat along with them. 30 Let them grow together until harvest;[c] then at harvest time I will say to the harvesters, “First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles for burning; but gather the wheat into my barn.”’”
    Here the key passage is that the CROP GREW ASWELL over the centuries not only the WEED! The CROP didnt appear spontaneously in 1919 as Faithful Slave TM

    Again in the NWT Rev. the crop is called stalk, but there was always fruit - good and evil fruit.

    24 He presented another illustration to them, saying: “The Kingdom of the heavens may be likened to a man who sowed fine seed in his field. 25 While men were sleeping, his enemy came and oversowed weeds in among the wheat and left. 26 When the stalk sprouted and produced fruit, then the weeds also appeared.
  • TheWonderofYou

    My argument was that wheat and weed very well produced always fruit and that thus the faithful slave is very well 1900 years old. That was Governing Body's Brother Splane explicit declaration that there was not slave before 1919.

    Further info and summary here, thanks to Beroean Pickets!


    Check up this interesting link:

    I came to see that 1914 has no scriptural significance whatsoever. That 1919 does not mark the appointment of the faithful steward. That there is no Scriptural basis for the Governing Body to assume the title of faithful and discreet slave.
    From "Where else can we go" by Meleti Vivlon

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