The Weed AMONG the wheat ..NOT.."the weed overgrowed the wheat" Misunderstood parabel about anointed and about Gods patience

by TheWonderofYou 24 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • TheWonderofYou

    Referring to tim3l0rd who posted 12 days ago following message (see below) and the postings in which the "scattered" non organised anointed from 100 CE - 1900 CE are discussed, and the parabel of the weed AMONG the wheat, I found out that it is not necessary at all that a "Slave class" of anointed does itself distincts frome the weed , founds a new separated church,declares itself clean and holy, and begins a denunciating and destructive unnecessary harvesting. The Slave class of anointed should have better remained in the church and waited for Jesus judgement.

    tim310rd wrote: This goes along with the 2013 WT that changed the definition of the FDSL. There would be a period where the anointed were not discernible because the "enemy" was sowing weeds and they were allowed to grow together with the wheat.
    WT 7/15/2013:: 4 Speaking about the wheat and the weeds, Jesus said: “Let both grow together until the harvest.” This command reveals that from the first century until today, there have always been some anointed wheatlike Christians on earth. That conclusion is confirmed by what Jesus later told his disciples: “I am with you all the days until the conclusion of the system of things.” (Matt. 28:20) So anointed Christians would be protected by Jesus all the days leading up to the time of the end. However, since they were overgrown by weedlike Christians, we do not know for certain who belonged to the wheat class during that long period of time. However, some decades before the start of the harvest season, the wheat class became discernible. How did that come about?

    Did you discover the how the WT misuses Jesus parable?

    Read Matthew 13,24-30.36-43 The allegory is called "The Weed AMONG THE Wheat. Yes the parable says let both grow.... but the point: Jesus did not say that the Weed would ever overgrow the weat. That invention of the WT "overgrown by weedlike christians" are not Jesus thoughts. Thus JW give the impression that at a special time (perhaps 1900) the wheatlike would liberate themselves from the weedlikes and so the anonted ones would be cognizable or discernable as Wheat class to all mankind.
    Jesus spoke of a phenomen of agriculture, there is wheat and there is weed. The same thing we should await in the church. Nothing more to interprete. For Jesus it was something totally normal that in the church would be the same phenomen. There would be wheat and weed, thats an allegory.
    Jesus does not teach us here that we shall gather the wheat, that:

    • it is our job to inihilate the weed,
    • to separate us from the weed
    • to excommuncate the weed,
    • to make a new clean wheat church without weed
    • to fight against the evil ones and to destroy the weed already now with root and branch,
    • to scrunch the people, wound the existences, blow off the hope by shunning and excommunicating the weed
    • to be devotional radicalists
    • to have holy eagerness
    • to fight against the WT
    • to print sectiarian charlatan proganda against the church
    • to establish clear circumstances here and now.

    Really? At least in this parable I cant find something like that only patience. But I would like to burn down the weed.toooooooo.....Why does he allow us to fail? Why the failure in the church...the failure of Governing body?

    Yes thats the sencse of the parable, but are we not ourselves a little bit wheat and a little bit weed sometimes? Cant we wait for Jesus?
    Cant we hear his call to be merciful anymore, he wants to heal and to save not burn down the weed, he shows us ony our heart,
    If we would be in the regime we would burn down the weed, but not so Jesus. We live of his patience. The church is a manifold phenomon, but jesus bears up with that circumstances, have condience in Jesus.
    P.S. Some thoughts are from a book about the parables that I read , and it serves well to destroy the JW misunderstanding with root and brunch ....ohh sorry, to have patience. with them.;-)
  • FusionTheism

    And one other point I'd add:

    David Splane, in the New 1900 Years Video, makes the comment that we don't know if anyone was anointed or not during those 1900 years.

    So David Splane is saying it's possible there was no wheat at all for 1900 years.

    How would that fit with the prophecy?

  • TheWonderofYou

    The parabel does not say that the anointed or the faithfull servant class are appointed by Jesus to be harvesters. Its not their job at all. They shall wait as Jesus waits and has patience. Time for patience not harvest.

    "Faithful servant" and "Weed among Wheat" are parables no prophesies.

    Fusion: To What prophesy do you mean should it fit?

  • StarTrekAngel
    Besides, to consider that the absolute or relative size of the growth means something at all, is going back to the type-antitype issue, which they just discarded. So in essence, "truths" that were revealed as "new light" as little as 2 years ago is no longer valid.
  • TheWonderofYou

    FusionTheism: No wheat at all for 1900 or 1800 years would not fit to the parable, because wheat grows allways togehter with weed, so if weed grows alone that would be a misuse of the parable.
    But the parable cant be used as timeline measure.

    The begin of the parable "with the coming of the kingdom of heavens is similar to"...does not offer a timeline of happenings within the history. This expression was used by jewish rabbis and scribes in the 1st century often to tell aboout right behaviour and insight into the faith at the present time, that not a prophesy about what happens later. "It is like in this story..." In Mark 4,26-29 too the author of the gospel does not tell something about the ongoing growth of the church, of a process in history, because the farmer is mentioned only in the beginning and in the end. In the meantime the farmer can do nothing, only sleep and wait and get up in the morning. Automatical completley without the farmer the harvest ist done, a harvest that is described by Joel in 4,13, as Gods impact, than Gods time is here. So in the parables of sowing and harvesting and likewise of the growing wheat the process of growing is not important. #

    It simple tells of the the wondeful intervention of God, who lets grow the semen after it is led into the ground, of the wonder that through gods intervention the fruit grows and new life rises. No man could hinder God or speed up this. With the kingdom of God is is likewise.. we can trust to that Gods sets begin and end of the harvest.
    Not a churchhistory of growing, building activities, growing number of church-buildings, or human activities like projects e.g. is described, but the contrast between sowing and harvesting as a divine wonder. That was typical jewish thinking of that time period, that the sowing and harvesting are a divine wonder.

    Likewises we can trust in the Kingdom of God is a divine wonder. "Its like in this story..." Nothing more can be read out of the parable. As already mentioned the wheat and weed parable likewise teaches that we can trust in the wonder that God will somehow protect the wheat among the weed.

    My verdict is that the wonder of the wheat among the weed is a reference to Gods intervention, but no reference to an intervention of the faithful servant or the anointed in the harvesting, that they should burn the weed.

  • paradisebeauty


    I suppose it is not ok for us to criticize the wt, too. Or maybe just worthless use of our time ....

    I've been thinking lately: should I stay in the org and just believe what I believe?

    What bothers me about them is their exclusivism, interdictions to visit other churches / christian meetings, and other unbiblical interdictions. (And the fact that if you suddenly start partaking they think you are crazy)

  • TheWonderofYou

    In the night I had some additional thoughts about the matter:

    Parable of Wheat and Weed:

    The author of the gospel called Matthew (gospel = good news of Jesus, who heals us), may have chosen these parable of Jesus into his collection because there was alread towards the end of the 1 st century a situation, that some lived a merciful life according to Jesus others not.

    Check what was the lesson of the parable for you and the anointed, for whom the bible was written maninly:

    1. Brothers and sister who are not conform, should be called "weedlike christians"

    2. Anointed ones who are sure to understand and have a good attitude should be try to free themselves of any contact with weedlike christian, found a splittergroup of righteous and clean whorshippers or sit in the congregation on special places to demonstrate their anger.

    3. There is a season of sowing and a season of harvest, the anointed have the duty to sow the good news,
    in the latters days they shall take part in the harvesting, not be merciful to the weedlike and throw them out of the community.

    4. The sowing is plenty likewise God shows his love, the harvest is rough and rude, merciless.

    5. The farmer does only his job, he knows that his work is not so important, because God is the one that let grow and that will supervise the harvesting. God will achieve what he intends. So it is with the the kingdom of God.

    Which is the best?

  • prologos
    since after the harvest no vegetation is left that keeps on growing, naturally reproducing like "miracle wheat", the parable makes no room for the "Great Crowd" of "Other Sheep" , after all, if almost all from the 1900 years past partakers are to be resurrected, it would billions of them on earth, and only a smidgen up there in the heavenly store houses.
  • Bonsai

    I'd like to point out that wheat is good, but weed is way better! I thank god incessantly for all the wonderful variety of herbs we have at our disposal!

  • flipper

    I wish there WAS " weed " available among the wheat when we used to attend meetings. Would have made meetings much more tolerable

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