Publishers' Comments-Bill Bowen

by twain30 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • seawolf

    yeah those comments about sum it up for what I've heard, too.

    "the governing body isn't to blame--they're from God."


  • In_between_days

    "We expect htis kind of persecution as we near the time of the end"

    My JW family

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I'm surprised that "He/She deserved it." was included!

  • Pistoff

    without a doubt, every witness i know save my wife, thinks he is apostate and a liar. Of course, they have NOT even picked up a paper or gone on the net, or watched the shows........

    Here is why: when reality meets entrenched erroneous belief, reality has NO CHANCE and the reality is what is changed, ergo, bill must be apostate, it must be lies, and once again the FSD is vindicated.

    I am not kidding, this is making me sick to my stomach; i don't know how much longer I can take walking in both worlds. I can't stomach the meetings when I know what is going on, and I can't let wife and son go without me.

  • cruzanheart

    To Pistoff: Trust your wife to be smart enough to realize what's going on sooner or later. My husband (Big Tex - isn't his baby picture cute?) did that for me, even though it was tough for him to see us going every week. But he knew I wasn't stupid and we were able to talk about how I felt and how he felt. Finally I had enough and quit going. I feel that's best for the children, as well as for me. We don't want our children to grow up to either be abused or turn into abusers, and that seems to be the only two choices. Going to meetings made poor ol' Tex physically ill on a number of occasions, as it did to me the last couple of times I went, so don't do that to yourself. And teach your son to go into every situation with his eyes wide open. My mom, who was very devout, was also an extremely suspicious woman who trusted no man in authority (childhood issues - her dad was a Greek Orthodox priest) and she raised me to question everything and everyone. God gave us a brain with the intention that we use it, and I hope and pray that your wife will one day open her eyes and see the REAL truth. Lots of love, Nina

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    "No man can slave for two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will stick ot he one and despise the other." - Matt. 6:24

    There comes a time in everyone's life when they must make a choice. In this case, loyalty to an organisation or the ability to see the world as it truly is. The search for truth is scary and dangerous, full of pitfalls and surprises, and wonders and delights few behold.

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