CNN Shoot Over/Pics

by silentlambs 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • silentlambs

    The pics above are the ones shot at my home with a satellite uplink to to CNN.

    The CNN spot is done. It was a ten minute interview with myself, Heidi and Amber. Connie Chung read the Watchtower statement about how much they abhor child molestation and asked ou eaction. I think you will find the comments interesting. It was a short span of time to try and say so much, but the message was delivered and once again the truth was exposed as well as who the lying hypocrites are. Amber and Heidi looked fabulous and spoke just as well. They made a courageous statement for all that have been harmed by WT policy.


  • teenyuck

    I cannot wait to see! Thanks for all your work!

  • Zanniesmom

    Do you have any extras of the T-shirts?


  • Derrick

    Hi Bill,
    Excellent work!

    Should the Watchtower Society ever respond to Christian reformation and JWs are given the privilege of voting for Society officers, then you should surely get nominated to a Governing Body post.

    It is extremely rare to see someone like yourself take a stand for others unable to protect themselves, with no prospect of an earthly reward, and while facing bitter persecution.

    I do hope that a wealthy philathropist will take on the cause of giving silent lambs a voice and recompense, and launch Silentlambs into permanent "high orbit" where those who love darkness cannot shoot it down.


  • scootergirl

    Anxiously awaiting Connie, Bill and girls..........25 minutes and counting............

  • Larry

    Bill - How can I get one of those T-shirts? Will you distribute them at the march?

    Peace - LL

  • plmkrzy
  • plmkrzy

    If you "right click" on the pic you can set it as the background on your monitor

    Also you can "right click" on the pic and send it as and e-mail card

    Oh, and for those who have an e-mail program (like incredimail) installed on your PC you can save it as stationary by "right click" also.

    Edited by - plmkrzy on 14 August 2002 20:10:17

  • Sunspot

    Bill, I clicked the link three times and it froze my system------so I'm back and have CNN on right now----they're talking about Nancy Chavez, return (NICE to have a SAFE return, huh?) but expect to see "our" interview soon!

    Keep up the great work LAMBS!

    SILENT no MORE!!!!!!

    Warm hugs.......(hit 101 degrees here today-north of Syracuse NY)


  • plmkrzy

    For those who would like to order a Transcript It will be updated probably tomorrow

    Here is the page and link:

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