How strong were you in “The Truth?”

by John Aquila 15 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    When you were still asleep in the Watchtower Organization and had no idea of TTATT. Not one bit.

    What would you have done if you were in a serious accident and all of a sudden you woke up in the emergency hospital room with all the brothers and sisters at your side and your spouse cheering you on to be faithful to Jehovah.

    Then the doctor comes up to you and tells you that you are about to go into surgery because there is no time to lose and the only way to live is to take a blood transfusion ?

    Would you have been willing to die and leave your family just to stay faithful to Jehovah? Or would you have succumbed to a lack of faith and taken the blood?

    Aren’t you glad you never had to deal with it?

  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2

    Well I lost a lot of blood after having an emergency C section after being in labour for 36 hours 26 years ago. I had already signed the forms to say I did not want blood beforehand.

    At that time, even though obviously I didn't want to die having my first baby, I truly believed that if I died I would wake up in paradise but that if I took the blood I may live temporarily but would not get through Armageddon and would ultimately lose out on the 'real life' in the new system.

    Fortunately I didn't die then and got to bring up my baby. But guess I'm going to die now (one day).

  • John Aquila
    John Aquila
    disillusioned 2

    Fortunately I didn't die then and got to bring up my baby.

    That's a big deal, I knew a few who did refused and died. that was about 40 years ago. They missed out on a lot. Now I feel sorry for them. They had no idea.

  • adjusted knowledge
    adjusted knowledge
    I became inactive at about 18 and would taken the blood. Prior to that it would probably be up to my parents. However from age 13-17 if I had the choice I wouldn't of taken the blood.
  • disillusioned 2
    disillusioned 2

    John Aquila

    So many have died, very sad. Also they would have believed they wouldn't have had to wait long to be resurrected as ' the end' was so close!

  • NewYork44M
    I was a firm believer. However, at the same time I was highly embarrassed about my religion. I went to all the meetings and did all the stuff you are supposed to do. In the end I realized that I was going through the motions.
  • talesin

    I left the Lie when I was 18, and after a few years, had no qualms about breaking any of the JW rules.

    When I was 40, I had a bad miscarriage. I was hemmorhaging (gushing, actually). It was midnight when we got to the Emerg, and the OR didn't open till 7 a.m.. They were trying to wait till morning, instead of calling in an OBGYN to operate in the middle of the night. A blood transfusion was an imminent possibility.

    In my drugged-up and confused state, pain, on the drip, etc.,,, I was glad the next day, that my partner was there to sign the permission form. We had discussed it previously (when I made him my NOK), and he knew that I had no qualms - logically - about having a transfusion, BUT

    Even after all those years, the blood issue was so ingrained in my psyche, that when I got out of surgery, I was relieved it was not *me* who signed the permission form.

    It's a strange feeling, bleeding out ... it doesn't hurt,, you just drift off and feel weaker and weaker ... I think it would be an easy death and escape from pain. If I had been JW at the time, it would have been easy to refuse a transfusion while I was in that state, especially with the support of the "Brothers". xx

    Have I said recently, how much I abhor this Death Cult????

    (PS - as it turned out, they were able to slow down the bleeding, and did not give me a transfusion. They only give them when you really NEED them, since HIV.)

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    I was a true believer and I would have died from lack of a blood transfusion. I saw through them though on the issue of the organization's self worship. I forget what I did with my blood card but I must have thrown it away shortly after my disfellowshipping.

  • StrongHaiku
    I was so "in the Truth" that when I left at 24, I felt like a "stranger in a strange land". Even just the idea of thinking for myself was foreign to me. That's how much in the JW bubble I was.
  • John Aquila
    John Aquila

    Wow! A lot of us just barely made it alive out of the cult.

    How easy it would have been to just refuse and die.

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