Does this make me a terrible person

by Clambake 42 Replies latest jw experiences

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions


    I accidentally hit the "like" instead of "dislike" button on the OP. . . . .

    Ummmmmmmm. . .. . .Really????????

  • DJS


    More blame shifting. Expected. Now I know why I never agree with anything you write. EVERY thing I wrote was 100 % accurate. If you can rationally de-construct anything I wrote, have at it.

    That you have a problem with any of it is YOUR problem. Deal with it. Grow up. Do some soul searching. Look in the mirror. Without vomiting if possible.

    Lots of us have held up a mirror for you to see what you are in this matter. The picture isn't pretty. Rather than humbly and quietly admit it you blame shift, rationalize, justify and name call.

    You should have stopped with post 1. You had a chance to salvage any view that we have about what you are. I'm trying to help you; you have to let me.

  • Clambake

    How many elderly people do you care for DJS ?

    What exactly is your claim to sainthood ?

  • DJS


    Once again you blame shift and accuse in a lame attempt to draw attention from the blackness in your personality. I made no such claim, only that, in this particular type of incident, the type of thoughts and machinations never entered my mind for one micro-second. Ever. And please tell me what difference how many elderly I've taken care of matter in this matter. Whatever I've done has been for one purpose - to do the right thing for no other reason than it is the right thing to do, without fear of some sky god killing or rewarding me.

    You might try that. Once you get past the blame shifting, rationalizing, red herring, straw man excuse making, justifying, name calling stuff. One more time: everything I said to you is 100% accurate. If you find fault in any of it please, by all means, de-construct it analytically. Otherwise, keep quiet and show some humility for once.

  • scary21

    Clambake, when you said you are disappointed in the WW brotherhood, I know what you mean. They kicked my elderly mother under the bus, and told her that the worldly neighbor should help her.

    For 57 years she was told they were all brothers and sisters, and worldly people were not to be trusted, until she got old and needed some help then worldly people were just fine.

    WT got not a penny more from my mom, and she was very hurt in her heart. What a horrible thing to say and do to a faithful sister who spent most of her life as a JW.

    I was so disappointed........I couldn't believe they could be so I know....

  • LAWHFol
    DJS - You too have a Blackness, in your soul.. It's called arrogance.
  • DJS


    Bullshit. You don't know me other than a few posts, so you don't know that my arrogance is exceeded by my humility. What I said to CB was accurate and he needed to hear it. He doesn't need to hear love me do shit. There are some issues with him, and those of you who placate him are doing him no favors. If you, or CB, can deconstruct anything I said on this OP have at it. You don't like the manner in which I delivered it? Too bad. Sometimes it is sweet; sometimes, eh, not so much.

    And those of you using the dislike button, please, give me all you got. Cause that's all you got. Come out and play if you have a rational argument. Or stay safely behind your mouse with your pettiness. It's all the same to me.

  • scary21

    I don't think your a terrible person.I think it may cross my mind if I were taking care of someone, but I would never say a word to them.It's her money to give to................

    My great uncle left $150,000 to my sister and 0 to me.That was ok...his money.

    Does she slip you a few bucks when you cut her lawn or a little something for gas if you run her around ?

    If she does, she may give you a little something ,but if not, remember you did a good and nice thing for this elderly friend and that is a reward in its self.

  • millie210



    you can't put lipstick on this part of CB's piggish personality and come away with anything other than a pig. With lipstick.

    LOTS of us have been frustrated with life and especially with the Dark Tower and Dark Lords. Lots of us would never ever even consider this type of greedy grab. Your kindness is off base this time. Not everyone who tells you sweet things is your friend, Millie and CB, and not everyone telling you harsh things is your enemy.

    That was a pretty nice disagree DJS.

    Its been said that tact is the ability to step on someones toes without messing up the shine on their shoes. I think you just did that with me.

    I personally love the diversity of opinion and all of you here have helped me so much. Perhaps when its all said and done the folks here will have helped me more than anyone ever. has by getting me through the transition to the real world.

    I owe a lot to each of you and to this forum. I remember something Giordano said:

    "remember that this is your tribe"

    In view of that, what does kindness hurt? It may not help but what does it hurt?

    As to your thought about not every one telling you what you dont want to hear being an enemy I couldnt agree with you more. You have that exactly right. Its a good reminder for me. I do tend to be idealistic and you perhaps are more realistic so its good for me to hang around with people like you.

    In this case however I dont think what appears on the surface is ALL there is to the story, Clambake is worried about his wife and the upcoming birth of his child, He would be worried as any normal man would except because his wife is a JW, he has extra to worry about. I think he is under the strain of that right now.

    He also (reading his words and between the lines a bit) gives a lot of personal time and attention to this older lady. Perhaps her kids or relatives or she herself is taking advantage of him and his wife unwittingly? . How do we know? Our only story is coming from a person who is upset and revealing the details gradually as he goes.

    Nevertheless, he is upset and stressed and STILL trying to help this woman.

    He needs to separate the money issue out from the rest of it and see what hes got then. Thats the process of making a good decision. You being a realist Im sure you already know that.

    If he would still help her if she didnt have a penny, then what does that say about him as a person?

    Wait, am I deconstructing this? LOL

  • steve2

    Millie, I so get where you are coming from. I could not fault your generous capacity for empathizing with and speaking kindly about Clambake's situation.

    At the same time, I suspect your kind words were received by Clambake as endorsing his dysregulated sentiments. It is virtually always helpful to get inside someone's shoes and see the world from their view and take a more compassionate view. But.....

    Equally, you do not want your empathy to obscure justified concern over a viewpoint that seeks to justify what would amount to abuse of an elderly and vulnerable lady - now there's a lady who deserves your generosity of empathy (and she probably doesn't have a clue what is going through Clambake's mind)!

    The urge to empathize needs to be balanced against the need to give a very clear response to Clambake's opening question.

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