Are Jehovah's Witnesses Christian or Cult, Do JWs Offer Solutions for Local and Global Problems of life?

by skepticSam 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • skepticSam

    The Awake on "Hope for the Homelessness" was one of the worse illustrations how the Cult has no love for anyone that can't provide donations to further this spiritual Ponzi scheme! The premise of this Awake made no sense, I've read many books and took classes on social issues affecting mankind, the Awake does not help fix the problem. What did this magazine offer those who are suffering the humiliation of living out of their cars or "tent city" or under a bridge? '

    1. All the stories in the Mag begin by someone taking the homeless person a religious tract and they show up to the Kingdom Hall.

    2. The Homeless person than attend's the Kingdom Hall and is effected by the love-bombing even though this person is unclean and dressed in rags, often when I helped with some of the real messes they smelled bad, really bad! Step 2 the Watchtower showed was "attending the Meeting and changing their thoughts".

    3. The homeless person had a issue with substance abuse, therefore "all homeless people are doing something wrong and that's why they don't have a home!" For example "Carlos was spending all his money on alcohol, drugs and tobacco which costed him lots of money, when Carlos took life seriously(read the tract, interacted with the potential Bible study teacher) he stopped using all substances because he realized Jehovah God demands we treat our body like a temple! Carlos soon had more disposable income to save with a goal of getting a house or change his situation!

    4. Carlos followed all the Watchtower Organization's advice, the elders or publishers soon helped Carlos fill out the government paperwork and vouched that he was a good person and should qualify for government housing! What can we learn from the Awake's thought provoking information and solid answers that give the reader insight inside the lives of broken people? How did you benefit by reading the Awake's article on "Hope for the Homeless?"

    a. Personal change begins with a tract, if you have a local "Compound" or bridge or tent-city where they congregate, head down the hill and hand out tracts because the solution to solve homelessness is sitting in your tract folder!

    b. Homeless people need to attend meetings and show interest in the promised Kingdom to come, only by attending the Meetings and Bible Studies will the Jehovah's Witness(talent scouter from the Watchtower) find time to help the downtrodden and poor get help to become 'housed', and eventually a church recruit!

    c. Once the homeless person becomes more involved with the Congregation and only than, will the Jehovah's Witnesses begin helping them seek help by local authorities after they prove they merit the "recruiters" time! If they don't study or attend the Meeting, all the Jehovah's Witness can drive by with a clean conscience knowing they did everything they could to help solve these local and national problems even the professionals are seeking answers to. It was so easy to solve and find fault with a Watchtower and Awake trained eye, all problems are so easily fixed according to the stupid things we all have heard Witnesses say!

    The solutions are so simple and we all know what simpletons JWs are, they will read this magazine and think "Oh, those people are alcoholics, drug addicts, lazy and don't want the "lifesaving message of the Truth!" reinforcing the faulty statement I started this paragraph with, the solution to all these problems is far from simple, it's exhausting to the professionals who deal with this problem on a daily basis and must find ways to turn this off when they get home. I know people who work with teenagers that have babies living on the street, these church members seek them out, give them diapers, enough for half-a-week(If you give them a bag, some do take them back to the store for credit to buy beer and let the kids soak in fecal matter) and help get food for the mother and baby. The Social Workers are stumped, one of my friends read the magazine and asked "Are the writers 5 or 6 year-old because they make the issue so simple and vague, it's a way of shirking their responsibility towards the poor!"

    Do you think this magazine offered any help inside the plight of the Poor and Homeless members of the World or was written by some rich tycoon trying to make the people believe it's the Poor's fault they are that way! We are all distracted by the social injustices happening before our eyes, in the United States things are reverting because people thought the hundreds of years of guilt and pain carried by each side of racial issues magically disappeared because we elected a Black President(had nothing to do with the fact he was the best candidate at the time and we were sick of the oligopoly running the system!). During the 1860s to 1930s we had real Religious Preachers and fighters trying to fight the System for Social Justice while JWs back than did not care about the Racial Strife, the Poor or Income Inequality because they were so self-absorbed, some things never change do they?[search_id]=169039ef-ed69-4d61-b495-4c77b6cb0c9b&insight[search_result_index]=0

  • zimunzucz

    the elders or publishers soon helped Carlos fill out the government paperwork and vouched that he was a good person and should qualify for government housing!

    While JWs may tell the public that jehoovers kingdom is the only hope for mankind, they belie that claim by their constant reliance of Caesar's social welfare programs. I tell JWs they are social parasites= they suck all the material good they can from human society, but seldom do any public charitable work of a material nature to help their less fortunate fellow man.

    of course JWs will try to deny that accusation- but I have an ace up my sleeve-- the speed dial number on my iphone for the largest food pantry in the area.

    "here Mr elder, call them up and tell them to deliver a donation barrel to your KH so you can collect food from your JW members to help the poor- like Jesus would do."

    I have yet to have a JW take me up on that offer-- they hang their head and walk away as I call out-- There goes another JW social parasite. What would Jesus say?

  • DJS
    To answer your OP: a. The Dark Tower is a Cult; and b. The Dark Lords can't help anyone with anything. As for the rest of your OP, it is sprinkled with truths. However, a lot of homeless people have brought their situation on themselves. That isn't lacking compassion and it doesn't mean they all have, but to ignore that many have caused their plight is to also bury one's head in the sand, which also won't help their condition.
  • jhine

    They have the nerve to criticise churches in Christendom that do run food banks and homeless shelters . They seem to see it as bribery .I once heard the term " rice Christians " said in a very derogatory tone about people in third world countries accepting food from Christian organisations .


  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake

    As to the title question:

    CHRISTIANITY is a cult. So the answer is just 'yes'

  • punkofnice
    Welcome S/Sam -
    Are Jehovah's Witnesses Christian or Cult, Do JWs Offer Solutions for Local and Global Problems of life?

    Jehovah's witnesses are a cult. They offer nothing of much use..they want your money whether you are alive or dead.

    Avoid this disgusting high control group.

  • Jonathan Drake
    Jonathan Drake
    What the hell I meant to type 'no' I swear. Lol
  • 1tMakesNoSence
    How can they ever offer a solution for Local or Global problems of life when they are waiting and hoping for it to become worse so that the Great Tribulation can Start so that everything and everyone else can die.

  • av8orntexas

    They say they're not a cult.

    In their words...everyone has free will given to them by Je-hober. Free to exercise it at ANY time. the fine print. May be excercised at anytime except in regards to one's personal feelings or opinions of the 'truth.' At that point the cult rules,regulations and bylaws come into full play and you need to adjust your 'thinking'.

    Naaaah. That's not like a cult.

  • Gulf Coaster
    Gulf Coaster

    There are various checklists online of what constitutes a cult versus Christianity or religion. The bOrg checks just about everything on the various lists. Control, isolationism, exclusivism, authoritarian leadership, no independent thinking allowed, fear of being disfellowshipped & ostracized from your family/friends, emotional blackmail, threats of demon attack, etc.

    I've been a Catholic myself and count some Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, Anglicans, Muslims, etc., as friends. I don't find their belief systems as being as cult-like as the JWs. They're more casual and perhaps nominal than how JWs treat their belief system. Of course if we're talking very devout Catholics and Orthodox Jews, then it gets less distinct to me, especially the latter.

    As far as that airy-fairy story about how JDubs can help the homeless, many of the homeless suffer mental illnesses. Some stupid propaganda tract is going to do squat.

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